New York, NY - +NYPD Mob Cops Sentenced+
New York, NY - +NYPD Mob Cops Sentenced+ Former New York City police detectives Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa, who were convicted of eight murders including the killing of Jewish jeweler Israel Greenwald for $25,000 at the behest of a mob underboss, as reported on VOS IZ NEIAS, have been sentenced to life in prison.
At 4:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
they should rot in jail.
At 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
there probably more of them in the department still working our streets in Boro Park
At 4:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
yehhh u r right, i did see some web site (dont remember the address of it now) where the police are talking between them self's, about us yiden and they are worse from the Nazis.
At 4:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
you are 100 percent right, and this goes all the way to the top, why dont they close down such a hatful site?
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Closing it down will not remove the hate.
At 9:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
do you have that site he is talking about, anyone knows what site they are talking about here.
would like to see it, i would like to see the real face of the Police
At 9:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
why do you guys have so much hate against the PD?
At 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
The NYPDrant, a popular gathering place for New York City Cops and a cybercenter for Police to express their anti-semitism. In order to understand the mentality behind our 'protectors' this thread is a must-read.
At 12:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
The website is
At 2:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Weiser - these cops which were just sentenced to life in prison were involved in the muderer of a frum yid. If the frum yid was innocent or not is not the question. The point is that it was there doing that killed a fellow yid. Is that a good reason to hate them? I think so.
At 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
In any group of 38,000 people (approximate size of the NYPD), you are going to find some morons who should be weeded out -- but that would even includes a group of 38,000 yeshiva rebbes, judging by some of the stories now starting to come out on Jewish blogsites in the wake of the recent "Rabbi K." revelations.
I think most officers are decent guys -- but they get frustrated working in a place like the 6-6 or the 9-0 when they try to do their job and enforce the law -- and SOME (stress "SOME") people seem to act like the laws don't apply to them, either because they are self-styled "big machers" who know Rabbi So-and-So who's a friend of Chief Esposito or Chief Fox, or because, on general principle, they somehow seem to think that civil laws (whether for traffic, who's eligible for welfare, honest business dealings or domestic violence and abuse) that apply to the "goyim" should not be enforced on frum people, just because they are frum (HaRav Moshe Feinstein, z"tl, emphatically ruled OTHERWISE). When Mr. Schick got pulled over for illegal cellphone use while driving (a dangerous and illegal act that has in the past led to many accidents, that's why it's illegal), he should have just taken the ticket and sent it to his lawyer instead of starting machloches. And then for idiots to rush to the scene and block streets, set fires and even set a police car on fire-- that's not "standing up for ourselves," it's CHILLUL HASHEM that plays right into the hands of other idiots like the cops on the aforementioned board (I've seen it) who resent "the beards."
But bad as that resentment some cops hold to frum Yidden may be, the Nazi comparison someone made is way over the top. No one is rounding anyone up and sending them off in trucks to be gassed.
At 9:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
but not all the cops are like this, at least the ones i know at the top.
At 10:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon at 8:18- thumbs up for you, well said.
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