Brooklyn, NY - Williamsburg Among the Worst Unhealthy Neighborhoods
Brooklyn, NY - The city Health Department released a study done by a survey, on more than a dozen medical indicators in the New York City's communities. As part of the survey, residents across the city were asked to rate their health conditions and those of their neighbors.
The study, by city Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Frieden, notes that a stunning 43 percent of residents in Williamsburg/Bushwick rated their health as fair or poor.
Nearly one-third of residents in Williamsburg/Bushwick area are obese, 56 percent don't exercise at all, one-third are without a regular doctor, and nearly 4 in 10 are uninsured/underinsured.
Such unhealthy environments are "bad for kids," said Claire Barnett, of the New York Healthy Schools Network. "If you're not healthy emerging out of childhood," she said, "it's going to be harder to become a healthy adult."
At 1:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
well all they do is eat and not excersize.
The community makes cholent and kugle and eat the left overs all week long. The foods we eat are very fattening especially when we do not work and excersize.
Willy people double park because they are to lazy to look for a parking spot and therefor they get fat by not walking. The list goes on.
At 10:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
what are you talking about, this does not refer to the jewish part of willy.
it is simply impossible, i would say over 98% of yiden are insured one way or another.
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
yes, insured yes , but obese and in poor health right on the money and all this thanks to the RABUNIM that constantly keep on ASSERING excersice places shame on them and they are USID LITEN ES HADIN
At 12:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
When you take into account that the article says Bushwick, where the eat McDonalds 3 times a day and drug addiction and aids are prevelant the numbers may be correct. And depending on Woodhull Hospital for health care doesn't help much.
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I believe this article wasn't only about the yidden in Williamsburg. I was recently in Williamsburg and I saw normal looking people in the Yiddishe neighborhood, not terribly obese. Shmekidik, are you going to proselytize here, too, about getting fit and smelling good?
At 4:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anybody in the world would look at wiliamsburg and not see normal. Any Yid who looks at willi knows it is the norm, those who rant and rave about the lack of exercise, but can't spell for the world are just rejects. they reject our way of life which was once theirs and rant and rave about how terrible we are because we eat chulent and don't exercise enough. Poor poor guys.
At 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
sorry my dear fellow people, but most 'yiden' in willy are absolutely NOT obese, and in good health b'ezras hashem.
these governmental reports refer to ALL of wiili & bushwick' in which the yiden make up probably less than 10% of the count, & taking in account that they based their studies on the local major health facility - the only "woodhull Hospital" where a yid hardly steps over their doors.
as far as my concern; in most of these comments u could clearly see the hatred and 'sinas chinum' popping out from each & every word, u have a grudge & built in hate to the frum people in general, and especially the chasidishe 'Willy guys'.
I do a lot of jobs in wiily, and i'm very familiar with these nice people and their lifestyle.
if your'e all so concerned about someone elses "venishmartem meod..." you might as well take in consideration your own "shmiras haloshon".
At 6:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anonym. 12:09
let me refer to your beautiful language: "TO SEE THESE PEOPLE FRESSEN CHOLENT AND KUGEL..."
First of all, as you probably know the fact that most of "Gottlieb's" customers are foreigners, coming from outside williamsburg, I heave the big zechia to see every now and then people that appear to be absolutely from "outside" williamsburg, a lot of them without beards.. they come to Gottliebs - let me quote your nice expression - FRESSEN the gourmet cholent kugels and steak, therefore I think you should redirect your finger pointing to all places where the "heavy" Gottlieb customers live, and stop talking shtussim.
At 6:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
did you ever wonder to see that you can't find in willi more than 5 fleishige restaurants or dinings?
before you place a pick on a whole town of heimishe yiden & call them fressers, do your homework first, & check out the facts, how come the entire willi doesn't have more than 5 eateries, & B.P. has more than 50!, same with flatbush!
so do your figures & determination on whom you should name fressers!
& then; of coarse you have to go a gym workout, to straighten out the 50 + dinings you attended & stuffed yourself up with...
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
My, my aren't we a gluton for punishment.
At 8:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Which Rabbanim do you know that asered jims? actualy there are some ecsersize places in willi. The Rabanim just want it to be on a "eidele" way.
At 1:12 PM,
dave said…
I really dont get it, if flatbush has more fress stores than willi.
WHY are people in Flatbush, in better shape than Willi. I think it is the stress level, in Willi. its a killer. people in Willi aint too happy, tiny apartments, no recreational outlet.
At 1:15 PM,
dave said…
"yiden are insured one way or another"
I am more worth dead, than alive.
I am not sure, what my wife is waiting for.
At 1:18 PM,
dave said…
when a young person passed away the other day, in Willi, he was walking on the street, did the Rabbis say anything? I am still waiting for another tZnius speech.
kiddush clubs are rampant in Willi. no wonder, they need an outlet. everything is assur.
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nothing wrong with one small bowl of chulent and one slice of kugel. I was walking behind a man that was holding a meal mart bag in each hand. He was huffing and puffing. When I passed him, he was only about 21 years old, and already 325 pounds! Face all red, sweating. A heart attack on a plate! How many yards of silk do you need for that size 60 kapota?
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