Jerusalem, Israel - Two Charedi Men Arrested For Attacking Tourists In Mea Shearim
Jerusalem, Israel - A group of Christian tourists, wearing t-shirts were assaulted in Jerusalem's Mea Shearim neighborhood by a crowd of charedim. The group of 50, came under attack while walking through the neighborhood by about 100 charedim who congregated in the area and started to hit them. Police forces rushed to the scene to break up the attack.
Three of the tourists were lightly injured in the attack as was a police officer, they were all treated on the scene by Magen David Adom paramedics.
Police arrested two of the charedi men suspected of attacking the members of the group, and they are waiting for the tourists to file a complaint so that they can press charges against the suspects.
After police dispersed the crowd of attackers, haredi residents set a garbage bin on fire in the area, forcing police to briefly close off the street to traffic in the area.
At 1:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tourists or missionaries?
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
who cares what they are .
They do not deserve to be attacked . I hope they arrest more.
these guys are animals.
they should get thier payos and beards shaved off for doing these attacks.
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
they said manny times that it's not a tourists zone and should get lost and they are still comeing .
At 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
they said manny times that it's not a tourists zone and should get lost and they are still comeing .
Mea shearim is not owned by individuals , its owned by the local township or what have you.
Can you imagine you walking in there and them throwing rocks at you because you are not dresed like them?
It is no diferent if you walk in or if a goy walks in .
They have no right to be violent.
Now if they come to do damage that is a whole different story but either way it would be handeled by the local police and not by bearded men and payos who have no jobs other then being violent to visitors who are different then them.
At 7:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
If they were missionaries they deserved to be run out of town. If they were "innoccent" tourists, why'd they go to Meah Shearim? The residents there are not on display like animals in the zoo.
At 7:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
They're not animals in a zoo
You wouldn't know it from the way they're behaving...
Very rarely are chareidim attacked this way in downtown tel aviv, you know...
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
downtown tel aviv is NOT Meah Shearim! I wouldn't compare Tel Aviv to Meah Shearim. The reason tourists go to Meah Shearim is to gawk at the "quaint old fashioned people from the dark ages" who live there-that's why they don't belong in Meah Shearim. Let them go tour in Tel Aviv, to the disco, cafes, stadiums etc.
At 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
To support this act of violence has to be the most nauseating thought of the day. Chilul Hashem is not in order. Not for some tourists in your neighborhood, not for anything. I guess living in fear of Arabs had caused some to act like Arabs. Fear none other than Hashem, whose Eyes are focused on the Holy State of Israel from the beginning of the year until the end. May the name of Hashem be sanctfied in the future and not Chas V'Sholom...
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