Perth, Australia - Body of Yeshiva Bochur Swept Away Into Sea, Was Found
Perth, Australia - A search team has recovered the body of the 18-year-old yeshiva bocher from Long Island, NY who was swept away by heavy seas off Australia's southwest coast.
Avinoam Grossman of Cedarhurst, N.Y., was with a small group of American tourists at Torpedo Rocks, about 186 miles southwest of the Western Australia state capital, Perth, when a wave swept him from the rocks on Tuesday afternoon as was reported here at that time on VOS IZ NEIAS.
His body was recovered by a search and rescue craft on Friday after being spotted by a search helicopter, the Western Australia police said in a statement.
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Boruch Dayan Haemes, Thei Nishmoso Tzirurah B'tzror Hachayim. May he be a Mailitz Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.
At 10:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone knows when and where the Leviya will be?
At 10:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tragic tragic I can't stop to cry
From a close friend
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
the levaya will be monday in yerushalayim
At 11:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
the levaya will be in eretz yisroel
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now that we know with certainty that Avinoam a"h has passed away i think it is appropriate to praise one of the finest people i have ever got to know and someone who will be sorely missed. I personally experienced learning with avinoam and i can tell you firshand that he was an exceptional person. He was a true masmid, always finding free time to learn (i learnt with him during breakfast.) He learnt with such a clarity of the gemara, he was the best chavrusa i ever had. On top of all his learning abilities he was an emesdic bal midos toivos. I can never recall one time he was ever judgmental towards me, he always had something kind to say, always smiling, always happy. One thing that i will always remember about Avinoam was that when you spoke to him, he cared, he listened, i never felt uncomfortable around him. He was such a likeable person, anybody who met him knows what i mean; people liked to be around Avinoam, he gave off this special comforting, caring feeling.
If someone would ask me one person i aspired to be i would tell you with all honesty i would like to be someone as special as Avinoam a"h.
Avinoam you will always be an inspiration to me, and i am sure you have inspired many others.
Avinoam, you will always be missed.
At 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
We give SHevach TO Hakaodash Baruch Hu that even during this time of Great Tzaar he showed his rachmanus and let Avinoam be found and be brought to Kevuras Yisroel.
May Klal Yisroel never see anymore tzaros ANd may we see the Geulah speedily in our times.
Acheinu KOL bais yisroel... Bein BaYom U'Bein Bayabashah.
Hamakom Yinacheim ESchem...
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
What Yeshiva did he go to?
Was he on a SEED project?
At 3:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeshiva of Passaic this past year.
Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway for the past 5 years. Toras Emes Kaminetz in Boro Park for elementary school. I was a classmate with him there. He was on SEED with some Darchei Torah boys in Perth, Western Australia.
At 3:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I heard from his mother that the levaya will probably be on wednesday in Israel, at which point they will come back to America, in Cedarhurst to sit shivah.
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
The community here in Perth are mourning the loss of a fine young man in such tragic circumstances. A service was held this evening (Motze Shabbos) 7.30pm Perth time followed by the procession on route to the airport.
As mentioned in this posting, Avianoam a"h was always happy and always smiling.
At 3:26 PM,
IsraLuv said…
Please post the details of the Levyaih here in Eretz Yisrael. There are a lot of former 5 town people living in Jerusalem and we would be interested in going to the levayiah and support the family in this horrible time.
May his neshamah be zocheh to have a speedy aliyah.
May his family be comforted amoungst the mourners of Zion in Jerusalem.
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
The following email was received from someone of the Perth Chevra Kadisha who is on the accompanying flight:
Firstly, many thanks to all those who assisted &/or rang and offered to help us in our trip, your blessings and good wishes give Dovie and me great strength.
Though arrangements are not yet final, at this stage it appears that the deceased will arrive in Eretz Israel early Wednesday morning (Israel time) with
the Levaya that morning at Har HaMenuchot Cemetery.
As flight times etc can all change, those in Israel who asked to be informed of a time would probably be best phoning the Kehilat Yerushalayim Chevra Kadisha on (02) 625 2281 for final confirmation.
At 10:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
He was 19 not 18.
At 10:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone with memories of Avinoam should please post here...I am writing an article for Hamodia and I want it to reflect the feelings of everyone who came in contact with this special neshomo. Those of us here in America would especially appreciate anyone from Perth who could summarize what was said about Avinoam at the motzei shabbos gathering last night in Perth.
At 1:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Richard Altabe, Please note that there are 2 blogs on Avinoam Grossman in vosizneias. The other post has a summary of what was said on Motzei Shabbos.
At 3:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Last night, the Perth community came together to say tehillim and to farewell Avinoam. The number of people from all ages who attended and accompanied Avinoam in a procession from the shul, is testament to the impact he has had on all of us.
The Rabbi of the Perth Hebrew Congregation emphasised that although a wave had taken Avinoam away, his Torah impact on the community will never be washed away and has left a lasting impression.
I am grateful that I had the opportunity last shabbos to learn with Avinoam and experience his warm and sincere personality and sharp Torah mind.
The thoughts of the Perth Jewish Community are with Avinoam's parents, family and friends.
מקולות מים רבים, אדירים משברי ים, אדיר במרום ה'
At 7:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Avinoam wan not your typical yeshiva guy. As of a classmate of his throughout high school, i can honestly i have never met anyone who was as warm towards other individuals as he was. Not only was he caring and an unbelievable bocjur, he was also tops in learning. Avinoam we'll miss you.
May his family be consoled with mourners of Zion. - Aryeh Kunstler
At 8:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
a siman from hashem that we dont belong in that area of the world we should not send more bocurim on a kiruv rechokim program to perth australia
its a sign we are not wanted in perth and i hope kiruv rechokim will not send any future bochurim there
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
we were featured today in newsday:
Cedarhurst teen swept into ocean in Australia
Newsday Staff Writers
August 12, 2006
A young Cedarhurst man traveling with a group of Americans was killed when a wave knocked him off from a rocky shore in southwest Australia into the seas.
The body of Avinoam Grossman, 18, was recovered by searchers Friday after it was spotted by a helicopter, according to a statement released by Australian police.
The accident occurred Tuesday at Torpedo Rocks in Yallingup, a small village known for its surfing and wineries, and about 185 miles southwest of the capital city of Perth. Grossman was standing on rocks on the shore's edge when a wave from heavy seas knocked him into the waters.
The London Daily Telegraph said earlier this year that the beach area was "widely considered the best 'all-around' surf destination on Australia's west coast." But its steep slopes and rocky outcrops also make it dangerous. A fisherman was washed off the rocks and killed in 2002.
A report on the Web site of a local newspaper, the Northern Territory News, quoted police Sgt. Graham Clifford as saying that Grossman was last seen Tuesday offshore by helicopters. The teenager was waving in distress, but rough seas and heavy swells hampered the .rescue effort.
Grossman's family could not be reached Friday for comment. A staff member at Young Israel of Woodmere confirmed that the teenager was involved in its youth group, but he .declined further comment.
A Jewish blog, VOSIZNEIAS.BLOGSPOT.COM, posted a comment signed by "a friend of .Avinoam," that called Grossman an "exceptional person" dedicated to his faith.
The blog said, "People liked to be around Avinoam, he gave off this special comforting, .caring feeling."
The Associated Press contributed to this story.
At 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…,0,993569.story?coll=ny-
At 11:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Melbourne, Australia:
The Levaya of the late Avinoam Grossman z'l of Cedarhurst, New York – a Talmid of Yeshiva of Passaic will take place tomorrow (Monday) outside the Adass Yisroel Shul, 24 Oak Grove, (Corner Glen Eira Ave.) Ripponlea, Melbourne @ 5.15 PM - before being transported to Eretz Yisroel for kevureh.
Bila hamovess lonetzach umocho H"E dima me'al kol ponim.
At 11:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
To the person who believes that this tragedy is a siman from Hashem that bochrim should no longer come to Western Australia and that they are not wanted there... Are the many tragic deaths of yidden in Israel also a sign from Hashem that we should not be there?
At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
To those anonymous cowards who think that this is a "siman" (sign) to not come to Perth - has he thought about what Avinoam would think of that?
Some people should have the decency to keep their distasteful thoughts to themselves - the only think they are good for is distress to the family and friends and a huge Chilul Ha'Shem.
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Such stupid comments are not worthy of response except for the fact that news media such as Newsday read the comments. So, in an effort to discredit any logic behind such an ignorant comment, i have one thing to say; Let G-d do his job, he does not need help and you certainly do not know what signs he sends to us, so your insight is not helpful.
At 3:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Those Comments are wrong to say not only now but forever. The message no one knows but everyone certainly has to be mekabel something and we all have to do teshva
At 9:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Hashem gives the righteous their full years, to the day" Sotah 13b
"It is best to be niftar while involved in a Mitzvah" Shabbat 118b
"Hashem forgives the sins of one who mourns for a good person" Shabbat 105b, Moed Katan 25a
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was at the levaya outside Adass Shule today in Melbourne. There were some 150-200 people there. It was a real Kiddush Hashem to see so many people come to farewell someone they didn't really know. There was a sense of Achdus and closeness of all of Klal Yisroel. One of the speakers said that the only consolation he can offer to the family is that if he was destined to leave this world at such a young age, at least he did so while on a trip spreading Torah in the world...
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
U/D: 08/14/06 09:04
Melbourne, A crowd of over 200 people from Melbourne's charedi community farewelled
Avinoam Grossman z'l of Cedarhurst, N.Y.
Intensive behind the scenes work by askanim of the Melbourne and Adass Yisroel Chevra Kadishas working together with their colleagues in Perth ensured all aspects of kavod hameis and assisted to expedite matters for the body to be transferred for burial in Eretz Yisroel at the earliest possible moment.
Because of Israeli government paperwork requirements, a member of the Adass. Chevra Kadisha travelled to Canberra on Sunday, where arrangements had been. made to open the office, despite normally being closed for the weekend.
Local parliamentarian Mr Michael Danby, the Federal Member for Melbourne Ports, together with his electoral staff members assisted with their contacts to facilitate matters.
A member of the Perth Chevra Kadisha together with a chaver of Avinoam, accompanied the niftar for the 4 hour flight from Perth to Melbourne.
The levaye took place outside the Adass Yisroel Shul in Ripponlea just before sunset.
The large crowd stood in lightly drizzling rain listening to moving hespedim.
The Rosh Hakollel, Rav Binyomin Wurzberger, in a tear-choked voice mentioned the Unesane Tokef tefilla of the Yomim Noroim, "Mi Bamayim" - and said that this tragedy is a reminder for all of us. He called upon the tzibbur to do teshuva.
He was followed by the well-known Maggid of the Kehilla, Rav Shimon Opman, who amongst his heartfelt words related a story about a Rav from Eretz Yisroel who whilst visiting America had convinced a father to send his son to learn in the Chevron Yeshiva. A month after arriving there, this boy became one of the victims of the terrible massacre of 1929 the rav was shattered and inconsolable that he had been the cause for this bochur to be there at the time. But the father of the boy consoled him saying, that we, Maaminim bnei Maaminim know that it was pre-ordained that my son must leave this world. At least, he had the zechus to do so Al Kiddush Hashem - whilst learning Torah.
Rav Opman declared that Avinoam too, was niftar far away from home involved in Avodas Hakodesh - spreading Torah and Yiras Shomyaim. Rav Opman also praised the dedication and Ahavas Yisroel shown by the many people involved including the director of the Melbourne Chevra Kadisha, Mr Efrayim Finch.
Both speakers mentioned the fine qualities of the niftar and offered divrei nichumim to the families and friends.
The Hespedim were heard by the family who is currently in Jerusalem via a telephone hook-up.
It is expected that the levaye will take place in Jerusalem on Wednesday.
All the askonim from both sides of Australia deserve the greatest hakoras hatov for all their efforts on behalf the niftar and his family. May we all be zoche to hear only besoros tovos yeshuos venechomos.
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Levaya will be from Mir in Yerushalayim on Wednesday August 16
At 11:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Avinoam Grossman was unique in so many diffarent ways. Oh how the our hearts ach at losing such a precious individual. Avinoam youre trademark penetrating smile, youre genuine love for youre fellow jew was just so real.
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I only had the zechus to know Avinoam z"l tangentially, in the Passaic Yeshiva Gedolah's downstatirs shiur rooms. Having seen him in action and having spoken to him, I could tell he was the genuine article Ben Torah. What a catastrophic loss. It's worth noting that the Gra says that when a Missah occurs between Bar/Bat Mitzvah and age 20, it is due to the generation's aveiros, not the parents' and not the niftar's.
Tehei Nishamso Tzerurah B'Tzror HaChaim.
Rabbi Eliyahu W. ferrell
Passaic, NJ
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
to Mr. Altabe, avinoam was a true inpiration in every meaning of the word. Besides for his hasmadah in limud hatorah and his kishronus his middos of how he could raise anyone up from the worst mood with his smile and his charisma infact I remember when a good part of the high school of yeshiva went to lakewood for shabbos with a certain 11th grade rebbe how could the whole oilom into kabbolos shabbos by starting to sing mizmor l'david and got us all elctrified for that buatiful shabbos and in yeshivah he would stay up till 11:45 at night and be in beis medrash the next day at 6:30 and just to get the oylom into learning right before seder he would pose a sheilah to the oylom to get them to think and i have no doubt in my mind the the hatzlacha of many bochurim in his shiur were do to him and may avinoams neshomah be tzror b'tzror hachaim and may hashem give nechomoh to his mishpacha, all his friends and klal yisroel
At 5:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
im not sure anyone will see this but i will post my comment as a outsider guy who just saw this story and was reading the comments i was in australia all over and i know the place very well
most of the torah kashrus and rabbis are chabad what that guy was saying what i think is that its a sign that no kiruv rechokim belong there some places are full with chabad and will have to stay that way
im not sure but i am being melamed zchus on the guy and saying thats what he means that its already taken care of by chabad as is the entire australia for over 100 years
if im wrong i ask that you forgive me
may we hear only good news
At 5:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Avinoam was somebody who stood out in people's minds as a jovial and warm person. I was privelaged to go to Camp Dora Golding with Avinoam for several summers. He was an acceptional ben torah and athlete who always drew the company of younger children towards him. He performed in skits and had a comedic delivery which always ensured for campers young and old to get a good laugh. He often wore a knitted Rebbi Nachman yarmulka that made him stand out as a fun loving person. Above all, Avinoam shteiged in Rabbi Sauber's staff shiur and was the best at encouraging campers to sing during z'miros. Camp Dora Golding will always remember you Avinoam.
At 7:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you all for the heartfelt posts here about Avinoam Z"l. I wrote an article that will appear in this week's Yated and HaModia that is largely filled with your kind words.
Please forgive me if I used some editorial license so that the quotes would best fit the article. I tried my best to reproduce your words and feelings.
Unfortunately, any post from today (8/14) after 9am was not included as we were under a deadline. I did however send the later posts to the Yated because he may be able to incorporate some of your words into my article.
The comments in this string of posts and the previous set are generally wonderful. Had it not been for the unfortunate judgmentalism expressed by those who did not have the zchus to know Avinoam, I would have saved the link for the family to view.
What I will be doing is creating a Word document that includes all of the positive memories expressed here and I will present it to the family during shiva here in Cedarhurst. therefore, I ask everyone with memories of this amazing young man to continue posting here. I want to have everything by Friday, 9am Eastern Time (USA)
Thank you all again for giving proper kavod haMeis to the Neshoma of Avinoam Grossman.
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
when and where is the levaya
At 5:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just returned from the levaya in far rockaway. It was very moving.
I am unable to sleep and I would like to share my feeling with you. I have gotten much stregnth from the posts on this blog. Mi KeAmcha Yisroel! May Hashem bring a nechama to the entire family. I never met Avinoam but I have been so moved by the past weeks events. I know the Grossman family only from a distance. It amazes me to realize that if this is the effect that Avinoam had through his Petira how much more has he accomplished during his lifetime. The strength that the family showed is amazing. When I heard the news a week or so ago my first response was Les Din VeLes Dayyan rachmana litzlan, how could Hashem do this to parents, and the words of Mr. grossman were mechazek me that we don't know the reasons for what happens here. I took time to stop and think how I would feel if I lost a son and the mere thought was too painful to bear. I hope to emulate the Grossman family and protect my pikdonos that I was given.
ראיתי בני עליה והם מועטים. זכיתי להיות נוכח לוויתו של אבינועם ע"ה וזכיתי לשמוע אבא שמצדיק עליו דין שמים. ולא עוד אלא שמחפש למצוא את הרחמים של הקב"ה בתוך הדין הנורא ר"ל. שמעתי מאדם גדול שבנו נהרג בתאונה וכשבאו לחזקו אמרו שהוא כמו אהרן שנאמר עליו "וידם אהרן ותיכף אמר הרב שיש מדרגה יותר נשגבה וזהו שאמר דוד המלך למען יזמרך כבוד ולא ידום המדרגה הזאת שמעתי הלילה מאבא שאמר נשמת אחר פטירת בנו יקירו אשרי אדם עוז לו בך אמונה וביטחון כזה מתאים לדורות שעברו ברוך השם שזיכני לראות דבר כזה ואני מתפלל ומבקש מהשם שאוכל לשמור את הרגשות האלה לזכות של אבינועם ובזה נוכל לקיים עליו נבואת ישעיה הנביא ונתתי להם בבתי ובחומותי יד ושם שם עולם אתן לו אשר לא יכרת
At 1:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
As the pain in my heart pierces inside of me, upon our tragic loss of this special boy, my thoughts turn towards Avinoam's family and their magnified pain. I never met Avinoam but my brother had the zchus of knowing him as a fellow bochur in Darchei, furthermore as his chavrusa. When we were comforting one another he said "He really was a great boy, perfect all around, always learning." I feel that I have lost a brother too, for eventhough I never knew him- as a part of Klal Yisrael when we hear of such a bereavement, it is a message for us, we have lost one of our own "shepsele". And because it is happening too often in our midst, we must not let it become numb to us but the opposite- recognize this to be severe warning from the ribono shel olam that we must improve our ways. We must become better, daven with more fervor, gauarding our tongues from the poisonous loshon hara ( one of our main faults), being kinder to others, not hurting anyone. For didn't we lose our beish hamikdash because of Sinas Chinam. this still applies today probably even more. Let us take this and become better, and hopefully Avinoam will be the last Karbon until mashiach comes. Let us try to emulate a boy who was perfect in his ways, in learning, and in middos bein adam l'chaveiro. May he be a malitz yosher for us all, and have only alias neshama.
If anyone who was at the levaya whether in Israel or in Far Rockaway can relay what was said share it with us- I woul greatly appreciate it. Is there anyway I can hear a tape of it maybe?
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
What Avinoam was, was a true Ben Torah. A Ben Torah is someone who is a son of the Torah, and a son comes from his father. Thats what a person has to make his Torah, he has to have everything he does come from the Torah. He made the Torah his life.He was happy from his Torah. I was a chavrusah of his for a year and knew him for about three years, and he helped show me what it means to make Torah not just a part of your life but your whole life. He helped me personally a lot, in that he explained me what it means to think in learning and not just hear your learning and let it float in your mind, and say whatever if you are not sure, but to understand to its most possible depth that we can, in our level. All my thinking in learning started from him explaining me this and engraining this in me and not let me get away with anything not perfectly right to its depth. He was taken from this world as a Ben Torah, because thats what he made himself into. This is the entire goal of our life, and he did this to his best. Since he spread Torah to everyone, he has Zechusim forever. This should remind us, that although we think we have all the time to fix ourselves, but we see straight out, that we dont know our time, and therfore must work on ourselves every second of our life. May we be zoche to have all tzaros end, and we be zoche to the geulah bimheira biyameinu.
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
im not sure if one person is writing all these comments or every week he has a new chavrusa bec almost every comment claims to be his chavrusa or his brother was his chavrusa so just trying to figure out who this big tzadik and talmid chacham was really
may we know of no more tzaros
At 8:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
This bochur was a very popular bachur. He was the leader of his shiur, and was one of the best bochurim in my Beis Medrash. I wrote that last one and I would have wrote the same thing even if this did not happen. Trying to be critical on what people wrote, in this way, I dont think thats the best. This bachur had changed people by just doing his thing, learning and being the best he could.
At 9:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't understand why whomever read the differentcomments has to take out the negativity and be skeptikal about who or who was not his chavrusa. Eventhough the span of Avinoam's life was very short, he did have a solid number of years that whoever said was his chavrusa was rightfully so. Why can't you believe that. Do you think people come in here to write false stories? Be positive, take the truth and learn from it- that indeed avinoam was a good boy, and did have many chavrusas. Don't cause machlokes.
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Avinoam was a "Gevaldiga baal kishren" every sugya was learnt with unbelievable depth and clarity through limitless pacing back and forth while thinking it through.Every Machlokes in the Gemara needed a yisoid hamachlokes.
Avinoam took a walk every day and would review that days shiur during that time.
Avinoam had an unbelievable sense of humor and an astounding way of phrasing things and could lift spirits in just a few short words
At 12:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was in Yallingup the day of this tragedy. Indeed I was passed by the police on the way to help this young man. It was not a good day to be near the water, the waves were as big as I'd ever seen, some say 10 metres. I was working when news came on the radio, I went to where he had been washed away, there were dozens of locals as well as police and emercency services including helicopters looking for him. After seeing the state of the sea, I knew the outcome would not be good, the sea here is very unforgiving. I think of this young man's family, and am very glad that the people involoved in this event managed to find recover him...... hopefully this will help to bring some kind of closure to this shocking event.
At 5:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
someone needs to ask why the first rescue helicopter with paramedic on board was stood down and then some time later a police helicopter was sent, from what i hear, 30 mins later.
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please do not criticize any part of the rescue/Search operation. The Dunsborough Police/Ambulance and SES were incredible throughout the whole ordeal....
At 5:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am not critical of the people at the scene but I think I know a little more than you. If the first chopper had have been sent then I think your friend might still be alive. My point is someone needs to be held accountable for the first chopper being stood down for no good reason. This was,in my opinion unacceptable to have the states rescue chopper stood down and then 30 mins later the police chopper be sent. The rescue chopper had been started,ready for take off and was stood down.
At 12:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the person who wanted to hear the hespedim- here is the link:
I did not know the boy or his family but I listened to some hespedim and cried for the pain and loss that these people feel. May we never hear of such Tzaar again.
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