Brooklyn, NY +Fatal PD Involved Shooting+
Brooklyn, NY +Fatal PD Involved Shooting+ In the 81st Pct there is a large police mobilization at 666 Hancock Street and Reed Avenue for an off-duty MOS that came up on a shoot out when he shot two perps one is DOA the other one is in traumatic arrest and a 3rd fled, level one mobilization has been called.
U/D: 17:31
2nd victim has expired at the hospital, five shots were fired by MOS. Major crime scene ongoing at location.
At 8:44 AM,
Two men were shot to death by a third man yesterday afternoon on a Brooklyn street, the police said. The attack ended after an undercover police officer who happened to be driving by stopped and fired his revolver at the gunman, who then fled.
One man died at the scene in Bedford-Stuyvesant, and the other was pronounced dead yesterday evening at Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Center, the police said.
They said it was unclear whether the officer’s shots struck the gunman, who remained at large last night.
Based on shell casings found at the scene, the police said last night that they were exploring the possibility that there was a second gunman. Further ballistics testing will be conducted, they said.
The police gave a preliminary account in the hours just after the shooting. The violence unfolded about 4:30 p.m. at Hancock Street and Malcolm X Boulevard in Bedford-Stuyvesant. The undercover officer, who was on duty, was driving his private car north on Malcolm X Boulevard. The police did not identify him but said he worked in the detective bureau.
The officer was on his way from court to his office when he saw a man firing a semiautomatic weapon at the two victims, the police said.
The police identified the victims as Jevon Harrell, 26, and Michael Stann, 31, and said they lived at 666 Hancock Street, a building that neighbors said had recently been the subject of a police drug raid. The police said both men had criminal records.
A cousin of the men said they were half brothers but gave their names as Javon Harrell and Darnell Span.
The cousin, Tawana Jenkins, 28, said she and the two men had grown up together on Hancock Street. Mr. Harrell, who had two children, was the funny one, a bit disorganized, but he could make everyone laugh, Ms. Jenkins said. She said the other man, known as D, was quiet with a stubborn streak.
“It’s senseless,” said Ms. Jenkins, a secretary at a moving company.
In describing the sequence of events, the police said that at one point, the officer saw one victim stumbling across the street. At another point, he saw a man shooting at another man who was on the ground beneath him, the police said. That man later collapsed in front of 666 Hancock Street.
Without leaving his car, the officer drew his weapon, a .38-caliber, five-shot revolver, and fired all five rounds at the gunman through his open car window.
James Sharp, 36, a construction worker, said he saw what happened before the officer arrived. The gunman, in a blue bandanna and a black hat, had approached two men — “They were talking like they were friends,” he said — and opened fire, shooting one of them point-blank. The man who was shot, who was wearing a white T-shirt, fell to the ground in a fetal position, Mr. Sharp said.
The second man, in a blue T-shirt, walked away, and the gunman shot him, Mr. Sharp said.
“His head was shaking. His eyes were white. He was trying to say something,” he said.
Mr. Sharp said he did not see the officer approach.
The police could not say if anyone fired at the undercover officer. But under police guidelines, the officer would be authorized to use deadly force to stop someone from killing another person, the police said.
Numerous rounds from at least one semiautomatic weapon were found in two places at the scene, the police said.
Reginald Holloman, who said he was a cousin of the victims, stood stunned as he watched detectives work on the other side of police tape.
“The man’s dead,” he said about the cousin who was killed at the scene. “I’m not angry at nobody. He’s dead.”
Mr. Holloman added, “You know how the street life goes.”
The shooting happened in the 81st Precinct, but the undercover officer was not assigned to work in that precinct, the police said.
It was unclear last night what sparked the shooting. Neither of the victims appeared to be a bystander or passer-by, the police said.
Phillip Wade, 60, a computer specialist who lives nearby, said the area had a drug problem.
“You can come through here at any hour and you can see groups of people doing business,” he said. “It’s like a supermarket.”
Another man, the Rev. Conrad Tillard, surveyed the scene of the shooting. “It’s not a shock, but it’s still a tragedy,” he said. “It’s a tragedy because young people died prematurely, but it’s not a shock because in Bed-Stuy, we have too much of this.”
Councilman Charles Barron, who went to the scene yesterday afternoon, questioned the police version of events.
“The community is telling a different version,” Mr. Barron said. “They’re saying the police shot all the bullets. The police version does not make sense; it’s very questionable.”
At 1:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Councilman Charles Barron, who went to the scene yesterday afternoon, questioned the police version of events.
“The community is telling a different version,” Mr. Barron said. “They’re saying the police shot all the bullets. The police version does not make sense; it’s very questionable.”
Typical racist Charles Barron baloney. The area is a known drug location, everyone in the community KNOWS "how the street life goes,” as one witness so aptly put it, the two dead guys had criminal records and were seen chatting aimiably with the perp just before the shooting went down, so maybe this was some kind of drug deal gone bad.
And yet, the racist Barron -- who all by himself is a walking, talking version of the old Amos n' Andy show -- racistly conjures up a wild racist conspiracy theory that "ALL THE BULLETS" were fired by the police, whom I suppose were out to "execute young black men," or some sort of racist garbage like that coming from the racist mouth of the racist ex-Panther, who famously and racistly said he wanted to go up to a white person at random and racistly hit him "for my mental health"
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