Kansas - NYPD Officer Complains for Being Pulled Over
Kansas - NYPD officer John McNeeley's was surprise when he was pulled over in Kansas, and wrote to them a letter of complaint.
"I pulled over, gave the officer my driver's license and my NYPD identification card. I was polite and I did everything I was supposed to do," McNeeley wrote in the letter. "About five minutes later, he brought back a summons to me and thanked me for my cooperation. I was dumbfounded. I then tried to ask him why a cop would write another cop a ticket. He would not answer."
"... I just hope that one day that I get the opportunity to pull over a Kansas Highway Patrolman who is visiting our city, and let him or her know what their fellow officer did to me."
At 12:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
These bastards are giving us tickets and expect to be allowed to drive as they wish.
Good that he got ticketed
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
If he was issued a summons for doing something wrong, I don't see what his problem is. Was he driving a NYPD patrol car in Kansas? If so, why? I would assume he was driving a regular car and got pulled over as any ordinary citizen for a violation of some sort. If was driving a patrol car form the NYPD in Kansas, is he allowed to use the car for private business, or what was his business there in a NYPD car?
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
good the same as they do when some one ask them nice not to give a ticket
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Go Kansas PD GO!!
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
yeh he deserved it, but there is something called professional courtesy, when a professional is carring a sheild and is pulled over they are usually told have a great day. I am a paramedic and have a sheild in my wallet, I was pulled over many times, and never got a ticket due to this. ( except one time in jersey on the pallisades, the cops don't give a damn overthere.)
At 2:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm being told in my mikva, that what will happen is Kansas officers will stop getting the courtesy in NYC. And NYC is the last place you want to mess. Imagine a Kansa mayor or governor being pulled over...
And the officer who caused this will get a lot of heat. Only jerk officers don't keep to the courtesy arrangement. Then they learn the hard way.
It is also possible the NYPD cop was doing something crazy, like going 95 in a 50 mph zone. Then the courtesy doesn't apply.
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
We should be proud with kansas police hurry kansas Good Job
At 6:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
A frum guy on my block is a public official, and he drives like a maniac, roaring down the street and blowing through stop signs -- and I've seen other clearly frum people (women in sheitels, bearded guys in hats, etc) also driving unsafely, including blabbering away on their cellphones when they should be paying attention to the road. Big community hockers who get stopped for a trafic violation frequently try to get out of tickets by throwing their weight around and dropping names of all of the important police and city officials they are tight with. Rabosai, it doesn't look good. Maris ayin. Here's a novel idea. Maybe if frum people drove more carefully and made less of a chillul Hashem to the outside world, they'd get fewer tickets from the NYPD and then there would be a lot less animosity towards the police and we wouldn't all get so giddy when a cop out in Kansas gives an NYPD officer a ticket.
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
One only gets the rachmonus he gives. This cop probably has no rachmonus, so Hashem pays him back this way. Midah keneged midah. Ze hu.!!
At 11:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who is the public offical that lives on your block that drives like a maniac???
You should name him so he should lose his public offical title.
He should be the one showing the way.
At 8:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
al de'ateift atfich
At 8:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
NYPD idiots again!!
A few years ago a cop pulled over the chief of police in NYC and gave a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt! This was years ago.
I am sure this idiot cop is off the force or maybe in Kansas now!!
true story.
At 1:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
its about time these good for nothing nypd got a taste of their own medicine I just got a ticket I didnt deserve Im sure he deserved it the laws are for everyone to keep thats why we live in this great country when the nypd gives out ticket just to fill their books and then in court your guilty until proven innocent let them feel what its like remember the laws are for everyone
At 1:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
arent we all equal or are laws only for us and not for them arent they the ones that are paid to uphold the law
At 1:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
I say good! I've been pulled over by NY cops before - and being from Jersey, I received tickets both times. I am ex-law enforcement and have always received professional courtesy. NOT in New York. Two things were against me - one, I had Jersey plates and although technically speeding, I was going SLOWER than the other vehicles. The other thing is I'm obviously frum. While polite to each other, they wrote every possible ticket imaginable, resulting with me having to obtain a lawyer to eliminate the points and resulting surcharge. My other vehicular encounter was with an off-duty PO in the 68. I was doing the speed limit and he couldn't safely pass me. He finally pulls up and screams that "you jews should go back to your own country" and threatened my family. He's lucky I didn't take actions into my own hands. He received a reprimand on his record, at least. There are your fine, professional NYPD officers. Lest people forget and laud them, remember 13th Ave earlier this year, Crown Heights, when they shot that nutjob dead who had the hammer (that was use of deadly force and DIRECTLY in contradiction to all training) and all of the other incidents over the year. I know people in Corrections who swear there are MANY framed people behind bars. Face it people, NYPD hate jews in general, use us politically but are NOT our friends. I await the day to be personally involved in a felony conviction of one of them, preferably a Sgt or higher.
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