Brooklyn, NY - Dispute Over Satmar Rabbi's Successor Heats Up
Brooklyn, NY - The dispute over which of Grand Rabbi Moses Teitelbaum's sons will succeed him as the grand rabbi of the Satmar sect of Hasidic Jews raged in and out of court for the last six years of his life.
Rabbi Teitelbaum's death last night appears unlikely to bring the controversy to a close.
Less than two hours after the rabbi died, as tens of thousands of grieving Satmars thronged the streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and Kiryas Joel, N.Y., a judge in Orange County issued several orders. The orders were issued at the request of Aaron Teitelbaum's supporters. They included measures to maintain order and decorum during the funeral and the mourning period to follow, and to make sure that neither Aaron's nor Zalmen's supporters were shut out.
But Zalmen Teitelbaum's supporters say the orders also contain language intended to solidify the claim to power of Aaron's supporters. Zalmen's supporters plan to file an appeal this afternoon to get the orders thrown out.
At court today, Zalmen's supporters also plan to present a document they say establishes Zalmen as the proper successor: Moses Teitelbaum's will, which, they say, bestows upon Zalmen "all of my powers" and stipulates that "he shall occupy my position and succeed me without any shortfall."
Zalmen's supporters also said that the Satmars' religious court will issue a proclamation by day's end declaring Zalmen the new grand rabbi.
But people who have been observing the battle for years are not expecting a quick capitulation by the other side.
Zalmen's supporters, most of whom live in Brooklyn, said the Williamsburg appointment made him the logical successor to the grand rabbi. Supporters of Aaron, most of whom live in Kiryas Joel, said the appointment of the younger son was fraudulent and filed the first of several suits.
The dispute has occasionally erupted into violence. More than two dozen people were arrested in a fight in the Williamsburg synagogue last year after the judge in Orange County, Stewart A. Rosenwasser, issued another ruling that supported Aaron's position.
Despite the gathering and dispersing of huge crowds last night and today, there has been little unrest and no arrests. But the jockeying goes on as ever.
One of Judge Rosenwasser's orders, signed last night at 8:24 p.m., is an "order to show cause" addressed to Zalmen Teitelbaum's faction. It gives them until Wednesday morning to counter a holding that the head of the pro-Aaron faction, Berl Friedman, as the rightful president of the board of the Williamsburg congregation, is authorized to take action to ensure that the funeral proceeds peacefully.
The order also instructs the police in New York City and in Kiryas Joel to answer to Mr. Friedman.
The lawyer for Zalmen's supporters, Scott E. Mollen, called Judge Rosenwasser's new order "an obvious effort to do an end run around the Appellate Division's order of March 2006." He said he would ask the Appellate Division to throw the new order out.
The spokesman for the pro-Aaron faction of the board did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
But Isac Weinberger, a leader in the pro-Aaron community in Williamsburg, confidently predicted victory for his side.
"It's going to eventually settle as it has the last thousands of years — the oldest son took over," Mr. Weinberger said. "There's going to be some skirmishes, but 70 to 80 percent of the Hasidim will be with the eldest son."
Rabbi Teitelbaum's death last night appears unlikely to bring the controversy to a close.
Less than two hours after the rabbi died, as tens of thousands of grieving Satmars thronged the streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and Kiryas Joel, N.Y., a judge in Orange County issued several orders. The orders were issued at the request of Aaron Teitelbaum's supporters. They included measures to maintain order and decorum during the funeral and the mourning period to follow, and to make sure that neither Aaron's nor Zalmen's supporters were shut out.
But Zalmen Teitelbaum's supporters say the orders also contain language intended to solidify the claim to power of Aaron's supporters. Zalmen's supporters plan to file an appeal this afternoon to get the orders thrown out.
At court today, Zalmen's supporters also plan to present a document they say establishes Zalmen as the proper successor: Moses Teitelbaum's will, which, they say, bestows upon Zalmen "all of my powers" and stipulates that "he shall occupy my position and succeed me without any shortfall."
Zalmen's supporters also said that the Satmars' religious court will issue a proclamation by day's end declaring Zalmen the new grand rabbi.
But people who have been observing the battle for years are not expecting a quick capitulation by the other side.
Zalmen's supporters, most of whom live in Brooklyn, said the Williamsburg appointment made him the logical successor to the grand rabbi. Supporters of Aaron, most of whom live in Kiryas Joel, said the appointment of the younger son was fraudulent and filed the first of several suits.
The dispute has occasionally erupted into violence. More than two dozen people were arrested in a fight in the Williamsburg synagogue last year after the judge in Orange County, Stewart A. Rosenwasser, issued another ruling that supported Aaron's position.
Despite the gathering and dispersing of huge crowds last night and today, there has been little unrest and no arrests. But the jockeying goes on as ever.
One of Judge Rosenwasser's orders, signed last night at 8:24 p.m., is an "order to show cause" addressed to Zalmen Teitelbaum's faction. It gives them until Wednesday morning to counter a holding that the head of the pro-Aaron faction, Berl Friedman, as the rightful president of the board of the Williamsburg congregation, is authorized to take action to ensure that the funeral proceeds peacefully.
The order also instructs the police in New York City and in Kiryas Joel to answer to Mr. Friedman.
The lawyer for Zalmen's supporters, Scott E. Mollen, called Judge Rosenwasser's new order "an obvious effort to do an end run around the Appellate Division's order of March 2006." He said he would ask the Appellate Division to throw the new order out.
The spokesman for the pro-Aaron faction of the board did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
But Isac Weinberger, a leader in the pro-Aaron community in Williamsburg, confidently predicted victory for his side.
"It's going to eventually settle as it has the last thousands of years — the oldest son took over," Mr. Weinberger said. "There's going to be some skirmishes, but 70 to 80 percent of the Hasidim will be with the eldest son."
At 10:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shouldn't they be resolving their disputes in a Beis Din? Seems to reflect poorly on whoever went to the secular court. No?
In Faith, Elisheva
At 10:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
April 25 (Bloomberg) -- The battle over a $500 million religious empire, marked by beatings, break-ins and a street riot, likely will escalate with yesterday's death of Grand Rabbi Moses Teitelbaum, leader of the ultra-orthodox Satmar sect of Hasidic Jews.
Teitelbaum, 91, died at Manhattan's Mount Sinai Hospital. He had been suffering from spinal cancer and other ailments.
Two of his sons, Aaron and Zalman, have waged a five-year legal battle seeking to control the main congregation's board, each working to succeed their father at the head of the largest Hasidic sect, based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. At stake is control of synagogues, real estate, businesses, religious schools and the jobs and social services that go with them.
''This is a fight over power, prestige and patronage,'' said David Pollock, an official with the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York who has worked with the Satmars for the past 20 years. ''Violence has broken out when the legal outcome is unclear, which it is now.''
The insular community was founded in Williamsburg after World War II by the brothers' grand uncle, Joel Teitelbaum, who fled Romania to escape the Nazis. Hasidism, or pietism, arose in the Jewish ghettoes of late 18th century Eastern and Central Europe. Satmar men wear fur hats, beards, white shirts and black or dark blue suits with jackets that hang to their knees.
Religious Study
''A Hasidic rebbe is thought to have the capacity to intervene with God on behalf of his people,'' Pollock said.
Life revolves around the temple and religious study. Satmar is also the corporation.
''This is a dispute between individuals who claim to be elected to the board of directors, over control of the board of directors and its assets -- Congregation Yetev D'Lev Satmar Inc.,'' Jeffrey Buss of Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP, lead attorney for Aaron's camp, said in an interview. ''That religious corporation has approximately $500 million dollars worth of assets, at least.''
The troubles surfaced in 2001, when Moses Teitelbaum named his third son, Zalman, chief rabbi of the Williamsburg synagogue that is at the heart of the sect. About 40,000 Satmars live in Williamsburg and 5,000 in nearby Borough Park.
Teitelbaum in 1999 had named his oldest son, Aaron as rabbi of the Kiryas Joel congregation, the sect's second-largest, with 17,000 members 70 miles (113 kilometers) north of New York City, in Orange County. There are about 40,000 more worldwide, Pollock estimates.
Board Split
Zalman's arrival split the Williamsburg congregation's board, each group holding a separate election and declaring its candidate the legitimate board president; it is the board that names the grand rabbi.
Litigation has been in state courts since. Zalman's camp said Aaron's candidate, Berl Friedman, was ineligible because the grand rabbi had ejected him from the congregation. While Moses Teitelbaum never clarified the public dispute, Zalman's side said the grand rabbi indicated his desires by naming Zalman to run the main temple.
''The grand rebbe certified the election of the board that supports Rabbi Zalman,'' and indicated verbally before witnesses and in writing, his desire to have Zalman succeed him, said Zalman's lead attorney Scott Mollen, of Herrick Feinstein LLP, in an April 5 interview.
Tradition and Bylaws
Satmar affairs are governed by tradition and the bylaws, with the grand rabbi as final arbiter of everything, Mollen said.
The conflict became violent in October 2004, after Zalman won a victory in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn. Judge Melvin Barasch ruled that the competing boards' legitimacy rested on questions of Satmar membership that were religious, not civil, and declined to intervene, saying it was the grand rebbe's province to decide.
He also wrote an addendum to his decision complaining of harassment and other possibly criminal behavior by Aaron's side. That left Zalman effectively in charge in Williamsburg.
Backers of Rabbi Aaron entered the main temple before High Holy Day services and reportedly locked Rabbi Zalman in his adjacent apartment. They were then beaten by Zalman followers, with at least one victim saying he had broken bones.
Brawl in the Temple
Four attackers pleaded guilty in December 2005 to third- degree assault, a misdemeanor, and were sentenced to community service, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney's office.
In October 2005, Rabbi Aaron scored a win when State Supreme Court Judge Stewart Rosenwasser in Orange County ruled that Friedman had in fact been elected president. The next week, hundreds of Aaron's followers tried to push their way into the main synagogue on Rodney Street in Brooklyn.
A brawl broke out in the temple, spilling to the street and requiring dozens of riot police to restore order, according to newspaper accounts.
A four-judge panel of New York State Appellate Division heard arguments on the ruling favoring Zalman late last year and will hear an appeal of the upstate ruling favoring Aaron in coming weeks. A decision is expected to address both cases.
Lawyers for both sides say the next ruling will probably be appealed to New York's highest court, the Court of Appeals. The loser there will probably try to take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, Pollock said.
Each side's translations of the 1948 bylaws interpret the original Yiddish in favor of their view of the grand rabbi's purview.
''It's like any proxy fight -- the first thing you try to decide is who votes,'' Pollock said.
At 11:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just a suggestion from a disinterested litvak - End this conversation on pulicly accessable web sites before it starts.
Klal Yisroel might be better off without any Satmar Rebbeh at all if that will prevent a hugh chillul hashem.
At 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Couldn't agree more
At 4:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
why can't both be rebbe, 1 in kj the other in willy?
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
to the uninterested litvak:
It is only a chillel hashem if you make it one. like you do NOT want to go to Beis din regardless the amounts of times the aronis tried and if you throw out people from a synogauge in front of police and gentiles you make it a chillel hashem and if the rabbi z''l countless times said he wanted aron to succeed him why should there be two rabbis and if the rabbis z''l carers are swindlers only looking to make a buck or two and they forced the rabbi to sign a will he would have NEVER signed in his right mind then you make it a chillul hashem. dont give comments when you have no idea what is going on and only fish out a point in a newspaper article zalis arrange. Rabbi aron is the rightful successor and NO other. LONG LIVE RABBI AARON shlita.
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