Fallsburg, NY +Bungalows On Fire+
Sullivan County, Fallsburg, NY +Bungalows On Fire+ A fully involved working fire in multiple bungalows on Elm Drive and Laurel Avenue at the Beverly Garden Apartments, FD on the scene calling for a 3 alarm M/A requested to the scene.
At 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
whats the name of colony?
At 3:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
ha ha! Davis bungalow colony! (down the road from the Yeshiva, near Visznitz girls camp.)
It belonged to an elderly couple (mrs Davis, a lady without a voice) and was extremely delapedated. they sold it a few years ago but it stood empty and changed hands several times lately.
I can gaurantee this is an insurance fire! no one will cry for it.
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
it sounds like Sheves Achim
At 12:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
May 02, 2006
Bungalow fire arson, cops say
South Fallsburg - The fire that destroyed South Side Cottages yesterday looks like arson, police said.
The fire broke out around 2:45 p.m. at the three-unit bungalow colony at the corner of Elm Drive and Park Place in South Fallsburg. Dark smoke was visible from as far away as Monticello, and a smoky gray haze settled over the downwind side of South Fallsburg.
The colony abuts Beverly Garden Apartments on Elm Drive, and people gathered outside to watch.
Fallsburg firefighters and police had to evacuate Building 8 at Beverly Gardens. The corner of the brick apartment building was separated from the fire by just a few feet and a wooden privacy fence.
"You couldn't touch the brick on the side of the building," because it was so hot from the flames, Fallsburg police Lt. John Calvello said.
The fire started in at least three places, Calvello said - one on each end of the small bungalow colony and one in the middle.
As firefighters sprayed water from the top of a ladder truck, Beverly Gardens resident Renee Mann watched from the parking lot.
"I was up in the apartment, and I kept smelling something like smoke," she said. She looked out her back window, saw fire and called 911.
Heather Yakin
At 2:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I knew it was DAVIS: (also known as noam south side.) here is the link http://www.recordonline.com/archive/2006/05/02/news-hybungalowfire-05-02.html (I don't know why this site stoped giving links on the headlines?)
Bungalow fire arson, cops say
South Fallsburg - The fire that destroyed South Side Cottages yesterday looks like arson, police said.
The fire broke out around 2:45 p.m. at the three-unit bungalow colony at the corner of Elm Drive and Park Place in South Fallsburg. Dark smoke was visible from as far away as Monticello, and a smoky gray haze settled over the downwind side of South Fallsburg.
The colony abuts Beverly Garden Apartments on Elm Drive, and people gathered outside to watch.
Fallsburg firefighters and police had to evacuate Building 8 at Beverly Gardens. The corner of the brick apartment building was separated from the fire by just a few feet and a wooden privacy fence.
"You couldn't touch the brick on the side of the building," because it was so hot from the flames, Fallsburg police Lt. John Calvello said.
The fire started in at least three places, Calvello said - one on each end of the small bungalow colony and one in the middle.
As firefighters sprayed water from the top of a ladder truck, Beverly Gardens resident Renee Mann watched from the parking lot.
"I was up in the apartment, and I kept smelling something like smoke," she said. She looked out her back window, saw fire and called 911.
Heather Yakin
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