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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wesley Hills, NY - Navigation Systems Being Stolen

Wesley Hills, NY - Navigation systems attached to windshields were stolen from cars in the last few nights. 
The thieves broke the side windows of each car and pulled out the $800 systems - which provide the driver with directions to a specific area.

Ramapo Detective Lt. Brad Weidel said owners should not leave the systems cupped to their windshields when they are not driving. "People shouldn't leave them in plain view," Weidel said "That's an open invitation."


  • At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oy vey how can I find my way to the kosher butcher

  • At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How did the ganuvim find Wesley Hills??

  • At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this is happening all over flatbush as well

  • At 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They are removable and are being left in the car in full view and are worth $800 a pop? Boy, that's brilliant.

  • At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Boro Park also has the same problem they know its all the jews that need it to find the shteeblech at 12:00 in the afternoon to be a tzeynter for shachris.
    Important- Do not even leave the bracket on the windshield without the GPS as they already know that you own a device & they figure that you probably have it stored somewhere in the vehicle ( & they are usually correct!)

  • At 1:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I say it's a jew and someone not so "frum" I told the police who it is because I have very strong suspicion and almost proof on two particular people and the police are not doing a damn thing about it.

    Also last Friday night they stuck boro park again and unfortualtely we could not get the license plate because they took off 90 miles an hour after we gave chase. The car that they were using this time was a 4 door white car with some wierd lights in the back of inside of the car.


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