Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Burn Victim+
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Burn Victim+ Hatzolah responding to 770 Eastern Parkway in the basment of the synagogue with an aided that was electrocuted and has serious and sever burns.
Victin is enroute to Cornell Medical Center Hospital.
At 2:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
The victim is one of the gabboim, Rabbi ZL who was cleaning some wiring alongside the electrician. He suffered electrical burns to his face and was said to be concious when Hatzallah came. IY"H he'll be okay.
At 2:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks CrownHeightser for the up date!
At 2:42 AM,
Lucky Wolf said…
"aided" what do you mean, a janitor? taakeh a bochur asked me what happened in 700 and I didn't know anything happened, now I see.
At 2:44 AM,
Lucky Wolf said…
thanks crownheighster.
taakeh someone asked me whatr happend there, i did not know. now i do, thanks to vosizneias!
At 5:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
May he be wall for rosh hashana!
At 8:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
yes he's one of the gaboim zalman lipsker he's like one of those chachomim who think they know better he was told not to touch those wires but he will be ok he should have a refua
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