Lakewood, NJ - Head Of Shomrim Arrested On Bribery Charges
Lakewood, NJ - Chaim Burech Rubin head and founder of Lakewood Shomrim, was charged with two counts of bribery, and posted $20,000 bail.
Rubin, 25, the township man behind the new Lakewood Shomrim Patrol - one police officials have yet to endorse because of concerns over how well it would work with law enforcement - has been charged with two counts of attempting to bribe a police officer, - predate his forming of Shomrim - He was trying to bribe Officer Erik Menck to help resolve a traffic summonses involving Rubin's wife, each count is carrying a potential jail term of five to 10 years if he's convicted.
According to his arrest warrant: Rubin's wife, Raizel, was stopped last fall by Lakewood Officer Michael Ruiz. Rubin showed up at Menck's father's house and asked to speak to Menck, and he told Ruiz that he and Menck were friends.
When Menck and Rubin were finished talking, Rubin handed him an envelope and stated "I appreciate you talking to the other officer."
Rubin left, and when Menck opened the envelope, he found four $100 bills.
Menck talked with Ruiz to confirm Rubin's account and then reported the incident to his superiors in the Police Department.
Rubin and Menck met again Sept. 30. Rubin handed Menck $200 and "discussed that the money would go to Patrolman Ruiz." Rubin said another $100 could be paid, if needed. Later Menck called Rubin to meet again. When they did, Rubin gave him $100.
Rubin would not say what effect his arrest would have on Shomrim.
At 8:32 AM,
Investigator Todd L. Friedman, set up another meeting with Rubin. Menck wore a wire and the conversation was recorded. "Mr. Rubin acknowledged the $400 bribe and asked if the amount . . . was enough," Friedman wrote in an affidavit. "Mr. Rubin stated that "one hand washes the other' and that he would rather give Erik the money than the government. Mr. Rubin also refers to not needing the summonses and continued to tell Erik to enjoy the money. Mr. Rubin then alluded to offering more money to Patrolman Ruiz if needed."
At 8:32 AM,
Rubin, who lives on Malka Way and moved to Lakewood about two-and-a-half years ago, said Tuesday he could not comment without talking to his lawyer, Abraham Penzer. Penzer's office did not return a call for comment.
At 8:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
If this is true this is very sad. Ihave only been frum for a few years and let me tell you that this gives Torah Jews such a bad eyes it is worse the seeing a Yeshiva guy go into a McDonalds. When I hear story like this I just cant believe it. Don't we all learn the same Torah?
At 8:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
they will arrest Jews but not the people who beat or rape Jews ! some in the the Lakewood PD just hate Jews....
At 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Isn't this the same officer that caused that whole fight awhile ago with some rebbe?
Rubin should have known better!
At 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rubin is just a young idiot. He doesn't show good judgement and thus shows that he is not level headed enough to run an orginazation such as Shomrim.I think Shomrim should be run by someone with more life experience and Sechel than a 25 year old, who is stupid enough to bribe an officer.
At 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a jerk!!
Wake up!!
This is not lodz.slabodka,kletzk ,radin or Warsaw.
We are living in America.
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Innocent until proven guilty but if he is, he should resign his position. It is important that someone who is head of shomrim, be 100000% squeaky clean.
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
they will arrest Jews but not the people who beat or rape Jews ! some in the the Lakewood PD just hate Jews...-
Who is hating antone here.
Rubin is simply a first class ass for doing what he did and adding to the already many issues regarding the lakewood police and the yiddin there.
He should resign immediately and be taken over by people that have REAL jobs.
At 12:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard from a reliable source that this was a trap laid out for him bc. the police dont like shomrim and wanted to get the head. The cop by the way was the same cop that was involved in the attack against the rabbi last year and against a black. he obviously has racial issues
At 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is a self apponited position he started it you can not take that away from him.
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
i heard from a reliable source that this police set a trap because he wanted rubin to get into troube..he has been after this guy because he didnt like shomrim. he so happens to be the same cop that harrassed a rabbi in lakewood last year and a black woman. he obviously has issues and should not be on the police force.
At 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard from a reliable source LIKE WHO IS YOUR RELIABLE SOURCE?? that this was a trap laid out for him bc. the police dont like shomrim WHY WOULD THEY ?NO ONE DOES THEY ARE A BUNCH OF LOW LIFES and wanted to get the head. The cop by the way was the same cop that was involved in the attack against the rabbi NO COP ATTACKED THE RABBI- HE WAS ARRESTED FOR INTERFEREING IN A TRAFFIC STOP last year and against a black. he obviously has racial issues -U GUYS ARE BLIND
At 4:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 2:58 - you are such a pathetic self-hating jew. you have obviously not had any run-ins with the rabid anti-semites in lakewood.
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
anon 2:58 - you are such a pathetic self-hating jew. you have obviously not had any run-ins with the rabid anti-semites in lakewood.
Let me ask you something.
If this exact scenario happened to a goy and he was arrested for bribry of an officer, would you still be calling the cops anti semites for arresting a goy?
whether or not they are a/s or not is not the issue.
If it is true as the article said that he bribed those cops and was even taped by investigators, he is still guilty for bribing a cop. Anti S.emite or not he is dead wrong for bribing an official, end of story and should be punished accordingly.
He should also resign as founder of shomrim.
We do NOT need low lifes like him doing our safty missions here.
Maybe in new york where he came from it is acceptable to bribe an officer not here in nj.
At 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lakewood PD just hate Jews.
At 7:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
If anyone ever has anything to do with Officer Menck it's bad news. He's no friend of ours. Stay far away from him if you can.
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 2:58 here
fyi i have lived in lakewood for over 20 years and worked with the local pd not against and i davened in the messifta where "the rabbi" is the official rabbi..for all u nitwits out there that they think you can walk on everyone -wake up and maybee admitt that when your wrong your wrong -ever think how the frum mayor thinks- it is the biggest chillul hashem what these kids are doing...ruining it for everyone
At 11:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I live in Lakewood for over 30 years and I most of the police officers who I've met seemed reasonable and friendly. I wasn't ticketed when I had an expired inspection sticker - only given a warning. I wasn't ticketed for a right turn on red, (where the sign said - No right turn on red), I was only stopped and my driving record checked etc. I had to call the police at other times and they were always helpful. I do notice though that many Yeshivaleit ignore the stop signs, stop in the middle of the street without warning to pick up or drop off people without pulling over and also disregard normal driving courtesy in other ways. We don't own this town and we don't have the right to disobey traffic laws. If I get a ticket when I am in the wrong, I admit that I was wrong and pay up.Yes there are some nasty officers out there, but, obey the laws!
At 2:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
To annonymous that stated that Rubin should move back to BP!! I know Mr Rubin personally and he's a good friend of mine. He is not that stupid to do this thing of which they're accusing him. He is not a selfish jew. He's always ready to help another jew that is in need. You annonymous selfish jew probably living in a comfortable house have the chutzpah and the selfishness and the "RISHES" to write somthing like this about another yid when he's in trouble. You and your family should have the most miserable life that can ever come upon you. you selfish bastard. GRADEH, It's not negayeh, GEVALDIG, that's probably the most you know about yiddishkeit.
At 9:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have lived in Lakewood for over 30 years, and most of my experiences the police have been good. There are some bad cops, of course, but, no one should ever try to break the law and bribe a cop. I've been let off with just a warning after having been caught with an expired inspection sticker, making aright turn on red (where it was not allowed), etc. Whenever I've needed assistance from the police they were polite and helpful. I think an older more responsible person should head Shomrim with the cooperation from the police of course.
At 11:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am amazed and saddened by how many self-hating Jews post their self-hating comments on this site.
At 1:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
who are you calling self hating Jews? The people who write about the Lakewood police, Shomrim, etc. are all entitled to their own opinions about what is best for the klall. They are not self hating Jews, whether or not they agree or disagree with the benefit of having Shomrim, or whether or not the Lakewood PD is antisemitic or not etc.
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think we all agree that this guy did something really really stupid by bribing the officer, and I think we also all agree that there are unfortunately many anti-semites in Lakewood. So why are we squabbling like little 2 year olds?
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