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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ohio - First Kosher Subway Chain Food Store Opening In The US

Ohio - Beginning in early May, the first ever kosher Subway chain food store is opening up. This flagship fast food restaurant, the first and only kosher Subway restaurant in North America, will be located in the Jewish Community Center.

The meat and pareve menu will feature the traditional Subway fare, but every item served will be strictly kosher and under the supervision of Cleveland Kosher.

Pareve cheese will be used, and beef fry will be substituted for pork products. The mashgiach, partner, and co-operator is Avi Cohen, former owner of Brooklyn Bagels. All bread baked on the premises is kosher.


  • At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This will be as successful as the kosher Nathan"s

  • At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cleveland is Kvelling the first ever AMY Donut shop and now the first ever SUBWAY - its the place to be!!

  • At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I live in Cleveland trust me there's nothing to Kvell about

    Cholov Stam donut shop, pareve cheese..........at least we dont have riots

    Chassidim need to move to Cleveland or cops will think the're Amish and wont mistreat them

  • At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Trrrust yue dun't vant tem

  • At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Anonymous said...
    I live in Cleveland trust me there's nothing to Kvell about

    My reply: "I also live in Cleveland and without spreading horrible lashon hara, let me just say, first of all, it is against halakhah (and CK policy) to have someone with a vested financial interest as a mashgiach. Second, if anyone of you actually had set foot into the bagel place or watched health department reports on the news, you would know that a) he can't be trusted in the realm of kashrus and b) if goyim had associated kashrus with being "clean", their ilusions were immediately shattered just by walking in and grabbing a hockey puck bagel with (yum!) a cigarette butt inside. Hope you all are having a chag kosher v'sameach!


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