Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - Court Lets Husband Build Barrier Splitting Home in Half
Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - A New York sweater manufacturer in a nasty divorce battle has received permission from a court to divide the family home with a wall.
Simon Taub and his estranged wife, Chana, are locked in a bitter fight as was reported on VOS IZ NEIAS, and Chana Taub said she fears having her husband back in their home in Brooklyn's Borough Park section, even with a wall splitting their living spaces. "I am absolutely petrified," she said. "I will never feel safe again if he is in this home. He has threatened to take my life. He has told me more than once he would poison my food. This decision is totally shocking to me."
An appeals court ruled that Chana Taub had failed to prove any danger. Simon Taub says he was thrown out of the house "for no reason" and wants to be back with his children. "I was thrown out of that house for no reason, and it's so good to know that I'm going back home," he added.
The Appellate Division ruling held that Chana Taub failed to prove that removing her husband from the house was necessary for her safety. "The wife's only allegations of actual violence were incredible, and the alleged threats made by the husband were uncorroborated," the ruling said. "I feel vindicated," said Taub. "In time, I will have the entire home back."
Chana Taub has asked for permission to take the case to the state Court of Appeals.
At 10:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sure that some people would consider this newsworthy, but I find it distasteful to wallow in other people's suffering. It's motzi shem ra, almost certainly harmful for the children and unless anyone here thinks they will be able to help with a reconciliation, it's not an appropriate piece of "news."
At 11:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
This article appeared in the Daily News Shabbos, a followup on another article on this house splitting quite a few months ago. WHAT A CHILLUL HASHEM! To go to a civil court over such a matter and to let it get into the media.
At 11:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Take the poison
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Jewish women today have to et off their high horse. Mrs. Seiger won nothing , and in fact, lost a lot, dragging her husband through courts and now this lady. This guy gave her a Get and now look how she's paying him back. The Rabbonim had it right to allow a man to hold a Get over his wife. Women's liberation is a Goyish Myth and the Frum woman is serving this false Idol when she thinks she can circumvent bais Din. Pity the kids.
At 2:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
A house divided
Judge OKs wall for splittin' spouses
The home of Simon and Chana Taub.
It's the "War of the Roses," Brooklyn-style.
A judge has ordered a soon-to-be divorced couple to live unhappily ever after in the Borough Park home they shared for 18 years - by having a wall built smack dab in the middle of their dining room.
Millionaire sweater manufacturer Simon Taub was granted permission during divorce proceedings in August to divide the home with sheetrock walls, so he wouldn't have to relinquish it to wife, Chana Taub.
Simon, 57, would have his own kitchen, bedroom and bathroom in a 900-square-foot area on two floors of the 49th St. home.
"I don't wish this on anybody," said Chana Taub, 56, whose husband owns homes across the borough, including the house next door. "I hope God will help, and somebody will straighten out this whole thing."
Chana Taub has appealed Judge Sarah Krauss' ruling. But if the decision is upheld, the former lovebirds could be walking into the same home, divided in two - just like in the 1989 film starring Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner.
The wall drama began in August when Krauss granted the wife an order of protection against Simon Taub, who owns TechKnits Inc. of Williamsburg.
But citing the husband's heart condition, Krauss approved his bid to build the wall, saying, "I am not going to be excluding him entirely from his home.
"The best way to deal with this is to split the home," Krauss said, according to court documents - even though the husband owns the house next door.
Krauss, who recused herself in December following objections from Chana Taub's attorney, Susan Settenbrino, also offered a court-mandated outline for postmatrimonial bliss.
"Neither party shall interfere with any of the electrical, plumbing, phones or other systems located in their respective portions of the marital residence," Krauss wrote.
"No litigant should have to endure this kind of abuse," Settenbrino said of Krauss' decision. "There should be recourse for such orders without having to spend $200,000 [on the appeal]."
Simon Taub's attorney, Frank Snitow, said the wall would separate portions of two floors, but only give about 25% of the home to his client.
Snitow cited the home's proximity to Simon's doctor's office, a nearby synagogue and his four kids, two of whom still live in the house with his wife. "I don't think it's an extraordinary measure under these circumstances," he said. "This is one of the largest homes in Borough Park. You could even call it a mansion."
Originally published on February 7, 2006
At 3:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
The Jewish women today have to et off their high horse. Mrs. Seiger won nothing , and in fact, lost a lot, dragging her husband through courts and now this lady. This guy gave her a Get and now look how she's paying him back. The Rabbonim had it right to allow a man to hold a Get over his wife. Women's liberation is a Goyish Myth and the Frum woman is serving this false Idol when she thinks she can circumvent bais Din. Pity the kids.
2:32 PM
Pity the poor woman who entrusts her furture to a "bais din".
At 11:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
With all due respect, it sounds like since he had gelt, he used that as a threat and she needed and wanted it rightfully so - look at your wife's kesubah, guys, and get the full picture, courts or beis din notwithstanding.
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
There are two ways to keep a wife: Keep her happy or keep her locked up. Some of us have a choice. Others have no choice because they can't keep a wife happy.
Not that the husband is always entirely to blame. You'd be surprised how many of these guys who withhold gittin are closeted homosexuals who avoid being harrassed by famly mebers to re-marry by never getting entirely divorced. Most of these divorces which drag out for decades with no 'get' start because of the husband's 'problem', ve'hamaivin yovin.
Who told these women to marry faigeloch?
At 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
the judge saw right thru her. everything the husband pwns is in her name. she is a twice divorced golddigger. the pity is on the children, all of them marraigable ages. if she had waited jusst 4-5 more years to marry the children, she would have had much more syphaty. she cares only for herself. she herself is a product of twice divorced parents. and she has engineered the divorces of her 2 daughters from previous marraiges. she is a known expert in conducting scorched earth divorce proceedings, and how to clean up financialy. even her sister has been her student. in this case the judges are not buying her baked stories.
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
as I see it, this is a 'get'liche mishpoche.
they all deserve what they are doing to each other.
now the children are pawns.
how will they get married in this community?
whoever started this did not think it tru.
why did the chasidic divorced man marry Ms. slutie-chanie diamond-taub in the first place?
At 6:57 PM,
Private Eye said…
GET A LIFE BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe what I'm reading!
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
To anon 3:53
Didn't we all just get through asking for Mechillah for our past sins from Hashem and all our of our acquaintances whether it means a friend or just someone you know of? What is the point in criticzing someone for something which now they have no control over and mentioning the names as well? Like the famous saying goes "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it".
At 2:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
This an awful tradegy. It doesn't matter what number marrigage this is. This issue always should be the interest of the children. Seeing parents in such a devasting situation,only confuse children more. If the marriage isn't working and can't find a happy medium for both parties, MOVE ON. Finish off like a mentch, divide up properties etc. Life is short, don't keep this going. The reprecusions regarding the children isn't fair.Do you want to spend the rest of your life in court??? Mr. Taub, get a life and give a life to your wife and children.
At 9:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was very distressed to read this articlte. Unfortunately in today's world, it's basically a "man's world". I feel very much for Chana Taub. I hope this bitter battle comes to an end soon. I am sorry for Chana for people who make stupid and insensitive comments. Many postings said that it is a chillul Ha'shem, or is loshon hara; but don't worry those people are just speaking out of ignorance!!! Especially the person who said that this is such a chillul hashem to go to civil court over this!!! Hello - we live in the United States, unfortuantely people don't realize that, but just because someone happens to be jewish, it's not a reason for one to suffer. G_d doesn't want us to suffer. Also, it's an aveira to go to court but not for a man to cause his wife such tza'ar??!?!!? Where are your priorities, and your religious values are totally messed up!!! It is VERY frum, for a woman to exercise her legal rights, to the fullest extent, in order to protect herself and children!!! I don't know why this went to the media- perhaps, there was pressure from rabbi's or other people and that was the only way to get a message accross. I commend Chana Taub for standing up for her rights, and I wish you much hatzlacha, and may Hashem give you strength to continue your brave actions!!!! And do not let stupid, ignorant people get in your way - ignore them, they will never understand you until they are g-d forbid, one day in your shoes!!!!! GOOD LUCK!! - Keep your chin up and hold your head high - no matter how tough it gets!!!!! Hatzlacha Rabba!!!!
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