Iran - Rabbi on Iranian Media: "Israel Will Cease to Exist"
Iran - In an interview with official Iranian media, Rabbi David Weiss, of the Neturei Karta movement, stated that "We don't know how much blood will be shed until the state of Israel will cease to exist, but we pray to the Creator that it will happen with the minimum amount of loss and bloodshed."
"The creation of the state of Israel does not conform to Jewish law and, actually, is contrary to it. Jewish rabbis around the world fear to express their opinions because of the intimidating atmosphere creating by the Zionists."
Weiss addressed UN Security Council resolution 1701 and said: "I oppose this decision because it does not touch upon the demands of the Lebanese or Palestinian people." "We believe that the day is close at hand when Israel will lose its strength. The Torah says that whatever exists in opposition to divine will cannot continue. As I understand it, things are changing every day and we are sure that Israel will cease to exist."
Regarding the demographic problem, he said that "The Muslim population in Israel is growing rapidly and, in the upcoming years, most of the state will be Muslim."
"We came to Teheran to clarify that Israel does not represent all Jews,' said one of visiting rabbis.
At 9:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Farshultin zull der "rabbi" weiss veren. Azah chillul Hashem tzi machen. Imgloyblech.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Unfortunantly I think That Rabbi Weiss is right.
The state of Israel is run by apikorsim, Rotzchim and people who want to do away with anything to do with yiddishkeit wonder all this is happening......
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Is there any Heter to kill this person that goes under the title "Rabbi" and hopes for the death of jews who are not just like him? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
It's still a chillul Hashem!!
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Koidem kol, I don't believe for a moment that there is enough yiras shomayim and yiras chait for him to have accomplished what is necessary to be certified as a rabbi. THis bum did not sit down to learn for semicha.
Secondly, a hater of jews like him should "fress drek".
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
most people I know don't have money to fly to tehran, and elsewhere when ever they want to.
who's funding these NK of M guys??
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
On one hand this encourages ignorant extremist to fight. It may give them another reason for hope, against western superior weapons, because we are not fully united. They will fail to realize that this ferdskup can't supply them with spitballs.
This may sound crazy. But on the other hand it may temper some anger because not everybody in the west hates the muslim ideology of reuniting all the muslim countries (Uma) under the koran.
Additionally it will show the muslims that even a ferdskup can speak against his own government, so they may tell themselves, hey, why can't I talk against my Iranian /Syrian government???!!!
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think Rabbi Veiss is right.
We should let the ARABS take over Israel until Moshiach comes. Though not with blood the Zionazis should move elswhere with their communism.
At 1:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
In Europe they used to routinely kill moysrim, this is no different.
At 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
they are funded by satmer chassidim 90% of them agree that neturu karta is right. R Yaakov Kamenetzky has said that it is MUTUR to kill them (the kooks from monsey the jewish palestinians) because they are rodfim, they want to kill jews (who they call zionists).
At 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
For the persons that believe that YD Weiss is correct; there can only be sypathy for such foolishness.
Was there a zionist state in 1929? NO.
Were the jews brutaly murdered in 1929 zionists? NO.
Do the muslims want to kill only zionists? NO.
Why would we listen to muslim leaders falsehoods? I have no idea.
Do the muslim leaders only want to kill zionists? NO.
Who is telling Satmar, etc. that they only want to kill zionists? Then NK of M.
Who told the NK of M? the muslim leaders.
This is insanity.
The muslims hate Jews. They always have, and they always will.
To be anti-zionist is resonable.
To be pro-palestinian is insanity.
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Neturei Karta are the only authentic Jews today!!
face the face all others have been persuaded by zionism.
At 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is nothing new!
July 16, 1947, the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky (1865-1948), sent a letter to the UN special committee on Palestine stating the 60,000 Jews of Jerusalem wished “to express our definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine.” He urged the UN not to approve the creation of the “heretic” state, prophetically asserting it would bring “endless rivers of blood.”
Disregarded, Rabbi Dushinsky made a final plea to the UN: “The Jewish Orthodox community of Jerusalem comprising 60,000 souls, objects to the plea of including Jerusalem in the Jewish state and/or its residents becoming automatically citizens of the Jewish state.”
At 5:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
The "rabbi" is funded by numerous Muslim interests in New York and throughout the country.
Learn the facts before opening your mouths please.
At 12:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
the so called rabbi weiss shuld get shot in the haed by an areb and than keep on yaping his big mouth
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