Williamsburg, Brooklyn - Dueling Sons Of Late Satmar Rebbe Hold Peaceful Services

Brooklyn, NY - The dueling sons of the late Satmar Hasidic leader managed to keep their battle at bay for this Shabbas, due to a heavy police presence to try to keep the peace. They were holding separate services in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, NY.
Younger brother Zalman Teitelbaum held his service at the main Satmar synagogue on Rodney Street in Williamsburg. And his older brother, Aaron, lead services in a tent at the playing field of P.S. 16 just blocks away. Thousands of followers attended both services.
Both sides say their leader is the true heir, though a rabbinical court named Zalman the successor to his father. "Rabbi Aaron is not accepting it,” said Zalman Teitelbaum’s spokesperson Martin Kaham. “By coming down, busing people from Upstate, you don't become a grand rabbi. You can call yourself a grand rabbi, we wish you very well with whatever you do, but this doesn't make you, and it doesn't do anything," "If he's sitting in a tent and acting as grand rebbe, that doesn't make him grand rebbe."
"It's like someone claiming he's President, putting up a tent and claiming it's the White House," Joel Braver, 26, said.
"It's just short-term. Everybody knows our rabbi, you'll see, he's actually going to be here a lot and he's going to lead the congregation here," said a support of Aaron Teitelbaum. "Since the Hasidic movement was founded, it was always the oldest son who took over without any questions,” said Abe Rubin, an Aron supporter.
Senator Hillary Clinton paid a Shiva call to the homes of both brothers Friday, visiting with Satmar followers and remembering Moses Teitelbaum.
At 12:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sources close to Hillary Clinton say that while the Sent. sat shiva with Aron, she offered him the vice presidency but the charismatic Rabbi refused stating "anything short of presidency will not be accepted"
At 12:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
I heard there were PIC in the NY POST on April 29, from R' Aron's tisch in the tent, did anyone see it?
At 12:51 AM,
myhumbleopinion said…
In your face all you satmar heater's the sabbos went by peacefully despite your appetite for violence
At 1:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
too many cops around
give it a chance
when the spotlight goes away we'll see
At 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
דער שבת איז דורך בשלום אן קיין שום פראוואקאציעס פון סיי וועלכע זייט. ביידע האבן געהאט אנגעפילטע בתי מדרשים, דער אין ראדני און דער אין שאטער. מ'האט זיך שווער געקענט דורכרייסן אריינצוגיין.
לאמיר הערן פון די וואס האבן אינסייד אינפארמעישן און פארוואס עס איז אזוי שטיל געווען, ווען נישט לאנג צוריק האט מען אזאנס נישט געקענט גלייבן עס זאל גיין אן קיין קלעפ.
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm just curious who this "inmyhumbleopinion" is. The comment you said doesnt sound very humble to me
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Lipa we dont see any pictures from Shabos there?
At 12:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton walking the line between two Satmar Hasidic factions yesterday as she paid her condolences to the family of Grand Rabbi Moses Teitelbaum. "He was just an extraordinary person in every respect," Clinton said of Teitelbaum after visiting one of his former homes, now used by eldest son Aron. Earlier, Clinton had visited Moses Teitelbaum's last home, at Bedford Avenue and Ross Street, where Aaron's brother Zalman - who is vying for the Satmar leadership - now lives
At 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
יעדער וואס האט געהערט די תורה פרייטיג צו נאכט'ס וויאזוי דער רבי האט געזאגט אז רביה"ק זי"ע הכ"מ ווייל ער האט משפיע געווען פארן דור האט ער זיכער באקומען רשות אראפצוקומען, און אז ביי נקדישך ווען ער האט געזאגט "כנועם שיח סוד שרפי קודש", האט ער געטראכט אז דעס מיינט רביה"ק וואס איז אראפגעקומען צו זיין מיט אונז. סאיז נישטא די ווערטער צו שרייבן די געפילן פון דעמאלץ
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