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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fenton, CA - Museum, Artist in Tug-of-War Over WWII Art

Fenton, CA - A woman who survived the Holocaust through her paintings, wants the museum in Poland where they're displayed to return them.

But the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Poland said Dina Gottliebova Babbitt's work document Nazi genocide and considers the paintings its property, The N.
Nazi doctor Josef Mengele ordered Babbitt to paint the watercolors of Gypsy prisoners at Auschwitz. Seven paintings are displayed at the museum; Babbitt said she believes she painted 11.
Health issues for Babbitt jump-started her supporters in the 30-year dispute. Her case was heard in a congressional hearing on the recovery of art stolen during World War II.

The institution views the paintings as documentary work that Mengele ordered, an official said. The official noted the memorial's international council previously said the museum bought six watercolors in the 1960s and the seventh was acquired in 1977.


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