Brooklyn, NY - Steakhouse That Couldn't Afford A Rabbinical Supervision, Gets One
Brooklyn, NY - Mike Domgjoni was looking for a way to get larger crowds at lunchtime into his Brooklyn Heights restaurant.
At first he said he could not afford to pay for a rabbinical supervision, but one day while walking on Remsen Street he saw many Jewish people lined up to buy from the Kosher Cart of Burach Yehuda Ganz, and he felt bad for them. So he went and found a rabbi who inspects the restaurant's kitchen to be certain it meets are strictly with kosher standards.
Rabbi Israel Steinberg, who leads a Queens congregation began unannounced visits last week to Mike's Steakhouse on Clark St.
"A lot of people called me because they need a kosher restaurant in this area," Steinberg said. "So I decided to give my service."
Steinberg said he never tells the restaurant's owners and staff when to expect him. "When I come in, I check the meat and the seal to see where it came from," Steinberg said. "Everything has to be prepared according to Jewish law.
"We have to make sure there's no consumer fraud," Steinberg added. "It's a great sin for us to eat nonkosher food."
At 9:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know about this Hashgacha I see it all over. Is it reliable?
At 9:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
This Rabbi Steinberg seems to specialize in granting hashgocha to very questionable establishments such as this one owned by a goy and delis that are open on Shabbos with Jewish ownership. A goysha owner with a key, no mashgiach tmidi - kosher? I don't think so!
I don't know who this Rabbi Steinberg is, but I have yet to see anyplace under his hashocha that would be able to get a mainstream hachgocha.
We now have rabonim who specialize in granting hashgocha to establishments that can not be kosher.
At 10:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
we need to get a massive phone campaign to call Mike's Steakhouse on Clark St - and educate the owner as to globally acceptable hashgachas
derech agav .. the rabbi in question is an erlech person, from a very erlech family.. nonetheless, a national hashgacha would enhance the restaurant to the frum downtown population
similar situation exists with a vegeterian restaurant downtown
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
THis hashgacha, I am sorry to say, is questionable. His hashgacha has appeared in several establsihsemtn years back in Midwood on questionable places. I called him once about an establishment he was certifying on the Upper East SIde and he was very abrupt with me.
Being that we are on the heels of the Monsey scandal, I would be very weary of Steinberg.
At 11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
What about basar senistaleh min ha'ayin
At 11:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe he feels he's preventing people from eating absolute tarfus, but he's certainly got giving assurance of an absolute standard of kashrus. I've often wondered what prevents the owner of a mechalel Shabbos place from bringing in tarfus during Shabbos when he knows the mashgiach can't possibly come.
Perhaps he should call his hashgocha the "SHAKEY K"
At 12:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
people should still buy form barusch yida ganz a nice man who need the parnossa
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
someone should stand with a sign right outside saying "this establishment is not kosher'
At 12:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
As we write our responses to this story it is sad to note that there has not been one singgle tikun made since the Monsey scandal
At 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
ganz is a very fine man .. should be supported
At 12:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does R Steinberg give the Hechsher to Ben's deli?
At 1:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, 12.49 =- it is Ben's that I am referring to.
At 1:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Steinberg's hechsher is worthless as far as frum standards are concerned. He gives hashgacha to a deli in Midtown that is not glatt, has no mashgiach etc.
At 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Everytime somebody in the Five Towns loses his hashgocho.Steinmberg's sign is in the window the next day.he is a scavenger.Like a dog that eats out of garbage cans.
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
ITZIK S "worthless" is the wrong word. I assume the shakey hasgacha is worth a lot to the man that gives it!
At 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
We have to differentiate between a “worthless” hashgacha, an establishment that sells tarfus (monsey case) and hashgachas that may not live up to the stringent standards – not glatt nor constant supervision – and so on – but adheres to the letter of the law as per the various pertinent seifim in shulchan aruch.
In the latter case the basar is not neveilas and treifas nor is there mixtures of basar ve chalav – the rav hamachshir is very open as to his standards. It is our option not to eat there and look for an establishment with a more stringent standard of supervision.
One may not however demean the rav & drag his name through the mud just because we choose to adhere to a more stringent standard of supervision
At 2:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let's talk facts..Shall we..."
Article states:
"Rabbi Israel Steinberg, who leads a Queens congregation"
"Hashgachas that may not live up to the stringent standards – not glatt nor constant supervision – and so on – but adheres to the letter of the law as per the various pertinent seifim in shulchan aruch."
Is this "less strigent".. Type of Cerification CLEARLY stated anywhere on the Kosher Certification so all can see that it is NOT a GLATT KOSHER Establishment, Does not meet the criteria for kosher for the Average Orthodox...Torah Fearing...Jew????
".. the rabbi in question is an erlech person, from a very erlech family.. "
1. So he's a "nice erelech...etc."
What does that have to do with his qualification's to certify ??...and
2. Hasen't the monsey affair taught anybody anthing ????
I'd advise all "nice erelech ..."to stay away!!!
I'd also advise that perticular "nice ereleche person..." to think about what he's doing.......
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is getting crazier by the minute for all we know the rabbonim will give hashgochas on treifa meat because they can get money for it. Thats why the monsey scandel happened and not one rebbi came up with an idea how to prevent it! its crazy and getting crazier we most do something so the rebbanim don't make us do averoius cuz they need the money
At 3:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 1.29:
LOLOL - but I DID say worthless as far as frum standards are concerned!
At 3:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Steinberg said. "Everything has to be prepared according to Jewish law.
Is there a Yid there to light the stove? Does the goy who owns it have access to the raw meat?
At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
We Jews don' believe in 'tandem universe kashrut supervision".
The only way for a Gentile owned establishment to be kosher would be if it had 24/7 Mashgiah Temidi. If you would not eat from the owners house, then you should not eat from his restaurant. With the Mashgiah Temidi, you are in effect eating from the Mashgiah's house. The supervision is only as good as the Mashgiah Temidi.
It would be good if more people would learn basic halacha ie Shulhan Aruch. My grandmother knows more about kashrut than 90% of those who I have met who call themselves Rabbeim.
As far as the Monsey tragedy, we all put too much trust in people who wear the right hat and have the right beard. As soon as you start to look for shidduchim for your children you find out that half of the "erliche frummeh velt" are actually goyim (have non Jewish mothers, grandmothers etc).
How many of us actually KNOW the people we trust for the kashrus of our homes, our Baal Koreh, our Shliach Tzibbur our gabbayim. Yes, I personally am aware of Soferim, Hazzanim, Mashgiachim and Rabbis with Smicha from top yeshivos who have non Jewish mothers who were never converted by anyone.
Since Moshe Rabbenu, the Erev Rav have been leading us off the derech. Nothing is new
At 3:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
3:25 I find it hard to beleive that you know rabbonin who have non Jewish mothers who never converted. Maybe the rabbonim themselves did. I know a lot of people with unusual backgrounds, but rabbinim, chazzonim, shochtim soifrim who aren't Jewish - haven't met them yet.
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
those who speak should perform their due diligence prior to being mevaze a frum.. erlich jew
rabbi is listed .. bavuste shul in queens .. call him, talk to him & find out what the story is
i attempt to eat only glatt - from a nationally recognized hashgacha (precluded my eating from the monsey store lacking such BH) and as such will not be eating in the steak house
i will not besmirch a rav, talmid chacham just because we differ in what standards to apply in shmira
At 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Yes, I personally am aware of Soferim, Hazzanim, Mashgiachim and Rabbis with Smicha from top yeshivos who have non Jewish mothers who were never converted by anyone"
are you nuts, how can you make such a statement !!!
the gemarah comments that a person that calls to question anothers yichus surely has a pegam in their own yichus -
be careful...
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
i will not besmirch a rav, talmid chacham just because we differ in what standards to apply in shmira
4:03 PM
SHMIRA? Niftorim get better shmira than this!!!
What is wrong with pointing out that a Rav is giving a hashgochah based on "standards" that differ strongly with those of Rabbi Joseph Karo???
At 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 5:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 5:16 stepped over the acceptable limits of this site please delete the post!!
At 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
so one person here says he knows steinberg.
so name that shul!!
the israel steinberg i know that gives "hashgochos" lives in b.p. on 53rd street and the hechsher is widely known in the area as a farce!!
check out his 'teudat hechsher' on Henry's Fish on 18th ave and 60-61
where there are live lobsters crawling in the window!!!
At 5:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
site adm.
thanx for removing that post; but please try to catch them b-4 they're released
At 6:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 6:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
"rabbi is listed .. bavuste shul in queens .. call him, talk to him & find out what the story is.."
The only "Rabbi Israel Steinberg" that I have heard about that goes around giving these "hashgachas that may not live up to the stringent standards" lives in BORO PARK!! and unless he has "cloned himself" is almost always in Boro Park on Shabbosim and Yom Tovim except on Rosh Hashona and Yom Kipper when he is a Bal Tveleh somewhere ...*maybe that's what was refered to as .."leads a Queens congregation"
"rabbi is listed .. bavuste shul in queens .."
on whose list ??? I tried ANYWHO and Verizon's Superpages and NADA nothing.....
"CALL HIm", you say...
So what's his number...I never met a Rav Hamachshire that would object to having his phone number listed so that people with question's could ask.....
"Bavusta Shul.." Nu, so what's the name of this shul...What's the BIG secret ...
"...we differ in what standards..."
Differences we understand ...There's Broyers, Satmar, Vineland, Belze, Yeshivish, Chassidish, OU, KOFK etc..etc.. These differenses IF ANY are ALL within the Mainstream of Orthodox Jewish HALOCHA!!!!
But These are vapor...smoke and mirrors...nothing..dust..[hmmm..might be Kosher for Pesech..let's ask the good Rabbi..LOL but I digress] -- Non-Jew mashgiach temeidie...only suprise inspections...and " I check the meat and the seal to see where it came from" I hope a COW ...
How, after Monsey, and other "stories" in resent years can anybody defend this as even minimally acceptable ?????
At 6:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
"live lobsters crawling in the window!!!
At 6:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
"I check the meat and the seal to see where it came from"
..and if it is cooked already when he comes on his unannouce inspections what does he do a taste test?????
Probably checks to see how much is in his wallet!!!
At 7:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have not heard of this Rav and can not vouch for him or malign him. I believe Hashgacha is a dirty business, perhaps it is safest to trust nobody.
I would almost never eat in a meat restaurant that has no kosher hashgacha but I did once. I ate there often and one day, after I ordered meat on the grill the Rav came to collect his fee. When the money was not available he ripped his hashgacha off the wall. I asked if he felt I can still eat my food and he told me if I normally eat in establishments without hasgacha I would know what to do. I felt that the meat, the grill, the plates and the salads were kosher and did not become treaif with the removal of the teuda.
At 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't understand, how can you give a hecsher to a store owned by a goy, where goyim only have the keys, where goyim driyin zich arim in the kitchen? Even if it is kosher meat, how can you rely that he wasn't eating a ham sandwich over the stove while cooking? Has the world gone nuts? You know in a restaraunt in willi they found that the goyishe workers had one day warmed up their own fleish sandwiches that they brought from home in their pizza ovens, and the owner needed to kasher the whole place, and that is with the hasgocho of hisachdus. surprise surprise
At 8:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have personally spoken to "Rabbi" Steinberg. When questioned on his hashgocha, (yes he gives his approval on Ben's deli, which is listed as kosher style) he became offensive, telling me that I twisted his words around. He told me I was just like Chava in what she did to Odom, that I was bad. All because I questioned his hashgocha. He also gives hashgocha on Cold Stone Creamery, an ice cream shop which is in Long Island in a shopping mall and is definitely open on shabbos. Can he travel to LI from BP on Shabbos for his surprise inspections? Let the buyer beware!!
At 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
As anon 810 stated, stay away from the Steinberg hashgacha. His hashgacha needs a mashgiach tmidi.
I also called him once on a hechsher in the upper east side and he became enraged. Not becoming of a rabbi. How he is qulified for a rav machshir is beyond me.
At 11:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
call the OU. THe OU is the new clearing house for any questions or whatever the problems or questions we might have when it comes to hashgacha.
The OU is the NEW clearing house on ALL aganecies as agreed upon by the metting by ALL rabonim across the booard after the Monsey fiasco.
At 12:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you can give a hecsher on a goyishe store, why can't you go drive on shabbos and do a spot inspection?
At 1:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
I feel a baal hamachsir should be attached to an organization such as OU which has a standard. Otherwise, who does he answer to?
There is a restaurant I, and many other ultra orthodox jews used to eat at, which has the hashgacha of a private, very nice Rav. The owner does not wear a yarmulka and sells mostly cholov yisroel but cream cheese and some other products are not. Nowhere is it indicated on the items that they are not cholov yisroel.
At 8:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a mashgiach in the field I can say that A) even with a yiddishe owner whose not shomer shabbos a Mashgiach temidi is a must and the owner should not have keys or access to the restaurant without the mashgiach present, also the food would all be considered bishul akum which according to many poskim would be mitaref the keilim they were cooked in, as far as the rov (or should we say reverend, isnt that what reform rabbis go by)being an ehrlicher yid let me just say theres a big national hasgocha out there that is an ehrlicher rov, son of a very choshiver rov who wont eat the items he himself certifies.
At 8:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
For all of the kvetching that people here are doing about Rabbi Steinberg and his supposedly "unreliable" hasgacha, or about a restaurant owned by a "goy" (who OBVIOUSLY can't be trusted because he is a "goy," right?) getting a heksher from Rabbi Steinberg -- well, Shevach Meats up in Monsey had a reliable frum hashgacha, from a rabbi who is beyond reproach, and Moshe Finkel, OF COURSE could be trusted because he was not a "goy" like the owner of Mike's, but a frum, ehrliche, Torahdik Yid with a black hat and a big beard, who gave shiurim, led davening and was otherwise a pillar of the Monsey frum community. And YET, this frum, respectable man, knowingly sold absolute TREIFE garbage to the trusting, naive members of his community (and others who ate at camps, caterers, etc who bought meats from Shevach). He did FAR MORE DAMAGE to the neshomas of klal Yisroel than Rabbi Steinberg and his supposedly "unreliable" heksher and the "goy" owner of this steakhouse restaurant EVER COULD.
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
8:58, it's disgusting to read your comment,
By reading your comment, one can think, that it's only the "Frum" that shouldn't be trusted, but the "Goi'em" are to be trusted!?!
How sick can people become?
At 10:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
To ANON 8:58
There is a major difference between the two cases. In the first case, when the RBS"O asks you why you ate Mr. Finkel's treif chickens you will be able to pullout a gemara and explain that you were following halachah (aid echad ne'eman b'isurin.)
What will your defense be for eating at a restaurant where the machshir does not even claim to be requiring the minimal standards of halachah?
(I'm not really looking for an answer as that is the place of the RBS"O, not me or anyone else. Just food for thought. Give some thought to your food.)
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
ANON 10:43 wrote:
How sick can people become?
If you really want to know, check back this afternoon!
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Chevreman:
We'll do!
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
everythings crazy!!
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
everythings crazy!!
At 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
" There is a major difference between the two cases. In the first case, when the RBS"O asks you why you ate Mr. Finkel's treif chickens you will be able to pullout a gemara and explain that you were following halachah (aid echad ne'eman b'isurin.)
What will your defense be for eating at a restaurant where the machshir does not even claim to be requiring the minimal standards of halachah? "
i am not advocating you and i eat of the questionable hashgacha.. in fact, please, only buy and consume from nationally recognized reputable hashgachas.
however.. assuming that steinberg requires basar shechuta in his restaurants at least those eating there are not eating neveilos & treifos - basar ve chalav & bishul akum aside -
those buying in monsey did in fact eat neveilos & treifos
At 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Kashrus Magazine website lists the following kashrus organization:
Vaad Harabonim Lemeshmeret Hakashrut, 6 East 45th Street, Suite 209,New York, NY 10017. Tel/Fax: (718) 232-4275. David Wynn, Esq., President; Rabbi Israel Steinberg, Rabbinical Director
At 4:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Any idea who this lawyer David Wynn is and why he is president of a small time "kashrus" organization?
At 12:33 PM,
Milhouse said…
1. His phone number is on his letterhead; all you need to do is look at the hechsher and call the number.
2. I once did call him to verify a statement made on one of his hechsherim, over his signature. He openly told me that the statement wasn't true, and seemed utterly unconcerned about it. He had no intention of changing it, and didn't see what the problem could possibly be, or why anyone would care!
3. At one point his letterhead gave as his only title, "member of the Rabbinical Alliance of America"; a few years ago he changed that to "member of an Orthodox Rabbinical organization", without even saying which one. In other words, he has no other position, but he feels he needs to put one down or the letterhead will look empty, and the Iggud Horabonim probably asked him to remove its name. He also lists "graduate of Yeshivas Chaim Berlin", as if it matters to anyone where he went to kindergarten. But a simple person reading this will be left with the impression that he is somehow affiliated with the yeshivah, or represents the organization.
4. As far as shabbos is concerned, it is possible to give a hechsher to a place that is open on shabbos - you just have to have a mashgiach who lives in the area, and occasionally pops in during shabbos, so the owner can never be sure that this shabbos he won't come. But I don't believe for a second that Steinberg actually does this.
5. As far as bishul akum is concerned, according to Ashkenazi practice it's enough for the yotzei-venichnas to light the fire when he's there, and the place can be instructed to leave it burning on a low flame overnight; or he can light the pilot, and then it's all OK unless the pilot ever goes out and has to be relit. So this might not be a problem. And it's simple enough that Steinberg probably does it. But if the fire goes out by accident, I very much doubt that they wait for him to come and relight it, or that he has any way of knowing whether they did, or that he would care if he did find out.
At 6:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Firstly, I think that attorney David Wynn knows as much about law, as Steinberg knows about Kashrus!
Secondly, Why does a Kashrus organization have an address in Manhattan and a Brooklyn 718 #?
Thirdly, if anyone gets a hold of Steinberg, why don't you ask him why he has mounted a one-man war against the Vizhnitzer hall on 53rd St. in Boro Park? And also what his heter is for MESIRAH when he calls his friends at P.D. to write tickets to Jewish patrons of that wedding hall?
Q. You think if the hall were to use him as a Rav Hamachshir he would stop his harrassment?
A. Guess what? If he was the Mashgiach, there would be no cars outside to issue summonses to!!
At 2:00 PM,
thanbo said…
Address in Manhattan but a 718 phone number - well, maybe it's his cell phone, which he registered with his home address. They do give out 718 cell numbers - I have one myself. While my wife is a 917, and we're on a T-Mobile family plan - same provider, different area codes.
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
403pm The address Manhattan address of Steinberg's is not residential. There are 83 business listings, but none for any rabbi or kashrus organization. Diamond dealers, temp agencies and lawyers, but no mashgichim are listed.
At 9:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
I belive that all this comment are posted by a hater who can not give a chance to an up growing restaurant. I know that is a sin not to eat kosher. All of you who are putting this place under question shut go and try the place on there own.And i dont Know why there will be such a low life to wright so many negative comments i think it is very childish. Thank you!!!!! Clark street 72
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