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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Israel - Dairy Co. Misled Using Cholav Nochri

Tnuva, Israel's largest dairy Co., misled consumers by not specifying that products marked kosher contain derivatives considered by some to be non-kosher, according to a petition presented to the Supreme Court.
The petition comes on the eve of Shavuos as dairies step up their marketing efforts to take advantage of the Jewish custom of eating milk products in honor of the holiday.
In the petition they argue that Tnuva's rabbi permits the use of milk proteins and ingredients derived from halav nochri - milk that was milked by a gentile or without Jewish supervision - without specifying this on the product's package. They also argue that the Chief Rabbinate has failed to enforce its own directives requiring all products containing such milk to be specifically marked as such.
Senior kosher supervision sources said that Tnuva is not the only dairy that includes such milk in its regular kosher products. Strauss, Nestle and Ma'adanot do as well.


  • At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    מ'דארף דא קלאר מאכען אז די פראבלעמען ביי תנובה איז געווען "נאר" ביי זייער אפטיילונג פון די פשוטע כשרות, און נישט ביי זייער מהדרין (רבנות ירושלים מהדרין).

  • At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The milk would be kosher, however, it would not be considered Chalav Israel.


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