Brooklyn, NY +Explosion And Fire+
Brooklyn, NY +Explosion And Fire While Installing A Mikvah With Out A Permit+ Hatzolah requested and ALS on a rush to 1166 East 31st Street between Avenue's "K" and "L" Fire department Rescue and Squad also responding for this fire which is in the rear in the basement of this 3 story frame 30x60 private dwelling.
U/D: 11:53
Fire is D/W/H, one 10-45 Code-1 (DOA) and three 10-45 Code 3's (Critical Burns) reported transported by Hatzolah to local hospital. Hatzolah sending more units to the scene.
U?D: 12:13
Fire is P/W/H, Fire Department requesting Fire marshal to the scene.
U/D: 12:33
Fire is K/D, requesting Building Department to check the structure of the house, due to the bldg. being blown out.
U/D: 12:46
NYPD from the 70th Pct are calling for a level one mobilization for the large crowd at the fatal fire scene.
U/D: 13:21
Hazmat-1 has been requested to assist with the Fire Marshal, Esu to respond to secure the wall and the Bomo Squad was also notified.
The two people killed were construction workers , and they were attempting to waterproof a basement to install a Mikvah (a Jewish ritual bath). and the explosian was caused by using a type of epoxy sealant that apparently was flammable, when one of the workers turned on a power tool, it caused the explosion, which blew out a wall on the first floor of the house.
The victims' names were not immediately released. The two who survived the explosion, were hospitalized with burns on about 85 percent of their bodies.
City officials said the homeowners did not have a permit to install the mikvah, which is used by Orthodox Jews in a purification ritual.
Five firefighters suffered minor injuries in battling the resulting blaze.
At 12:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
no yiden involved in his one, dont know who called Hatzollah
At 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reverse search for this address in Yahoo phone book says house belongs to
Shindler, Yitzchok
1163 E 31st St
At 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Apparently the one D.O.A. and two other paitents are non jews who were doing work in the house at the time. 1 frum paitent was treated for minor injuries.
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
frum house.... moved in about a year ago
At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
actuall address 1166
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
wife on scene
someone told her that contractors - not jewish-
messed somthing up
2 burned
1 dead
more cops and fdny arriving
At 12:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
you'r wife or owner's wife?
At 12:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
my wife - she called me @ work
as far as she can find out
owners wife was home - she is unhurt
newspeople are coming
she says house is pretty much totaled
At 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does anybody understand one of this codes??
At 12:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
yes we all do, we are not new here, and you could look them all up on the comments to the first post on this site
At 1:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
any updates?
At 1:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
can someone please be kind enough & define all these codes?
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
anyone know who the contractor is?
At 1:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
my wife tells me that:
husband was also home - is unhurt
workers were illegals
were using blow torch
hatzolah said limbs found in back yard
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
update owners name is Yossi Friedman
not sure of address if someone wants to do a reverse lookup
they used to live a block away & they just finishing construction on this house
At 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
is the house liveable
At 1:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Friedman, Joseph
1166 E 31st St
Brooklyn, NY 11210
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
MODERATOR!! these are heimishe people - pls spare them the anguish of posting their names and info on this site. they have enough i=on their heads now. i know them for 40 years and they are very special people. pls remove their personal info from the public.
tizku lemitzvos
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sad - but once you have the address the names are easy enough to get
(and anything else about them if you want to )
Welcome to the web
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
BSSP said...
no yiden involved in his one, dont know who called Hatzollah
I am sure that everyone in the community is relieved that our friends and neighbors are OK, and we are very saddened by the loss of life and critical situation of those that were injured.
Now to the point.
First of all, Hatzolah will treat and transport everyone and anyone. They do not question a patient’s religion. They are even Mechalel Shabbos for a non-jew when necessary. Secondly, this tragedy happened in a jewish house in a frum community. Did expect the person who called to check out who the patients were before they called?
At 2:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can anybody please explain one of those codes 10-45, D/W/H, P/W/H, K/D
I tried looking them up on the web but I got no definitions
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
D/W/H - doubtful will hold
P/W/H - probably will hold
K/D - knocked down.
10-45 - DOA or Serious Injury
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
you call Hattzolah for some one that's not M'Shluni, it uses up there resources, for when a real call comes in with a heimisha person
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
i know them for 40 years and they are very special people. pls remove their personal info from the public.
tizku lemitzvos
And if you did not know them for forty years. would you still not want them to post the info here on the blog?
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lipa any pictures?
At 5:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
EAST FLATBUSH An explosion in an East Flatbush basement sent flames into the air, killing one construction worker and burning two others.
The blast was felt throughout the neighborhood. “It just shook. I heard something really loud shake and it blew out my cds...came falling down...I didn't know what was going on. I thought it was in my house,” a neighbor said.
The family who lives there was not home at the time - except for a woman - who told her cousin she escaped just in time.
“They just said it was an explosion, they were waterproofing the basement and that's it,” homeowner’s cousin Toby Wiederman said.
According to fire officials, the workers were using a flammable liquid that sent dangerous vapors into the air.
Fire Department Chief Michael Quinn said “The vapor was throughout the basement and first floor when it ignited, there was a percussion explosion which blew out the windows of the building and part of the side wall.”
Officials said it's possible a piece of equipment may have ignited those vapors and that conditions may have been unsafe to start, since there were no windows open for ventillation.
The Buildings Department has issued a violation to the owners for construction without a permit. Apparently the workers were preparing to install a Jewish ritual bath called a mikvah.
The investigation continues into what appears to be a tragic accident
At 7:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amazing how ppl have enough money and are soo holy to have a mikvah in their own house, yet don't follow the law to get a proper permit!
At 7:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
To be a kosher mikvah it has to pass Jewish codes of law. It should also have the proper permits to be truly above board, then it wouldn't cause a chillul Hashem like now when it is exposed that it didn't have the permits.
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
איך האף אז לכבוד דעם וועט די סיטי זיך נישט נעמען צו אלע מקוות פון אלע שולען אין דיסיטי
At 8:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Amazing how ppl have enough money and are soo holy to have a mikvah in their own house, yet don't follow the law to get a proper permit!
7:21 PM "
I'd say it's amazing how people like you are so quick to judge any situation and anybody without any tact.
At 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
"Amazing how ppl have enough money and are soo holy to have a mikvah in their own house, yet don't follow the law to get a proper permit!
7:21 PM "
I'd say it's amazing how people like you are so quick to judge any situation and anybody without any tact.
8:49 PM
He is not judging here.
He is simply stating the facts.
The fact that the truth hurts is not his problem.
At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
he was not building a mikva. he was waterproofing a basement. you don't need permits to waterproof a basement. building departments issued him a stop work order, not a violation meaning he is not allowed to hire any construction companies to enter his home untill the investigation is over.
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
so you are trying to tell us that all the media outlets took it from there finger, everyone is reporting that they were building a mikvah there
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
confirmed!!!!!!! they were NOT building a mikvah
just waterproofing the home from inside.
At 10:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry, i feel more comfortable believing the reporter from abc than you- mr. anonymous.
At 1:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Reminiscent of a 17th Ave fire a few years back. Brand new house, spraypainting inside with paint thinner, not so intelligent worker lights cigarette, kaboom! New house with building permit. Painting didn't need permit anyway. Stupidity happens. Unfortunately some people pay with their lives.
"The problem with stupidity is... there's no copyright, anybody can do it."
At 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just for the record I live on the block and know them personally, they built the enitire house with permits for every last thing. In fact some non jewish neighbors called the buildings department numerous times and they passed inspection every time.
They were waterproofing the basement which does not require a permit. Think logically- this was an accident, how would a permit alleviate it. The contractor was licensed and insured. The subcontractor was licensed and insured. Howver the subcontractor was braindead an did not follow proper procedures. This is very very sad. The families of the dead and injured workers have not been notified yet because they couldn't track them down. The frum family will be displaced for many months to come. I hope they have the money and energy to survive.
PLEASE do not post or jump to any conclusions before you know what you are talking about. The media is full of baloney they tried to interview me many times. If you notice not ONE frum person gave a full interview. The next door neighbor allegedley helped and gave an interview. There is one issue with it, we have no idea who he his and he does not live on the block. Maybe he will sell a book soon. The neighbor on one side is Jewish and the other side the house is vacant for years. We have no idea who this clown that gave the mikva story is. It just proves that the media is full of baloney.
At 1:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good job e31 neighbor,
I can't believe some people. The owner of the house is a gem who used his house for many acts of chesed for many people(including myself) . The godless people who insist that they know that this gem did something wrong without any shred of evidence is just that - godless. Who knows if he did something wrong - Who cares? Even if he didn't have a permit and he built himself an illegal Olympic sized heated whirpool Jacuzzi Mikvah - SO WHAT?
Use your time more wisely and make money to build yourself a house so you won't be jealous. It's a lot healthier than trying to knock him down.
May HKB"H grant the owner the stregnth he deserves to pull through all of this ASAP. While he's at it may HE grant you all the money you need to build a bigger house than that of the owners.
At 3:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Unbelievable the jealousy that there is in the Jewish community.
At 5:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Who was the contractor?
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