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Monday, May 15, 2006

Israel - A Looming Airport Strike On The Week Of Lag Bomer

Israel - The Israel Airports Authority workers committee is threatening to close down Ben Gurion Airport on Tuesday, to protest the employment terms of contract employees.

The Airport Authority workers committee has frequently threatened to call strikes in recent months, citing violations of labor and wage agreements. Among other things, the workers committee is protesting the Airports Authority’s intention to ban nepotism by its employees. Several months ago, the workers committee prevented the loading of agricultural cargoes, although it was unable to block passenger traffic. Threats of other strikes were cancelled at the last moment.

The Airports Authority management claims that the workers committee preferred to clarify the matter in the media, rather than contact the authorized agencies, including the Airports Authority. The Airports Authority management doubts the honesty of the workers committee’s concern for the contract employees.

U/D: 05/16/06 09:36
Airport workers’ labor representatives announced that if differences are not ironed out by week’s end, they will strike Ben-Gurion International Airport on Friday, 19 May, between the hours of 10am-2pm.


  • At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    All those who are traveling to Israel this week should be aware that this threat is real, and the airport union officials are threatening a strike on Tuesday, between the hours of 1pm-3pm.

    Such a strike would result in a cessation of baggage handling in Ben-Gurion International Airport. All incoming flights would not be serviced and departing flights would be delayed.

  • At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh no, isn't this clearly aimed towards the "bloody Chareidem" who cause all the troubles over there(as they always claim)? why lag boimer, if not for this reason? what can you say, we're in gules & that's it!

  • At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good for that People who are going to isreal for lag bomer witch is a big Chisik for the Medine So maybee this strike will hold up a few people from going. so its worth

  • At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To the contrary, it will keep them there longer & give them even more chizik! You'll have to say tilim to be mevatel this gezeira.

  • At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can anybody confirm if this is for real, or they're only threatening? this is no laughing matter, it's going to cause a chaos!


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