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Friday, April 21, 2006

Monsey, NY - State To Study Route 306

Monsey, NY - The state Department of Transportation will study safety on Route 306 after two people were struck by cars on the busy roadway within three days this month.

Robert Dennison, director of DOT Region 8, which includes Rockland, agreed to the traffic and pedestrian study after a request from Assemblyman Ryan Karben, D-Monsey.
Karben said Dennison wrote. "We will initiate a study of Route 306 in Monsey and will examine the causes of crashes and explore ways that the infrastructure can be improved to reduce risk to motorists and pedestrians."

Dennison said that the study's main goal would be "to see if there's any infrastructure-based improvements that need to be made."

Karben said he welcomed the DOT's effort to help improve safety for the busy stretch of Route 306, a state road under DOT jurisdiction. "This has become an area that is very, very busy with pedestrian traffic and vehicles," Karben said. "The Monsey business district is actually one of the busier downtown shopping districts in Rockland."


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