New Square, NY - Third Child in Two Days Hit by Vehicle
New Square, NY - A third child in two days was struck in New Square yesterday.
A 5-year-old boy was hit by a 1996 Toyota Camry driven by 26-year-old Isaac Hochhauser of New Square, said Ramapo Sgt. Brian Corbett.
Corbett said Hochhauser was backing out of a parking spot in a parking lot at 31 Jefferson Ave. when the child ran behind the car and was hit.
The Chevra Hatzoloh of Rockland County ambulance service treated the child at the scene and transported him to Nyack Hospital.
Corbett said no charges had been filed and the child did not appear to be seriously injured. "It's nothing life-threatening," he said.
On Thursday, other two New Square children were hit by cars in separate accidents in the village, which has a population of 5,920 and a median age of 14, according to U.S. census figures.
Shortly after 1 p.m., a 2-year-old boy apparently ran onto Roosevelt Avenue and into the path of a 2004 Chevrolet Venture minivan driven by Mozes Dirnfeld, 49, of New Square. Dirnfeld and his passenger were not injured.
The boy was taken to Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla by Hatzoloh ambulance.
In the second accident, police and the ambulance company returned to the village about 4:40 p.m., this time to North Garfield Avenue near the intersection of Truman Avenue, where a 7-year-old boy apparently ran into the side of a Yeshiva Avir Yakov school bus shortly after it had dropped off its last passenger.
Police said the child suffered a severe leg injury when he struck the front right bumper of the bus. The driver, Yeshia Deutsch, 30, of New Square, wasn't hurt.
The child was flown by helicopter to the medical center.
All three accidents, Corbett said, were still under investigation and no charges had been filed. Corbett said police were not releasing the children's names because of their ages.
At 9:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
maybe they can let the ramapo police patrol the village now.
rules are inconvenient for everybody.
but this is the outcome of anarchy.
i actually like davening in their bais-medrash, but i stopped going their because the driving is insane because their is no traffic enforcement.
At 12:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
rabosai maybe we should inspect our maasim maybe hashem is sending us a a signal something is not right in our community maybe its time to see that we are doing something wrong,lets not be haughty and say well we are not doing anything wrong,we are tzaddikkim no? its like a person dies people ask how did he die well some say he died of an accident some say he spit up the wrong pipe and it went down wrong some say he was burned by a perculator but the real answer should be he died cause the malach hamoves paid him a visit and the malach hamoves can not do something without hakodesh baruch hu giving the ok, rabbossai how many tradgedies and suffering are we going to have to go through how many fathers and mothers are going to have to rip out thier hair from their heads and sigh and moan why us why did it have to happen to our child how many buchirim are going to have to go through shiva medirei gehenom because the mechanchem and melamdem are abusing and trampling on our teenagers blood where is your yiddishe hartz where is your mercy twoards others are you so naive as to say eh me maint nisht mich burech hasem snisht geshen ba mir it happened somewhere else it happened in south america it happened in england thats 2500 miles away its never gonna happen here how many of us are going to have to recieve a sample of pain till we wake up and say u know u might be right maybe we should do something but then we start saying well whats there to do were baalei chesed were baalei tzedaka we learn or have shiurim during the day were doing better then we did in euriopw before the war where there was no yeshivos look everyone has a place to learn these days,everyone that needs warmth and encouragement well there are mechanchim and mechanchot so what can we do to change ourselves were perfect if there would be anything to do teshuva we would have done it already well teira broters and sisters lets do teshuva there are some points we should look at lets stop gossiping look shmerel did this yankel did that he made like this and he made like that lets stop looking into each others houses how dis person is mechanech his children how this person earns his living how that fellow has sholom bayos problems let everyone look into himself and let hashem worry about what aveiros the other person is doing ish al machnaie vish al diglo lets all be brothers like we are from one father nisht kan nafka mina if this jew is chasidish litvak mishichist he goes with a kapel without one hes davens or he doesnt can we really judge other people al tudin es chaveirei until u are in his shoes do we know what nisyonos the other person is going through do we know what a battle he has with the yetzer harah maybe his one tefillah that he davens on rosh hashana and he doesnt daven a whole year causes a furor in shamayim and opens the gates of heaven and his tefillah is more chusiver then the biggest tzaddik we know,do we know who is chosiver on that world maybe someone we know and think is a bum and shaygitz is in reality one of the 36 hidden tzadikkim it says in every dor and dor there are 36 hidden tzaddikkim rabossai wake up iri iri yeshaini hashem is lamenting and crying oy mein teira kinder when can i bring moshiach already when can i take my kinderlach out of galus oy rabossai its such a bittere golus even though it looks good because we think we live in a medina shel chesed rabossai its gehenom its golus do we need chas vchalila more incidents to prove were in golus were farteiben from our house from the beis habchira oy rabossai hashem is in the fields in chodesh elul he is crying and saying my sons come home look up and see me see who is helping you do we know how much it hurts hashem to have to give us a punishment to wake us up as much as we cry and scream aski9ng hashem rachmim hes crying even more saying kinderlach i love you so much i want to help you i want to make things easier on you i want to kiss you and glet you and that what hashem is doing were like small creatures on this world were tiny a little teshuva can go a long way in bringing moshiach tzidkainu lets all do just a little bit and with that little bit hashem will gather all our ;little bits and make it one big teshuva and leiz us out a kesiva vachsima tova un ah git gebentsht yur lomir zoiche zan to all be in yerushalaim an live to see the beis habchira amain kein yehi rutzoin
At 9:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
dear anonymus 12:57
while tshiva is always good.
learning to drive safely, and following the rules of the road might also make new square safer.
the powers that be in ns don't want the police there, and they have the political clout to keep them out. anarchy is the result.
what's good for the bais medrash may not be good for the road.
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