Williamsburg +MVA Involving A School Bus+
Williamsburg +MVA Involving A School Bus+ A School bus involved in a motor vehicle accident with a van that passed a stop sign on Wallabout corner Harrison Ave, FDNY, NYPD ESU Units and Hatzolah on the scene requesting additional Hatzolah members with a rush to respond for multiple children on the bus and the diriver who is injured.
U/D: 18:43
Bus was full with children, but only 2 have been transported with minor injuries to a local hospital, the driver of the bus was also transported with minor injuries by Hatzolah EMS.
Rest of the children are all RMA's.
At 6:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
עפעס ערענסט גייט דארט פאר עס קימען אמבאלאנסן פין איסט סייד אין קרוין הייטס עס איז דא ליידער עטליכע קינדער וואס מדארף אוועק פירען
At 7:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 7:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
hu was d driver??
At 7:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
ווער איז געווען די דרייווער???
At 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
עס איז געווען א ווען וואס באלאנגט פאר מהדרין
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