Wife OF Founder OF Hatzolah Passed Away
Burech Dayen Emes
H'Rav Reb Hershel Weber's wife, the founder of Hatzolah passed away after being sick for a while with a cardiac condition in Israel
H'Rav Reb Hershel Weber's wife, the founder of Hatzolah passed away after being sick for a while with a cardiac condition in Israel
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Burech Dayen Emes
most people dont even know him
i think in our generation what he started (& he started it) will be hard to top
think of all the others that followed because of him (zaka,shmorim,chavairim, ect...)
and since behind every great man there is a great women.....
may she be mailetz yosher for her family & all of us
At 1:15 PM,
dave said…
so sad!!!
baruch dayan emes.
At 2:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Levayeh will be in Israel in front of the Satmarer B"H, At 3:00 PM U.S. time, Will be put to rest in Har Hamenichos close to Reb Mayer Spira Z"L, The children are comeing back to NY tomorrow.
At 2:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
shiva will be at 461 Bedford Ave. starting tomm. eve. after they arrive from eretz yisroel. hamokoim yenachim oisam...
At 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rabbi Weber left Hatzaloh years ago. He didn't like the way it was run. (he wanted a smaller type org. and did not agree with the big hu la, so out he went.)
Now that he is becoming older he made peace again and became the big hero, and regularly speaks at hatzaloh events.
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
anonymous 5:54
A hero he is and always should be!
If you dont' have a nice way of saying things, better not to say.
Any which way we should all be zoiche to accomplish what he did, and we should be so lucky to have his zechusim for every neshama and person that is helped from his bravery.
His wife was a tzadeikis who stood behind and allowed him to do his chasudim. we should all be zoiche to have her zechisim also.
At 11:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
No one knows this. The truth is that she is to thank for Hatzoloh. His shver (her father) was a very rich man and Hershel got the money needed to start Hatzoloh from his wife / shver to start Hatzoloh.
Y'hai zichro boruch.
At 6:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a big gossiper anonymous is. Let him get a giant zipper for his mouth, and start using his hands. Let's see some action instead of that nasty gossip moitzy shem ra. Has he done anything for the public at all? I'm quite sure his deeds wouldn't reach the toenails of this fantastic couple! May their zechusim stand us all in good stead, and especially for their children and family. May she be a meilitz yosher for the whole of klal yisrael - especially for gossiper, he will surely need it.
How sad that when one dies all he can think of writing is nasty news!
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