Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Another Bias Crime+
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Another Bias Crime+ Late Friday night early Shabbas morning two Bochurim walking on Eastern Parkway and Rochester Avenue were severely assaulted.
The two were walking when they heard someone behind them yell "You .... Jew", when they turned around one of the Bochurim was struck in the face with a baseball bat, after which a group of about 7 to 8 Black Males closed in on the Bochur, but they both managed to fend off their assailants.
Hatzalah responded immediately and treated the victim, who's injuries to his face were extremely severe, with a fracture to his Orbital Bone, and was bleeding profusely from his nose. The victim was transported to Kings County Hospital where doctors said that the Bochur is very lucky that the injuries were not worse.
NYPD of the 71st Pct. claim that the incident belongs to the 77th Pct. due to it happening at the park entrance thereby making it a case for the 77th precinct.
At 8:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks, and for more go to
At 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is crazy - what's going on in CH I mean I know no one in his right mind is moving out ( i mean chabadniks) but this is insane guys got to figure this one out and take it all the way. I just don't think this would happen in willyville, I really don't.
At 11:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Its sad that in the Same week as NY announces it has the lowest crime rate of the top 10 cities in the U.S. we witness both this horrible assault and what appears to me(I'm Australian) a rather bizarre shifting of responsibility. Is this normal practice to deny responsibility for investigating a crime? What happens if its commited across two Pcts?
(We dont have precincts in Australia.)
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