Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY - Judge Rejects Pipeline Request
Kiryas Joel, Monroe, N.Y. - The judge who ordered the villiage of K.J. to continue an environmental review of its proposed pipeline to the Catskill Aqueduct has rejected the village's request to argue the case again in his court.
Acting state Supreme Court Justice Stewart Rosenwasser brushed aside several arguments for reopening the volatile case, saying the village had raised issues he already considered before rendering his decision in October.
Rosenwasser also rejected new evidence that the village presented in its defense, saying that it came to light too late for his case.
Rosenwasser's rejection moves Kiryas Yoel to a to full-fledged appeal, which has been filed in the Appellate Division of state Supreme Court.
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
win 1 lose 1 ?So it is impossible to say BIAS!!!
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