Tallman, NY +FD Requesting PD's Assistance To A Fire Inside A Religious School+
Rockland County, Tallman, NY +FD Requesting PD's Assistance To A Fire Inside A Religious School+ An unknown type of fire inside a Jewish religious school building, is reported by the fire chief of Tallman Fire Department who is on the scene at 38 College Avenue , but he was denied access to the building by the occupants, FD requesting Ramapo PD to the scene forthwith.
At 10:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
What the heck is going on here? What possible reason could there be for not letting firemen in to fight a fire, thus requiring police intervention? This is NOT Saudi Arabia (where some years ago, a bunch of girls were killed in a fire at their school because Muslim zealots refused to allow the firemen to go inthere and rescue them, citing the Koran's directive to preserve their "modesty").
What was going on there (in Tallman) that someone didn't want someone else to see? Sounds like a chillul Hashem to me.
At 11:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
no chilul hashem. This is the USA and no one can enter your house without you inviting them in and you may refuse entry even for a police office.
If you have a toaster over fire and you try to cancel FD, and (or course) they won't, you CAN deny them entry!
In this case the Rabbi decided the small fire was out and was not in the mood of having fire marshals start looking for violations, just as they did and keep doing, issuing heafty summonsus and causing a great ammount of headach. In this case FD may have been happy to get the oppertunity to have an inside look, as we all know there are violations to be found in a house which was converted into a synagoge for the local resident.
Let's stick up for this Rabbi, and not judge him on the merit of what the FD tells the press! We all know they (also) have bad intentions, although they will claim they just mean safty...
In Europe the anti-semites used to always use the "protecting OUR safty" thing, to pass the worst rules on Jews; like closing down the shuls and yeshivas, and even taking away the little kids from parents who can't educate them to be good soilders for the csar in Russia.
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why cant you be legal ?!? The headaches are worth it ! what happens if you are illegal a somone get killed Chas,vshalom ?
At 1:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Chill dude. Quite a difference between a fire marshal issuing a summons for a possibly illegal and potentially unsafe condition in a building (and I hope the rabbi fixes whatever is wrong before, chas v''sholom, there's another fire there and perhaps this time, someone gets hurt or killed) and the Russians taking kids away to serve in the czar's army.
"We all know they [I.E., the fire department] (also) have bad intentions, although they will claim they just mean safty..."
I think their main intention is to KEEP THE PLACE FROM POSSIBLY CATCHING FIRE AGAIN, since that would endanger not only the lives of the people inside the building, but those of the firemen who have to go in there and fight such a fire.
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shloma is this the story what you are writing about here, this is what i found just posted on The Journal News
"MONSEY — Congregants at a College Road synagogue burned a newspaper they found offensive inside a men's rest room, setting off the building's automatic fire alarm late last night, police said this morning.
When firefighters arrived, they smelled smoke and ordered the synagogue evacuated. Congregants refused the order and would not leave the building until police arrived, officials said this morning.
"They laughed when the fire chief ordered everyone out," Ramapo Detective Sgt. John Lynch said this morning.
Police are still interviewing people involved in the incident to see if any would be charged with interfering with the duties of firefighters.
"We don't know at this point if the behavior rose to the level of criminal charges," Lynch said.
Arson investigators are also trying to determine who set the newspaper on fire.
The Tallman Volunteer Fire Department was called to Congregation Anshe Sfard at 38 College Road shortly before 11 last night after an automatic fire alarm was activated.
Firefighters smelled smoke in the building, assistant chief Scott Meier said.
"When we asked them to evacuate, they laughed at us," Meier said. "They wouldn't move until the cops got there."
There was no damage to the building, authorities said.
A congregant went into the men's room and burned Wednesday's edition of the The New York Post, which had on its front page a picture of three women in bathing suits, police said.
Firefighters said they were angry that congregants didn't follow their orders.
"We're the ones getting out of bed at 11 o'clock at night to protect them," Meier said. "What will it take for them to cooperate with us? Do we have to pull one of them out of a building dead one night?"
At 1:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
First of all, what did they need to burn it for. Couldn't they shred it & flush it down the toilet? Secondly, when are we going to remember that we are in galus & are ordered to obey the authorities?
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Retard! A pic on the front page of a newspaper is so offensive, that it warrants a huge chillil hashem as a result. Maybe its ok to go burn billboards and bus stops that have pics this idiot doesnt like. Youre living in america,moron! Not Bnei Brak! Oh, im sorry u cant go to the treifine medina!
At 5:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I stick to what I wrote: If the police wants to come into my house just to look, I would refuse them. regardless if I have anything to hide or am 100% leagal or not.
We have a constitutional right against unlawful searches, and if he invites them in he throws his rights out the window.
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
not when there is a fire, at that time the FD is the boss
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
If there is a fire which can potentially spread to other buildings nearby, the argument can be made that your "constitutional right" goes out the window. Your constitutional rights end where everyone else's right to life begin. As for burning the newspaper, I don't understand what kind of idiot can light a fire inside a building full of people. At least burn it outside on the sidewalk, if you have to burn it. To endanger people and cause a chillul hashem for something like that is obscene.
At 3:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
not when there is a fire? so if I light a toilet tissue I loose the right over my house?
Listen: the FD and Wren are not TRULLY interested in our or even their safty. It is all kovod (respect) and politics. I know how they work.
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