Jerusalem, Israel - Jews in Mea Shearim Aginst New Yshiva in Their Neighborhood
Jerusalem, The ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, which protects itself from worldly, outside influences, is now protesting the opening of an Orthodox yeshiva in its midst.
Mea Shearim’s residents say the yeshiva is too close to three ultra-Orthodox schools for young women and they fear the presence of modern Orthodox Jews threatens their own traditional lifestyle. The conservative neighborhood frowns on the proximity of the students even if they are not attending the same school.
“We will not be silent until these yeshiva students leave our neighborhood,” said Rabbi Shai Stern, head of one of the girls’ schools. “We will keep on protesting against the yeshiva students with posters and banners since they are not part of our community.”
Ultra-Orthodox Jews adhere to stricte rules than the Orthodox who already maintain more stringent standards than other branches of Judaism.
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
which "American" kiruv yeshiva is this? by the way, the Yerushalmim are right!! they live there for real...these guys in the yeshiva are just coming to have a good time in Mea She'arim and have the "Experiance"...go somewhere else!!
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
DISGRACE! just like williamsburg they think that by not excepting different style jews or someone that dose not wear their "lvush" they are preventing their kids from becoming part of them utter stupidity! your childeren will grow better jews by opening more and more kiruv yeshivas and by inviting these lost souls to your home for shabbos and showing them the real torah way not by shunning them and distancing oneself. I can go on and on but................
At 2:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
it is true ..they wanna give the yerushalmi experiance at thier expense ..let them go somewhere else and come there to be inspired but not to live and make trouble !
At 3:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
translation: mea she'arim girls might get the idea that modern ortho boys are real.
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
real? u mean REAL TROUBLE!!!
At 6:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
camp driver said...
which "American" kiruv yeshiva is this? by the way, the Yerushalmim are right!! they live there for real...these guys in the yeshiva are just coming to have a good time in Mea She'arim and have the "Experiance"...go somewhere else!!
what happened to kol yisroel araivim zeh lazeh and to veohavta lirayacha komoicha.
These are not minhagim they are straight out of the chumash.
those meah shearim thugs think they are holier then thou.
At 7:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
disgrace- that's what we need- more sinas chinom
would they seek to expel the Neturei Karta who meet with the Iranian Nazi President
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Where are they building this yeshiva? And who's yeshiva is it?
At 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's like everything else - there is a zero tolerance policy. Big Kiddush Hashem. Very big in the Bein Adam Lechavero department.
At 10:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
When they wanted to open a seminary in Kfar Chabad the Lubavitcher Rebbe instructed it be built in a different area, away from the Yeshiva; hence Kfar Chabad Beis (which is more than a Tchum Shabbos away).
The Yerushalmim are right. Kol Yisrael areivim.. Ahavas Yisroel etc should be boys to boys and girls to girls
At 12:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
You dont put a boys yeshiva in close proximity of girls schools regardless of the type ie: neturei Karta to modern orthodox this is too close for comfort to anyone. even catholic schools don't put girl schools next to boys schools.they would gladly allow even a modern girls school to open there but not a boys yeshiva but this is great material for the self hating upgefurene to show their true colors and covering themselvs with pesukie Torah.."ve'ahavta lereiacho"
P.S. there was a similar din torah in Boro Pk where a girls school was going to build a building across from an existing yeshivah and Bes Din did not allow it they had to sell that has nothing to do with who owns Boro Pk or Meah Shearim its strictly a tzenius issue. anonymous 2..
At 10:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Igros Moshe, Yoreh Deah chalek 2, Siman 102:
It is obvious that it assur Challilah to build The Bais Yaakov campus (near the Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva)....
...and upon those, that because of money, want to close their eyes and ears from seeing and hearing how the chinuch will be degraded (she'yiskalkal) because of this, I say what it says in the verse: "Do not touch my annoited ones", and Raza"l explain it, "These are the tinokos shel bais raban..."
Therefore according to halacha, it is as I wrote above, forbidden to build the Bais Yaakov on the campus of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim....
Igros Moshe, Yoreh Deah chalek 3, Siman 79:
Behold in the matter of teaching boys and girls I have already written that even very young children it is forbidden, and that is not only during teaching but much more so during meals and recess where they are outside...
...and for this reason studies must be seperate and at a distant location...
Igros Moshe, Yoreh Deah chalek 3, Siman 80:
....even if it cost much less than building the Bais Yaakov in a different place. Behold it is obvious and clear that daas Torah and daas chachamim say it is forbidden to build the Bais Yaakov on the same campus that yeshivas Chofetz Chaim is located...
TO COMMENTS 2:37 PM , 6:20 PM, 7:21 PM, & 9:21 PM.
It looks like Reb Moshe sided with Williamsburg, Meah Shearim, and daas Torah on this one. Had modern orthodoxy not ripped out all the gedarim of tznius, preeshus, and kedusha out of shulchan orech, they might understand what's wrong with this picture, but having adopted modern orthodoxy, i.e., "observing all orthodox Jewish precepts as long as it doesn't interfere with my lifestyle." and believing that they have embraced Torah and the "secular" world, i.e., Goyish culture, they just don't understand that Torah mandates seperation of the sexes, because it's not like that on TV.
Who is the am ha'aretz rosh yeshiva (to be dun l'kaf zchus) or rasha gamur, (not to be dun l'kaf zchus) who wants to build his yeshiva next to a girl's school?
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