Sullivan County, NY +Children and Adults From Local Camp Into Shelter Due To Flooding+
Sullivan County, NY - Children and adults, approximately 450 children and 150 adults from a local Jewish camp, where severe weather and flooding have occurred, are all being set up at 600 Route 55 at the Eldred High School for shelter.
The American Red Cross is responding to this site, and it is scheduled to become a Red Cross staffed and supplied shelter, providing cots, blankets, kosher meals and other supplies.
U/D: 06/30/06
The staff and campers of Tel Yehudah spent all of Wednesday and part of Thursday in the Red Cross shelter, but by later that afternoon they were on their way back to camp.
At 9:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Which camp?
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
which camps
At 11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tel Yehuda
At 9:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
it was awesome
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