Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY +Pedestrian Struck+
Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY +Pedestrian Struck+ A motor vehicle accident with a pedestrian that was struck on 49th Street and 13th Avenue, Hatzolah responding and requesting medics and back-up medics on a code-1.
At 10:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
burech dayan huemes the 91 year old mrs miller (lived on 50th st between 13 &14)passed away at the hospital.
At 10:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Which Mr. Miller is this?
Terrible story, someone to live for 91 years, & die from an accident!
H'mukem Y'nachem...
At 10:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
yes it was Mrs. Miller, 91, and it was a heimishe who knocked her down, and yes she died at Lutheran.
At 11:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
On the contrary, it's a brocha... no pain or suffering or worrying. At 91 everyone in the family knew that it was coming anyway so hopefully they were prepared. My great aunt was lucid and gezunt until old age, then she had a stroke and died within the week. That's a brocha. Other people need yissurim and that is their brocha... Hashem has all the cheshbonos.
At 11:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
nobody wants to die even a cockaroach runs if you want to kill it.
At 12:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
she had no family.
At 1:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
to anon 11:22
On the contrary, it's a brocha...
Think if it would be your mother
no pain or suffering or worrying.
How do you know? Since when did you become the MAVEN?
At 91 everyone in the family knew that it was coming anyway
So basicaly you'r saying if you'r over a certain age DROP DEAD (btw what is that age?)
so hopefully they were prepared.
What part of accident don't you get?
Anyway I hope you get the point I don't have patiance to disect the rest of your pointless careless and HEARTLESS comment so I will leave it at that
At 10:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
The internet is truly a wonderful thing. I learn something new here everyday.
Today, for example I learned that I was wrong in thinking that the RBS"O didn't share his cheshbonot with anyone, let alone an anon. blogger.
Perhaps it is time to start a self-help group for people who can't stop themselves from posting before thinking. We can call it BlogAnon.
At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Y'yasher koach unit 55!
At 1:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
This seems to have strayed from being a discussion about the actual accident and the actual individual (who anon bloggers probably don't know) to a theoretical discussion. What's wrong with exchanging views? Maybe we can all learn something (myself especially).
A person is given a set amount of years to live and then hopefully they are zocheh to a neshika of meesah (like moshe and ahron). The gemara in brachos describes types of death and the continuum of the spectrum, ayin shum.
It seems this lady had no family. Imagine the heartache if she would, lo aleinu, have been stuck with a disease or illness requiring lengthy hospital stays and doctor visits that are so common, nebach. Who would care for her and support her? How would she manage?
Instead, she stays healthy until her last day, even doing her own shopping. And Hashem sees to it that somebody takes care of her when she is ill and ultimately takes care of the chesed shel emes as well. (I'm sure the heimeshe driver and the H-members helped her as best as they could). In the overall picture, this is one lucky lady. (Who didn't want to die... of course... but that's not my point, don't you see?)
May we all be zocheh to live forever.
R Yisroel Salanter: People think that there is a chevra mishnayos and a chevra chayyei adam and a chevra of niftarim. (In yiddish of course) His point was obvious.
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