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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New York City - Try Not To Get Stopped At One Of The Bridges Or Tunnels

Arrests at the city's bridges and tunnels has jumped 700 percent since 9/11 because cops are stopping suspicious cars and trucks.

As a result, MTA Bridge and Tunnels plans to open two "arrest-processing centers" within weeks -- one on Randalls Island and the other at the Verrazano Bridge.

They will be equipped with high-tech computers capable of scanning fingerprints and running criminal background checks.


  • At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The MTA are trying to feel like real cops. Instead of watching for security, they are pulling people over for expired inspections, seat belts, broklen lights, etc.

    This has nothing to do with security, and everything to do with tickets.


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