Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Power Outage+
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Power Outage+ Lots of street lights in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn on Lee Avenue and Bedford Avenue and the cross streets, were out for a short time.
U/D: 23:25
All lights are back on.
At 11:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Vayehi Ohr!
At 11:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
OY VEY! Thats a long drive!
R'fia Shlayma.
At 12:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe the "Zalis" snuck up to KJ and did a little bit of creative re-wiring that caused the power outage there (2:33 p.m.) -- so the "Aronis" went down to WillyB and returned the favor?
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