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Monday, December 05, 2005

Texas - judge Refused To Dismiss Charges Against DeLay

AUSTIN, Texas - A Texas judge has refused to dismiss money laundering charges against Rep. Tom DeLay but threw out conspiracy charges.


  • At 7:28 PM, Blogger myhumbleopinion said…

    Because this story is encircled with politics but is not politics on it’s own it’s a golden opportunity to discuss the long held view of both liberal and conservative minded people charging that the main stream media is politically bias

    Here are the headlines of the main websites

    Fox news:

    Some Charges Dropped
    Judge throws out conspiracy counts against DeLay

    Cbs news:

    Judge Upholds Some DeLay Charges

    Cnn news:

    Judge dismisses some, but not all, charges against DeLay

    Msnbc news:

    Still in trouble judge dismisses some but not all charges against DeLay

    Reuters news:

    Judge dismisses part of DeLay indictment

    Ap news:

    DeLay's Money Laundering Charges Upheld

    As everyone can see for themselves each reported on the same story with the same facts

    Some of the charges wore thrown out
    Some of the charges wore not

    And each website found a different way to put it.

    Self-understanding that the head line of a story is supposed to say the story or the main part of the story in few words, because a lot of people- if not most- don’t look beyond the head line for information out of lack of time because of the multiple news sources out there in order to read it all it can take two days of reading to comprehend just one days news, so what most people do is browse through all sources in a hurry seeing only the headline or first few words and read the whole story only at one or two places that they feel are most suitable because of content or design ecs.

    Now here comes in the bias.
    FOX news, which allegedly has a conservative leaning bias, comes in in the headline with only the good part of the story by talking about the charges being dropped although saying that quote “some charges” just to make it a bit balanced

    CBS news, which allegedly has a liberal leaning bias, comes in in the headline with only the bad part of the story by talking about the charges being upheld although saying that quote “ Some DeLay Charges” just to make it a bit balanced

    The only source that gives a politically balanced headline - in this particular story although they are supposedly left leaning - is Cnn news by saying in the headline the whole story in quote “Judge dismisses some, but not all, charges against DeLay”

    Here comes MSNBC and takes the same headline that CNN used but makes a political point by preempting the headline by a header saying quote “Still in trouble”

    Reuters goes to the right of things and the Ap on the left


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