Jerusalem, Israel - Hospital Opens Maternity Ward Special for Orthodox Jews
Jerusalem, Israel - An Israeli hospital unveiled a maternity ward designed for fervently Orthodox Jews.
The five new delivery rooms at Jerusalem’s Bikur Cholim Hospital designed for Orthodox Jews, feature a special partition which allows the birthing mother to see her husband sitting beside her, but not for him to see her. This provision satisfies Orthodox requirements of modesty.
The rooms also have the options of stands for women’s wigs and piped-in Chasidic music.
This renovations cost Bikur Cholim some $1.3 million, most of it donated. “The delivery rooms are the hospital’s flagship,” said hospital director Barry Bar-Tziyon.
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
what a waist of money
At 1:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Could you please tell me who goes to give birth wearing a sheitel? Is there also an option for a special jewlery stand to hang necklaces, and rings? How's about a make-up counter to smack on a little eyeliner right after a birth?
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
crazy people who always have to look good. Those people who must wear makeup even if it's pouring rain outside, those are the people who dress up to deliver. Krankeh people. I couldnt imagine dressing up, WHAT ARE THEY THINKING??!! Oh! They probably dress up for the maternity staff. Like they really care.
At 1:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
FYI - last time I checked, women don't really decide on their own when exactly to give birth. When the time comes that's it. If they're wearing a wig, they're wearing a wig...I'm sure a snood is packed along in a bag with all the other essentials.
This is all about marketing, hospitals are a business too, trying to attract customers. There are a number of hospitals in Jerusalem to choose from. Someone must have thought "the Orthodox women spend so much money for their wigs, lets provide stands and they'll come running".
All you husbands out there: Wig stands are a plus. After shelling out all that $$$ for the wig, at least it won't be sitting around, needing another wash and set which will cost you some more!
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yes, I really need to see my husband when I'm pushing out #9.
At 8:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think all the rabbonim who came up with this one should go get themselves jobs where they will find out how precious money is and not spend it on stupid things like this
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