Williamsburg, Brooklyn +Court Granted Stay On Satmar Case+
Williamsburg, Brooklyn +Court Granted Stay On Satmar Case+ A Brooklyn appellate court has granted a full stay and suspended the ruling of Acting Justice Stewart A. Rosenwasser of State Supreme Court in Orange County in the high profile Satmar case leaving the active board in place and B. Friedman and his faction from Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY out, while appeals are pending.
The Kiryas Joel faction has been fighting with a faction based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, since 1999 for the reins of the politically active Satmars, who number about 60,000 in New York State and are locked in a succession struggle. A fight in October between the groups, even led to several arrests on assault charges.
At 3:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
let the games continue.................
At 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ahh Mamish a Kidush Hashem...They are a Role Model for our children and grand children to learn from.
At 4:59 PM,
myhumbleopinion said…
"This is what I wrote awhile ago the wards are still very relevant"
To the writer under the blog name ShprintzaB:
It’s not nice to be gloating about
other peoples problems, even though you try to come off as someone that is concerned about chilul hasham, between the lines their is a clear gloating -in my humble opinion-(please correct me if I’m wrong)
Furthermore, although very not pleasant and even heartbreaking their is fitting going on almost everywhere by the Chasidim and equally in the litvish world by Ashkenazim as well as by the sfardim so remember the one that was happy at someone else’s fight, came to realize that the place that he belongs to is not immuned to the same horrible reality of misunderstandings.
Now if it happened to be so that you belong to a place that has not been hit with this terrible plague this is not the way to thank hashem for the past, nor is it the way of being mispalel for the future.
At 12:29 AM,
myhumbleopinion said…
Dear ShprintzaB:
Dearest "myhumbleopinion"
First of all before I start the comment wasn’t addressed to you (except if you decided to go undercover and Wright as anonymous) it was a simple “copy and paste” of a previous post that was addressed to you, but I see that not only is the post in itself still relevant but also the address it was sent in the last round
I don't know who you are, and I don't care to know who you are,
What in the does this have to do with the price of bananas
However I'm not gloating. I'm just stating a simple but true fact: WHEN WILL THESE STUPID IDIOTIC MORONS WAKE UP AND SEE THAT THEIR FIGHT IS ALL OVER NOTHING??
Way use Language like this do you really think it makes your point better?
Again wile making a point which is at least worthwhile considering you use dismissive Language.
And fighting over nothing? It’s fighting over a whole lot.
The real estate in Brooklyn alone is estimated to be worth over 100,000,000.000 million dollars (add to that the property in KJ and all it holdings) plus the leadership of the worlds biggest (YES THE BIGGEST) Hassidic community in the world and most important by a whole lot of the satmer people it’s a fight over “yidishkiet” the “zalmen’s” saying the satmer problems over the last two Decades was to blame on reb Ahron and the “arons” claming no its Friedman causing all the problem and reb Ahron was only fallowing orders thinking it was his fathers will.
So not only are the satmers fighting over “gashmious” (materialistic stuff) that is probably bigger in size than all of the other fighting communities combined, but also on “rouchnius” (spiritual) the fight is considered the most imported it can be because it is to keep the community in tact.
Given the above I don’t see anywhere else being better in these circumstances (May “hasham” watch over the rest of “klal yisrual” it shouldn’t come to this anyplace else, and it should come to an end in satmer too given you are right its causing a big problem)
I know that there are fights in almost every other kehilla on the planet. It IS sad, don't get me wrong, however, how many kehillos besides SATMER do you hear about in the news? How many other kehillas have guards and dogs and fights breaking out in yom tov with television cameras rolling?
Again consider what’s at stake in the eyes of a reporter plus you know it doesn’t take an army of people to inform the press of mayhem, it’s the stupidity of one or a handful of people who started the involvement of the press and since its yidden and a community as vast as satmer- being judged at least in the eyes as having 100,000 followers- they jump on it like hot potatoes(its only shire luck that in the other khilas there isn’t the one- at least not yet- to go to the press).
Do the goyim really have to see this? the anti-semits?? If you can show me another kehillah that is in the news as much as Kakmir, then I'll shut up right now. Otherwise, don't go and make yourself all high and mighty on me, ok?
I’m sorry if I defended you, and please try not to use fowl language it kills the argument.
At 1:52 PM,
myhumbleopinion said…
The point wasn’t if it’s worth it or not, nothing in the world is worth a single second of fitting and hatred let alone on such a scale, but to dismiss the satmers as being the worst of them all changes after taking in perspective the enormous stake
And no nothing makes fowl language legit in myhumbleopinion
At 1:56 PM,
myhumbleopinion said…
Just one more second,
take for example the tendler case, because it involved a rabbi and a dirty scandal the media is all over it.
At 2:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am losing track whose in charge now! Every couple of weeks there is someone else in charge.
At 11:40 PM,
myhumbleopinion said…
Would you please stop talking about my ego?
If debating is egoistic to you, you are in the wrong place this is a form and it’s made precisely for debate.
Second: you miss my point again, before the problem was the involvement of the press so I bring you an equivalent, a story being smeared in the press because sensitive issues are involved, now the problem are the dogs and guards, get the point already, my whole point is that no other story comes even close to this one in size and that’s why there is an uproar of such scale.
Third: you say no one was hurt by the tendler story are you kidding? That’s like saying להבדיל the Catholic Church wasn’t affected by their scandal!! The innocence of a rabbi was deeply damaged by what was reported - true or not doesn’t mater – the trust of a people in their leadership was enormously damaged being that tendler was - or still is (depends whom you ask) - the leader of a orthodox synagogue and not a reform or conservative which would have effected that constituency only plus its great stuff for the opposite of the “bal tshuva” movement to use it as a “I told you so”.
At 12:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
If any of you people are stupid enough to think that this fight has anything to do with ruchnius,then you are even stupider than i thought,
By the way,your community has been here for almost 60 years,it's time to learn how to speak and spell English.Even the PRs can do it.
At 2:57 PM,
myhumbleopinion said…
To Anonymous:
please be more specific on the spelling problems .
To ShprintzaB:
I really don’t see how a debate loses its being interesting because of spelling on every talk show and in particular on the john bachelor show (770) and WNYC - New York Public Radio (820) the correspondents from other parts of the world are far from perfect in English and it doesn’t diminish the quality of the debate its understandable that not everyone holds the same level of perfection in every skill.
(By the way I don’t think I’m so bad in writing that it diminishes the quality of the debate even if your point was valid. In myhumbleopinion it’s just a case of having the last word its understandable and I really don’t mind)
Second: the last sentence in your post gives everything away, it’s neither the dogs nor the guards, or a newspaper, it’s the “hatred”.
And that’s my point from the beginning, and now I can say it with certainty “it’s gloating alright” and it’s fed by hatred and/or envy in myhumbleopinion.
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