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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fallsburg, NY - Burglares Arrested for Series of Break-Ins

Fallsburg, NY - The break-ins started right after Labor Day, right after the Orthodox Jewish summer people left their seasonal homes at Luxor Estates and Evergreen Estates, and within a few weeks, there had been about 20 burglaries.

Now, Fallsburg police have arrested local two teenagers and a local man in the case.
Hector Flores, 25, and Richard Postell, 18, of Loch Sheldrake were charged with second-degree burglary, a felony. They're being held at Sullivan County jail in lieu of $10,000 bail. A 15-year-old Loch Sheldrake boy was charged as a juvenile and released to his parents. His case will be heard in Family Court.


  • At 1:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Any info on who's houses in Luxor were broken into?

  • At 3:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are these the same guys that hit 10 homes at Beverly Hills in Monticello?


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