Brooklyn, NY - New Jewish School Building Ordered to Shut Down for Numerous Violations
Brooklyn, NY - Staff and volunteers at the new Satmar School for boys on Harrison Place in Brooklyn, NY worked feverishly over the past three months to prepare the building for the arrival of more than 600 students in grades 5 through 12.
But two week later, the Department of Buildings (DOB) ordered the building to be closed down due to numerous building safety and zoning violations.
"The School is working to fix the violations, we should be ready to go within a few days" Rabbi Leib Glantz said, we are just waiting for the inspectors to file their reports with the Building Commisioner, he said.
In the meantime, school is continuing, but children have been moved to temporary buildings, some of them will be placed at other local school buildings and some of them at a local wedding hall called Rose Castle, Glantz said.
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
אין בלאט קענען די טענטער הייבן די צאל קינדער וויפיל עס לערנען אין דעם בנין.
אבער אין די גוי'אישע צייטונגען קענען זיי דאס נישט טון ווייל די אינסטאנצן וועלן דאס אויך ליינען...
די צאל קינדער וואס לערנען אין העריסן פלעיס לויט דעם צייטונגס באריכט איז "מער" פון 600... פון כיתה ד' ביז כתה ט'
At 5:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anan 12:45 PM
If it would've been just 600+ kids at that building, then you guys would'nt have called 311 that many times to report alleged violations!!!
At 7:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I spoke today to Rabbi Glantz and he told me it was a scheduled inspection.
At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please stop the fighting.
What is the problem, what violations are there, aren't they abble to fix it?
At 10:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rabbi Glanz had a meeting with them, dose anyone know the results.
He came back happy, hope its some good news!
At 7:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
big coruption uncovered after bloomberg closed down school:
At 7:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
what is the problem the satmerer rebbe said that there are 3500 in the new mosdos and that is without the bucharim (which by the way they have 4 four yeshiva ketanos in williamsburg) so from kita daled thru tes there are 600 + or -
and from nursery till kita daled you have at least six hundred plus and mabey even more cause the younger grades is usually alot more. so we are at least 1300 or 1400 if you want to be conservative make it 1200. Now in the girls school you can make the same amount so the rebbe was correct and did not make a gizma by saying 3500 students.
now by zalmen leib's school they wrote in deryid they have 7000 students registered. now we all know that there were total in the satmar school on till today 8500 students so you see that reb aron the satmerer memoloh mokom took at least half if not more then that
just note that the aronim don't add in their toatl the yeshiva ketane and the zalnim do add it in.
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Anon 9:44
יעצט פיר אויס וועגען דעם ?
At 12:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
What kind of corruption was discovered?
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
btw 9:44 new kids were added to nursey this year and i know for a fact that the girls scholl at the aronim have about 700 give or take 15.
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Zaloinim don't mind that a lot of kids leave there mosdos the more the merrier. They only disturbed them. Now they can have well behaved classes. No pressure let them all leave l'chaim u'leshulem
At 3:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
to: 12:50 PM
oib seintereseert dech nisht voos sheltste?
At 5:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
to: Anan 12:50 PM
If thats how you react when you don't mind, then how would you react when you do mind...LOL
At 6:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
3:52 who's shelting? all i was saying is let them leave we can all breath easily now!!
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was just in the Aronim office for a job that my company got, I saw the list of kids that are currently enrolled, there is 3,482 kids between boys and girls (not including the 4 boy's yeshivos)everything else is speculation.
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