Israel - Charedi Rabbis Seek Cease-Fire With Hamas
Israel - Rabbi Steinman and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, have given their blessing to a meeting with Hamas aimed at reaching a cease-fire that could save Jewish lives.
The plan approved by Yosef and Steinman calls for three rabbis representing Sephardi, Ashkenazi and religious Zionist Orthodoxy to meet with Hamas representatives.
The proposed cease-fire would be between Hamas and the Jewish people - not with the state of Israel - to circumvent Hamas's refusal to recognize the Zionist entity.
Rabbi Yosef, and Rabbi Steinman and other major rabbinic leaders take a pragmatic approach to the talks, they see it as a means of stopping, even if only temporarily, the barrage of Kassam rockets in the South, suicide bombings and roadside shootings.
Contemporary Issues in Jerusalem, said that religious leaders, both Jewish and Muslim, had much in common and could accomplish much more than politicians. "The Islamic world has deep concerns about the penetration of liberal, secular values and lifestyles into the Middle East. A major factor in the conflict between radical Islam and the Western world is Islam's opposition to secular lifestyle and ideology. "The Charedi community understands their sensitivities and mentality and feels threatened by the same phenomena.
The Charedi community could play a key role in dialogue between the West and Islam because we live in two worlds, one deeply religious and the other liberal and pluralistic. We understand that the secular mind is different from the religious mind.
"Today in the West the assumption in dealing with Muslim extremism is that moderation and tolerance are the keys. But what the West does not understand is that there is something threatening in that approach, both to the Charedi mind and to a deeply Islamic mind. Both Charedim and Muslims see multicultural society as an anathema.
At 10:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Moshiachs Times!
The Rebbe the V'yoel Moshe would have loved to see and hear this. Mi Yigaleh Ofer Meinacha Rabeiny
At 10:58 AM,
Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said…
One word: Naive.
What we fail to realize is that people are שטופי זימה and could care less about "Western Values". They're a bunch of murderers and Mushchosim, and the fact that they lived peacefully their Jewish neighbors is only because they needed them for business and trade. We see that from the fact that at the 1st opportunity they murdered and robbed just like the Nazis. The Rebbe the V'Yoel Moshe knew better than to meet with these people.
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is a joke, right? Next thing you know, the Kolels will be getting funding from Chamas.
At 11:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
This has to be one of the most assinine ideas I've ever heard, and is based on either hubris or naivitte on the part of whomever is advising the Rabbanim in question.
The Islamic Republic of Iran suposedly is only anti-Israel, and not anti-Jewish, so the Mullahs there allow the Jewish community of Iran a certain amount of religious freedom; however, despite all this, the community has gone from about 100,000 in 1979 to 25,000 today due to the tremendeous day-to-day pressure they are under. Other Islamic countries don't even bother with the fig leaf of being anti-Israel only; Hitler's (YM"SH) "Mein Kampf" is regularly a best-seller in Arab countries, as is a "Fathir Sayoun", or "The Matzos of Zion", a book claiming to proove the accuracy of the classic blood lible accusation, written by the former Foreign Minister of Syria. Not very encouraging, is it?
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Hamas does not care if we are religious they want everyone to convert to Islam, they want to rule the world. I doubt if the Rebbe ever would have met with terrorist, He did not meet with HITLER y"ms either.
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Think of how large the kollel dinner would be if they honored Nasrallah!
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please GD save us from our gedailim.
At 12:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why do we scream and curse out the Neturei Karta when they meet with the arabs but when the mainstream Gedolim do it it sems fine!!!
Such hypocricy
At 2:54 PM,
dave said…
must be something in the water, in yerushalaim, hashem yerachem.
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
And they still maintain there is such a thing as Daas Torah, despite all the evidence.
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why can't Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, an Iraqi born native Arabic speaker, a man of the East who is culturally in sync with the Arab world be an ambassador for Israel? Why is this so outrageous?
The Rav has been invited to be a guest speaker on Jordanian Radio in the past and is greatly respected in the Arab world.
I know, I listen to the Arabic media in Arabic and hear what is REALLY said and what the Arab media REALLY thinks.
The secular Zionist gov't has been misusing Sephardic Jews as spies when we could be diplomats. Look at the strides for Israeli IT that Amir Peretz made with the King of Morocco in just one meeting.The King by the way learns Torah each week with Rabbi Garcon of Spain.
We are in Galut folks, we have no friends in the world. We just need to do the best we can with our enemies.
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