Lakewood, NJ - Landlords Protest $3,000 Fine at mayor's Residence
Lakewood, NJ - A crowd of about 40 Orthodox Jewish men railed against the political establishment, in the front yard of the mayor's home. "This has never happened before," said one man after another.
What sparked the protest at Mayor Meir Licht-enstein's 14th Street home was outrage about a Municipal Court decision.
"I don't know why they came to my house, why this was about me. This was a judge's decision. I think it's despicable that people come to someone's house like that, harassing my family," Lichtenstein said.
Municipal Court Judge Philip Miller found a member of the Lakewood Landlords Association guilty of failing to obtain certificates of occupancy for a rental property and overcrowding. In all, he was fined $3,000 and ordered to serve 40 days in jail. The jail sentence was stayed, giving the landlord time to appeal the verdict and obtain the necessary COs, the attorney for the group said.
"He's shocked to say the least. People with DWIs are getting off with fines," said Marcel Katz, a founding member of the landlord association, which is suing the township in Superior Court.
More than 40 landlords allege that Lakewood quality-of-life ordinances are unconstitutionally vague. The landlords say they're being held responsible for the wrongdoing of tenants, who violate leases and don't follow codes, and should be the ones who are fined.
In the meantime, the township is moving forward with the prosecution of code violation summonses, which carry fines as high as $750 each.
At 9:12 AM,
thekvetcher said…
why doesnt lakewood just dry up and blow away in the wind. it should be fakewood. what chilul hashem that place makes. always somthing in the news about those fakers
At 9:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
burnw, you'r obviously are not living next to these animals... we bought a house a couple of years ago before all the "investors" bought, we figured we would have some goyim as neighbors not 15 mexicans per house, there are some streets in my neighborhood you can't walk down because there are so many mexicans, or can't drive down the street because there are more vans than there are houses.
he should sit in jail, and so should all of the "landlord assosiation members".
i don't have to live in the slums cuz they want to make money!
i hope all the investors lose their pants starting from now!
At 9:36 AM,
LkwdGuy said…
Lichtenstien has nothing to do with this. Mayor in Lakewood is mostly a ceremonial post. He doesn't have more power than the other four township committee members and he surely has no influence over a judges decision. Aside from that, the landlords in Lakewood have been making life misrable for others for quite awhile now. All the township is doing now is enforcing laws that are on the books. This judge didn't just write a new law. He is just enforcing existing regulations.
At 9:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I say anyone who assists, hires or rents to illegal should be prosecuted.
get it? ILLEGALS=not legal.
These landlords help these illegal cholerias realize their "american Dream" of sucking up as much as they can out of america while not paying anything back to society while breaking every law possible and have free reign to perpertrate crimes as they areundocumented.
They laugh at us as suckers and i know firsthand how they feel.
At 9:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
pull over every pennsylvania or north carolina license plate and deport them.
burnw- why shouldnt the mayor enforce the laws of his town?
you people think that a frum mayor should give you a license to do whatever you want and get baleidikt if you get in trouble.
Move to New Square.
At 10:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
for a couple of bucks in their pocket they make life miserable for the average person. and then they get all the kovod by being honored by mosdos and buying the kibudim on yom tov. such a guy doesnt deserve a maftir yonah or a choson beraishis. Hashem doesnt want your mney if it is acquired at the expense of another yid. th e problem is a lack of yoras shomayim and no Rebbi or Manhig to guide these young guys. this is not the derech of yisrael sabah.
At 10:35 AM,
LkwdGuy said…
Anonymous said...
It's not wrong if that is the law on the books. The judge doesn't make up the punishment, it is written into the law. It's true that judges are not required to give him the full punishment but if they are really going to crack down on this problem, the only way to show the landlords that they are serious would be to have someone sit in jail for a few days. That would put a quick end to this problem.
I don't know why everone seems to be crying for the landlords and no one seems to give a darn about the people who bought houses to actually live in in peace and are now being subjected to 15-20 illegal mexicans living next door to them, loud noise at all times of the day and night, disgusting yards and not being able to have their wives or children walk down the block after dark.
At 10:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
The fact that there is a frum lawyer does not mean you can break laws
protesting in front of his house because you break laws is not the answer
At 10:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said... 9:26 AM
we bought a house a couple of years ago before all the "investors" bought, we figured we would have some goyim as neighbors not 15 mexicans per house, there are some streets in my neighborhood you can't walk down because there are so many mexicans, or can't drive down the street because there are more vans than there are houses.he should sit in jail, and so should all of the "landlord assosiation members".i don't have to live in the slums cuz they want to make money!i hope all the investors lose their pants starting from now!
you paid a cheap price because of the mexicans now you want to trow them out to beable to sell your house for much more then you paid, what a selfish person! P.S.when it comes to labor you still use them for cheap labor to clean your house etc..
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
to ann, 10:45.
you paid a cheap price because of the mexicans now you want to trow them out to beable to sell your house for much more then you paid, what a selfish person! P.S.when it comes to labor you still use them for cheap labor to clean your house etc..
10:45 AM
dare you sare i want to sell my house to make money, if you read what i wrote, its says i bought before the investors bought, thats before the mexicans moved in... I LIVE IN MY HOUSE! I OWN THIS HOUSE. THIS HOUSE IS IN MY NAME. NO HUD. NO STICK. WE PAY A MORTGAGE ON OUR HOUSE.
We paid not so cheap for our house because there was no jew in a mile! yes the first years there was no minyan here, we walked a mile. I plan on staying here! If i would have wanted to sell i would have been smarter than all the investors and sold in the summer when the prices were at a peak.
Yes let the investors rot!
Theres a special place in gehenim for all the people who own houses were i do and put in the animal (of all kinds-we just got a pig in the neighbohood)that they do.
Where do you live in WESTGATE! and own 3 houses in RAINTREE!!!
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
when it comes to the mayor's, kotlers, AKA vaads, or bmg, property they DON'T enforse the books, they just keep raising our taxes so bmg etc. could get FREE ''invesment'' property from township.
At 11:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:29 AM,
LkwdGuy said…
Most of the people that are emplying the illegals are from outside Lakewood. The main reason that the illegals are choosing to live in Lakewood is because it is here that they can find landlords that are willing and eager to rent to them. Other communities are not so selfish and shortsighted to rent their properties to illegals which drastically effects their own quality of life. The contractors, landscapers, etc from the nearby towns are happy to have cheap labor without having these people living in their midst. It is NOT Lakewood, for the most part, that is hiring these illegals.
At 11:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
RE: BurnW 11:13
If you are from lakewood you should know by now that unless there is something for the vaad or BMG to gain they stay away.
Look at all the things they backed, the candidates they endorsed for voting.... IT ALL PUT SHEKELS IN THEIR POCKETS!! If there is nothing for them to gain they stay away. Here they could care less how the people in raintree live- there are no mexicans living within 10 blocks of their homes.
Let some "investor" with guts put some mexicans into a house on 6th street by private way---he will have every farkrumta rosh yeshiva, vaad member & bais din on his front steps within minutes.
Bottom line- The VAAD & BMG are 100% corrupt.
Burn baby burn!
At 11:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you don't enforce the law and let every frum erlich draykup get away with breaking the law, then you'll end up mith more Finkels AKA shevach scandals.
At 11:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
what about the fact that brick township managed to push off the reassessment till 2009 for the property taxes which r already sky high but of course r elected officials couldn't do the same for us in lakewood
At 12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
I thought Lakewood was to be our SAMPLE! But forget it all I hear about lakewood are these terrible stuff! just forget.
At 12:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mad at Investors-
I don't beleive your story. please post your name
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I live in Lakewood and I think it is disgusting for landlords to rent a single family home to more than one family. (unless they don't really know just how large the "family" is).The perpetrators should be fined, not jailed. They're ruining the neighborhoods for the legal residents.
At 12:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
From all the comments, it would seem that these landlords who rent to illegals , got what they deserved. I agree they should be fined, maybe not jailed. They just want to make big bucks and they are ruining our town.
At 12:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
how are people from lakewood posting on this site? i thought the internet was banned in that area. thats what I heard on 1010wins a couple of months ago. hmm interesting.
At 12:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
how are people from lakewood posting on this site? i thought the internet was banned in that area. thats what I heard on 1010wins a couple of months ago. hmm interesting.
See some people have to work for a living, to own a house, to have mexicans live next door...
so we have to have the internet.
At 12:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rabbi Moshe Zev Weisberg, a Vaad member and its unofficial spokesman, said he believes the concerns of the Vaad match those of the vast majority of Orthodox residents.
When the Vaad issues election endorsements, "In general, it's fair to say it's followed by a strong majority. Some years its 70 percent, some 90 percent," he said.
YOU SEE HOW HE CONVINCED HIMSELF THAT HE IS REPRESENTING THE VAST MAJORITY-When in fact he is MISrepresenting TO the vast majority that their votes will help the vast majority when in fact ITS ALL FOR THE VAAD & BMG!!!
Uru yishainim mishinaschem-- the VAAD is not here to help you--DO NOT VOTE FOR THEIR ENDORSED CANDIDATES!!!!!!
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon12:08 thats why mostly the corropt vaad defend them self and keep on saying he should to jail.
do you remember when the the cop beat up the heart sick rosh yeshiva and a black women a few weeks later, were was the vaad and mayor did they say the cop should go to jail or were they defending the cop!?
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why doesn't someone publish the names of the Lakewood Landlord Assc. so we can protest in front of THEIR homes!
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
it's mutar to rent to mexicans if your in kolel
At 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would fine him $10,000 and put all the ivestors and developers in jail , and throw away the key.
Do you know how these so called "shaine yuden " have ruind our town . they have the chuztpa to build on Chol Hamoed and get some rav to give them a Heter.... and build for themselves houses which is Begeder LOMOH TISRUI" the goyim see these Obcene houses and are full of envey. They drive around in cars each one trying to outdo his friends . . Do you know why are taxes are so high. because these developers need illeagal laberours to build there houses these Mexicans come with 10 kids each who go to the piublic schools that we have to pay for, and we are killing ourselves to pay for the Chinuch of our own kids.
Shame on all of them . Please leave Lakewood and do your dirty work elseware and leave our Mayor in peace .
You only have your selves to blame
At 12:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does not the Torah state; "Thou Shalt Be a Light Unto the Nations"? How can a Jewish landlord discriminate against Mexican immigrants and bar them from renting living space simply because they are non-Jews?
I cannot help but think that this is a great opportunity for the beautiful Jewish community of Lakewood to really reach out to these less privileged people and cultivate these immigrants in social, ethical and moral teachings.
At 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Because of all this what's going on in Lakewood, I moved back to Boro Park 5 years ago, Those Litvack's behave 10 times worse then any Chosid.
At 12:59 PM,
Pair of protests
Twice on Tuesday, a crowd of frustrated young men, mostly in their 20s and 30s, assembled at the mayor's house.
After landlord Yehoshue Basch was found guilty, the men rushed over to the mayor's home to stage a protest. Only Lichtenstein's wife and children were home at the time.
The group gathered again at 10 p.m., but Lichtenstein at that point had moved his family for the night, saying his children felt threatened by the angry crowd.
Katz, one of the few protesters willing to identify himself to a reporter, stood in the mayor's driveway as the crowd began to break up about 11 p.m.
"Where's the mayor? We're standing here and he won't face us," he said.
Lichtenstein said Wednesday that he'll meet with anyone.
"If they have legitimate concerns or a solution — even though they've treated my family in this despicable fashion — I will meet with them in a calm fashion," Lichtenstein said.
The mayor, usually a cautious speaker, gave in to his emotions Wednesday as he emphasized quality-of-life ordinances are supported by the majority of residents from all ethnic backgrounds.
"We have gang problems in town. We have overcrowding issues. The town is not going to allow people to have overcrowded, unsafe housing," Lichtenstein said. "We have complaints from across the community. The quality-of-life program is going forward."
But the protesters' frustrations stretched beyond Lichtenstein and code enforcement concerns. Bubbling to the surface was a distrust of the traditional power brokers in the Orthodox community — the influential Vaad, a council of rabbis — in particular. The Vaad's influence on township elections, and the issues deemed important, is too severe, the protesters said.
"(But) people are afraid to express it," said Jack Hershkowitz, 26, who moved to Lakewood two years ago.
Hershkowitz said he's frustrated with overdevelopment and taxes. The old guard has failed; new voices are needed, he said.
"If they want to be frustrated with the Vaad that's their choice," Lichtenstein said, dismissing the notion of a splintering in the Orthodox community.
At 12:59 PM,
Vaad leader responds
Rabbi Moshe Zev Weisberg, a Vaad member and its unofficial spokesman, said he believes the concerns of the Vaad match those of the vast majority of Orthodox residents.
When the Vaad issues election endorsements, "In general, it's fair to say it's followed by a strong majority. Some years its 70 percent, some 90 percent," he said.
Weisberg said the township's crackdown on overcrowding and other quality-of-life violations is good for the town.
Katz, though, questioned whether targeting landlords has made a difference. "Has quality of life improved?" Katz asked. "I don't think so."
On Tuesday morning, about 30 landlords milled about the municipal court, waiting for their cases to be heard.
By day's end, only Basch's case had been considered. The rest of the men will have to return Tuesday — judge's orders.
Larry Loigman, attorney for the landlords, said he's appealing a judge's order requiring all the defendants to be in court each Tuesday. He's also appealing several bench warrants that were issued against clients who didn't show up Tuesday, even though their cases didn't come up.
"It's very unusual. I think the judge is trying to coerce these defendants into pleading guilty," Loigman said.
The judge, through a court administrator, said it would be inappropriate to comment on the ongoing cases.
stayed, giving the landlord time to appeal the verdict and obtain the necessary COs, the attorney for the group said.
"He's shocked to say the least. People with DWIs are getting off with fines," said Marcel Katz, a founding member of the landlord association, which is suing the township in Superior Court.
More than 40 landlords allege that Lakewood quality-of-life ordinances are unconstitutionally vague. The landlords say they're being held responsible for the wrongdoing of tenants, who violate leases and don't follow codes, and should be the ones who are fined.
In the meantime, the township is moving forward with the prosecution of code violation summonses, which carry fines as high as $750 each.
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
shuey basch deserves to go to jail for bringing the scum of the earth to live in his slums
At 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 1:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank G-D at least the Goyishe judge has the guts to do what the powers to be didnt. It is definitely ikvisa dmishicha, where you have these people selfishly destroying Lakewood, and when somebody finally stands up to them, they protest in public.
Such chutzpa?
Have they no shame?
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
This brilliant comment says it all-"Rabbi Aharon Kotler ZTL would NEVER EVER approve of today's Lakewood".
The problem of greediness by landlords is merely one example. It has become a community of way too much NOVEL BERSHUS HATHORAH out of NECCESITY-
The need to pay bills to marry off children and support their children's offspring as well as their own. Either you go to the loony bin- which becomes public knowledge, or you steal and hope to get away with it.
At 1:35 PM,
LkwdGuy said…
If there is any truth to what you are saying, all I can say is thank G-d Lakewood is not (yet) KJ. We can't protest the chillul hashem of the landlords and yet talk about beating people to a pulp. There are laws in place to deal with this kind of situation and we need to pressure our elected officials to enforce those laws. They seem to be getting the messege, so I would say we are on the right track.
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
seems like the majority of people are againstthe landlords
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
As I read this Blog and the comments, I said, Ribono Shel Olom. ARE these the kind of future leaders of Yiddish keit that our Kollels are now turning out? Since when did Nareshkeit and a lack of concern for other frum Yidden create a new set of values? I am confident that if Rav Yisrael Salanter ZTL were alive today he would go to Lakewood and challenge these Kollel entrepeuirs ( slum landlords) to begin to do Teshuva immediately. You may remember, that when Reb Yisrael was invited to dine at the home of an ehrlechar g'vir, he commented, "I know that your home is Kosher, but what about your money, is it also Kosher? Ther time has come to exposer these Trayfa Kollel Avreichim, and expel, (yes you read correctly) them from any Kollel in Lakewood that currently exists. They can then start a new Kollel , Kollel Sheker, V'chillul hashem.
At 2:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
i am against the landlords renting to unscrupulous individuals but we must not forget that a serious change is needed in the political scene [property taxes. police bias etc.] therefore some publicity and a protest is a good thing which maybe will finally shake the lakewood residents out of their slumber
At 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
This brilliant comment says it all-"Rabbi Aharon Kotler ZTL would NEVER EVER approve of today's Lakewood".
The problem of greediness by landlords is merely one example. It has become a community of way too much NOVEL BERSHUS HATHORAH out of NECCESITY-
The need to pay bills to marry off children and support their children's offspring as well as their own.
Either you go to the loony bin- which becomes public knowledge, or you steal and hope to get away with it.
At 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
"these Trayfa Kollel Avreichim"
these are balhabatim not sitting and learning get the facts strait
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
last week the town of keyport n.j. has past the law that anyone who rents out a house or apt. 2 an ilgeal imagrint will get a $1000 doller fine per person in the house.........hey why dont we start this idea in lakewood .maybe r taxes will go down after all the town will make a heck of alot of money.
At 2:15 PM,
LkwdGuy said…
It has become a community of way too much NOVEL BERSHUS HATHORAH out of NECCESITY-
100% wrong. It is a wonderful community, filled with Torah and Chessed. The wrongheaded actions of a minority are just that. It should not and does not define the community as a whole.
At 2:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
"these Trayfa Kollel Avreichim"
these are balhabatim not sitting and learning get the facts strait
2:06 PM
sorry but u r wrong most of these r still offically .....well i hope there father in-laws that r helping support them know it.
At 2:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
i just heard that mayor lichtenstein is going to press charges against shuey basch for tresspassing and an illegel demonstration.
confirmed it with berel sasoon just now in BMG.
At 2:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't these SLUMLORD-PIGS realize that their OWN taxes will go down as soon as we kick these chayos out of our neighborhoods?
Why are we paying for "Pedro" to go to Public School?
At 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did anyone hear that Shuey Basch just had a warrant served to him for tresspassing on Mayor Lichtensteins property and terrorizing his family?
At 2:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have alot to comment about this but i wont, All i wonna say to this mayor is.... you are doing a great job keep it up, fight for the family's of your community, I respect your affords and doing what you believe is right no matter how hard it is, you and your family have a big zechis and i am sure god will repay your family for going into fire for your community.
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
"2:06 PM
sorry but u r wrong most of these r still offically .....well i hope there father in-laws that r helping support them know it."
they are working,were do you get your facts from
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Shlomo Shamos please be advised that Shuey Basch will be arrested in a few minutes for tresspassing the Mayors property.
At 2:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Why are we paying for "Pedro" to go to Public School?
2:26 PM
Why? Because Pedro's Mom is in your house today scrubbing your toilets and prettying up your house for Shabbos and the rich slumlords don't care if they live on your block, as long as not on his block.
At 2:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree that these Slum lords should sit - they are ruining the quality of life for the tzibbur. Unfortunatly the 2 widely reported incidents in Lakewood both rented from frum landlords. והמבין יבין
As far as Mayor Lichrenstein is concerned - if you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.
At 2:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
The actions of the landlords in question are not representative of any sincere yungerman in Lakewood.Please don't confuse the vast majority of Lakewood wheter in kollel or not with certain people who deal and work this type of 'real estate'.
At 2:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are right- "It is a wonderful community, filled with Torah and Chessed. The wrongheaded actions of a minority are just that. It should not and does not define the community as a whole".
But, Kol Hamerachem al Ha'achzoriim sofo Lhisachzeir al Harachmoniim. The more we allow it, the more we need to keep up with it, to survive.
2:15 PM
At 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
i know who these people r . i always see them in the township building causing a chillal hashem.
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
well if the jews would stop makeing a big chilul hashem in lakewood by renting a single family house to 30 ilegel mexicans at a time which at the same time he is not providing electric or heat yes he does deserve 2 go 2 jail....its killing our town and every guy in town is blamming it bec. we have a jewish mayor. yeah welcome 2 the world ur not the only ones and u people r just so selfish that u think what ever ur doing is right bec, hey were jewish why should we care about the next person all i have 2 do is care about me and make sure those mexicans r giveing me that cash.....its time that u people grow up and relize that there r other people in this world...
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shuey Basch and his gang will be run out of Lakewood very soon.
Not only that, but you will be run out of town people who hate the Vaad!!
You can hate the Vaad, but what you did is a despicable vile act of terrorism.
You should, and from what I hear now...WILL be arrested in the next few minutes.
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
While I dont agree much with the VAAD, on this one I support them wholeheartedly. I was not planning to vote for Lictenstein this coming election, but as a result of this story I'm voting for him and so are most of my friens in Yeshiva.
I wwant to know if we can find out who are the guys on the association so we can publiscize their names and phone numbers. If they want to harass Lichtenstein, we can play the same game. Trust me!!
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is the best. Finally the investors will figure out that the average person dislikes them MORE than they dislike the VAAD. And I do NOT like the VAAD.
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
By the way, do you know who notified and called the press to the protest? It was the association themselves!! They thought that it would portray them favorbly but it backfired.
At 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Although I HATE and I mean HATE the VAAD (will be voting for Berel Sasoon and EGGERT). The spineless mayor is right on this issue. We have had it with the rapists and other crime. Lets clean up the the neighborhood now. I guess I will get my bagles in 4 corners.
At 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good work investors!!!!
If you genious investors had brains, you wouldn't of done this.
Whatever miniscule of sympathy anybody might of had for you is now gone.
You managed to get the whole town hate you even more than they hate the Va'ad.
Good work dummies. Your days are numbered.
If you guys had any real brains you would be making a living the honest way, not the easy way out of slumlording.
Never a smart idea to make your parnasah in a way that hurts other people.
Not a good idea to have people daven that bad things happen to you.
At 4:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
You fools!!!
How many of you gave your chassunah money to be invested with Dwek?
How many of you gave your chassunah money to be invested with nursing homes which outright neglect their patients causing death?
How many of you gave your chassunah money to be invested in selling traif meat as kosher and defrauding the kosher consumers?
Now because a few Mexicans move in your raising a ruccus? Why do your in-laws pay you to stay in kollel if this is how you think. Go ask Rabbi Solomon for some guidance before you make such idiots out of yourselves.
At 4:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Now because a few Mexicans move in your raising a ruccus? Why do your in-laws pay you to stay in kollel if this is how you think. Go ask Rabbi Solomon for some guidance before you make such idiots out of yourselves. 4:09 PM
This is a matter of personal safety of ourselves, husbands, wives and children. You obviously don't live on one of those blocks.
At 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
The problem starts with the yeshiva system....yungerleit with 3-4 children leave kollel looking for parnasah, with at best a high school education, with no computer skills, they can't speak a complete english sentence, and it is close to impossible to find a job paying more than $30k/year.
I am in no way answering for these slime balls, but lets look at the root of the problem and realize that many of these people have been screwed by a system which takes away all their options.
At 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why don't all these slumlords go into development, then they can join the Vaad!
At 6:50 PM,
thekvetcher said…
last night my kid needed an example of a chillul hashem for home work. i should take them to lakwood and show them.
At 6:52 PM,
thekvetcher said…
one more thing dont blame the Mexicans for wanting to live the american dream. they are only trying to survive. we all know who the real chayas are.
At 7:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree,Lichtenstien has nothing to do with this.
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is this the Shuey Basch that has the bakery and was the Rov in Saratov.
Where is Chaim Rubin?
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
More than 40 landlords allege that Lakewood quality-of-life ordinances are unconstitutionally vague.
If they are vague - now is the time to make them firm, clear and comprehensive. I'm certain they weren't written with the forsight to see that frum Yiddin would pack houses with illegal aliens to maximize income.
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 7:14 the mayor is the blame they had a meeting with him over 6 months ago he promised to print in spanish on (taxpayers expence) to explain the quality of life, it was printed but still in his office was never given out, the landrod rents it to only one person he has no control whom they bring, if he wants to eveict them its a prosess of a few months to go true the system, if you are REALY looking to improve the quality of life go after the tenents not the landrods.
At 8:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why doesn’t someone publish the names of the Lakewood Landlord Assc. so we can protest in front of THEIR homes! We should know who is the real cause of Lakewood becoming a slum and we should deal with those who perpetrate it.
Also, I dislike the VAAD and the Yeshiva Politicians. They are not running the Yeshiva like Rabbi Kotler ZT”L would have, and if Reb Shneur ZT”L would be alive today, it wouldn’t be this way either. They do not have the best interests of the Klall at all. Our taxes keep going up and alot of Chillul Hashem is going on.
Another gripe I have is the size and styles of some of these new homes going up in Lakewood (and P,Monsey etc.) If Lakewood cared about its image they would put a ban on building big ostentatious homes, so the Goyim wouldn’t be mekaneh us.(I know this is a different subject,but, I am just sounding off) Yes, big families need more space, but, they don’t need brick mansions with every conceivable amenity. I live in a 2,600 sq ft. home with 12 children and it
used to look big, but, now compared to all the other homes going up around me it looks small.My taxes have gone up almost $2000! and I think that is only because of all the developement going on, it makes the land value that much more.
At 8:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 8:04:
i take it you dont have a nice enough house...
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
lamdanwannabe - I'm not much of a speller, but that post that you referred to was the best example of why some of these people can't earn a living by neans other than being a slumlord. Fortunatly for them, leases are preprinted.
At 9:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 8:04
2600 sq ft?
12 kids
I know who you are!
oh, you fooled us- you really dont have 12 kids or 2600 sq ft home
(5 kids right?)
dont patronize us,moron,jealous schlubb
At 9:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
the landlords may be wrong but dont make the mistake of backing the mayor its about time we put someone in office who will work in the public interest not someone who licks up to the goyim so they will like him
At 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its a miracle that Lichtenstien has been able to keep is head out of the mud for such a long time. Why dont they go to Bob Singers house for trick or treat.
Has anyone seen Menashe Miller?
Where is Shomrim?
Keep up the gevaldige posts
At 10:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
To:Anonymous said...
The problem starts with the yeshiva system....yungerleit with 3-4 children leave kollel looking for parnasah, with at best a high school education, with no computer skills, they can't speak a complete english sentence, and it is close to impossible to find a job paying more than $30k/year.5:01 PM
Brilliant! How true-
Kollel life is unquestionably the ideal for those that are ready, willing and able to sacrifice MUCH for it and be INDEPENDENT. Unfortunately, in too many cases, because of the unpreparedness of the Kollel couple to pay bills for a
growing family, both during and after Kollel years, demands are
made on parents to come up with specific sums of money.
This is the biggest crime of all. That's the driving force behind alot of other crimes committed.
At 11:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Listen, I think some people are getting slightly angered. It is not good to get andry.Look what The Rambam has to say on anger.
Also read the letter of the Ramban about anger.
Anyways, the fact that many father in laws have to work extremely hard to support their children, they should consider it a zcus that he has.So he has to work an extra 8 hours a day. We are told ,man is put in this world to work, so why shouldn't the inlaws help out.
What does this have to do with are finest learning in Kollel. Don't you think they deserve the best.
I sure hope they pay their new son in laws for their houses and new cars, so they should not have to waste their time fixing their car.
I think Lakewood is an example we should all follow.
At 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
To all the IDIOTS who are CLUELESS about what the Mayor of Lakewood's job is:
The Lakewood Mayor's job is NOTHING more then a Lakewood Committe Member's. He can practicly acomplish NOTHING.
One of his MAJOR powers is thathe can demand what topic should be discussed at a Board meeting....YAY!!
JERKS! He has no power, gets a lousy salary and all he does is try to help Jews.
And the numbnut who identified himself by name in the ASbury Park Press and stated that he has been living in Lakewood for two complaining that he hates the Vaad!!!
Hey? go back to the cave that you crawled out of!
Who do you think you are? You live in Lakewood for TWO YEARS and you are at a demonstration with a bunch of maniacs?
Get a life.
At 11:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lakewooder have no fear the Basch in question is not a Rebby or head counsler rather quite heimesh.
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
whether the landlords are right or wrong. How can one wish for another jew to be incarcerated?!
It would still be a mitzvah of pidyon shvuyim to get him out.
With all your rightous inuendo, how can you justify that?
At 11:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree. The guy who's in Lakewood 2 years should go back to where ever he came from.
At 12:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
You are right in Lakewood the mayor has no power and that is what frustrates me about Lichtenstein. By being a frum Mayor he angers the goyim and is handcuffed from accomplishing anything for frumer yidden. So just so Mayor Meir could get some kovod we have to live with a powerless mayor.
At 12:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
well said.
Mayor Lichtenstein doeas a fine job..I personaly hate the Vaad with a passion, but I would love to meet shuey basch face to face.
they are a bunch of wimps!
Show us what your made of!
Go to Bob Singers house and try this!
Or go to the judge's house and TRY this.
like i said...airheads. thats what theyr are. airheads.
At 12:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
this is what you get for living in a theocracy.
At 12:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
knocker pocker- easy for you to call bash a wimp-where are your kahoonas? SIGN YOUR NAME OR GO POCK YOUR KNOCK!
Chaim Strauss
At 12:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
To the poster that wrote-"I would love to meet shuey basch face to face."
You sound tough- but you are probably just jelous of these landlords!!
Too bad you decided to leave kolel after the prices went up and you lost out on the opportunity. So did you have to work as a cashier in a store here or did you go work in mortgages?
Either way you are a loser- its easy to type here anonymously that other are airheads- You are prob scared of your own voice.
Be tough and step forward and come meet him face to face.
If g-d forbid you ever have to come to ask for help to put food on your table, YOU CAN STILL COUNT ON BASH even if you curse him to his face-HE IS A TZADIK AND WILL DO ANYTHING TO HELP ANOTHER PERSON- I KNOW MANY STORIES (the kind you only hear at levayas!!)
STOP bashing him as an individual- THE GUY IS GOLDEN!
At 1:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
To "Anyways, the fact that many father in laws have to work extremely hard to support their children, they should consider it a zcus that he has.So he has to work an extra 8 hours a day. We are told ,man is put in this world to work, so why shouldn't the inlaws help out.What does this have to do with are finest learning in Kollel. Don't you think they deserve the best.
I sure hope they pay their new son in laws for their houses and new cars, so they should not have to waste their time fixing their car.
I think Lakewood is an example we should all follow".
You weren't serious were you?
He he -Are father-in-laws entitled to eat, drink, commute, repair their old cars, pay bills and have ONE HOUR LEFT TO LEARN TOO after putting in a full day's work? Please show us where in the Shulchan Aruch it says sons in law should get nicer houses and cars than the parents. If you're not sure, ask the Gedolim.
At 6:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
To anon 1.17.
Of course I am serious.
If my children can learn better then me, they should be learning and not me.
Look in the gemara in Kedushin 29:
Rav Yehudah states, if your son is better then you,he is first.
I consider it a zcus to give my son and son in laws money so they should learn in peace.
I surely hope you do also.
At 8:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
to anon 6:51
You sound sincere and must be a great father in law, However YOU are in part to blame for all the chillul hashem going on in lakewood.
Had your sons in law been ready to learn in kolel like kolel was made to be-with mesiras nefesh for torah- and by understanding the kolel lifestyle is simple then you would not have to buy them all the new cars and huge houses. If they told you it helps them learn better you are a fool. There is a kolel in Monsey where they have SERIOUS SERIOUS chevra and have been in kolel for over 20 years already and they live in apts and ride a BIKE to kolel each morning!!!
Had your sons in law gone with the SIMPLE kolel lifestyle- you would not be choking now trying to support their lifestyle over yours.
By you allowing them to "live large" on daddys bill- it only ups the standards of all his chavairim and neighbors. How can a working friend buy a used camry if his kolel friend just got the new avalon??? ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT RUIN IT FOR ALL- I WANT TO KNOW HOW GASHMIUS AND LIVING LIKE A GVIR ON YENAS CHESHBIN CAN BE CONDUCIVE TO LEARNING.
Sounds like your sons in law have been taking you for a ride.
A strugling lakewood WORKING guy trying to put some food on my kids plate- while my kolel neighbors are upgrading their cars and spending their lunches decicing which mouldings to decorate their homes with.
At 9:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Say "no" to intimidation
Lakewood must stand its ground in enforcing township codes that regulate overcrowding and require landlords to obtain certificates of occupancy. Protests at the mayor's house after a property owner was fined this week for code violations show how irrational critics of the township's quality-of-life ordinances have become.
Mayor Meir Lichtenstein had every right to be upset after about 40 men crowded outside his house twice Tuesday, forcing him to relocate his family overnight. The action against a landlord earlier that day was a municipal court matter beyond the mayor's control.
Questions about code enforcement belong at Township Committee meetings, not at the mayor's private residence. The Lakewood Landlords Association has already taken the township to Superior Court, challenging the quality-of-life ordinances as unconstitutionally vague.
The landlords don't seem to understand the responsibilities of property owners. They say they're being held responsible for the wrongdoing of their tenants, who violate leases and don't follow codes. The landlords have it all wrong. They, as landlords, are the responsible parties. They must see to it that tenants understand and follow regulations regarding the number of people residing in a house — and boot them out if they don't.
"The town is not going to allow people to have overcrowded, unsafe housing," Lichtenstein said in defending the quality-of-life program. There is good reason for code enforcement officials to address overcrowding issues. It just may prevent a tragedy at one of those properties. That's why township officials must continue their campaign against code violators.
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
I sincerely hope and am confident that somewhere out there right now is the next and up and coming individual molded in the form of Horav Hagoan Aharon Kotler ZTL, who has the foresight and wisdom and siyata dishmaya to form a new community affordable to many that can become and stay a mokom torah that will truly be a beacon on to the nations of the world. In other words, it should be a close knit community that will be the first of its kind,i.e. a community that will be m'kadesh sheim shomayim. Not a community that gets written up in the newspapers every few days, not a community that has a reputation amongst goyim as being freeloaders off the govt. dole, not a community where frum jews are hated by goyim and irreligious jews, alike.
Lakewood has become and is a big disappointment.
The fact that a yeshiva of world renown sits in Lakewood means NOTHING. WHat counts is what the umos haolom say about Yidden.
THe whole and entire essence of Yiddishkeit is to be m'kadeish shem shomayim. That is why G-d put you and me on this world. Plain and simple. Whether it is through torah, mitzvos or maasim tovim, the bottom line is to be m'kadish sheim shomayim. Placing a physical yeshiva structure in a neighborhood surrounded by chilul hashem and bad feelings amongst goyim and non-relgious jews is....
I will let you fill in the rest of the sentence.
Thank you
At 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
re 9:17
You said it like it is 100%
Sometimes when i go shopping in the not frum stores i feel like i am labeled and people look down at me-not up like they should to a member of the am hanivchar.
This is all due to the chilul hashem this town has been producing.
The tension is so strong I feel like i should remove my kippa and be like anyone else. I always go out of my way and am super super polite to all goyim weather its letting them turn in front of my car or holding the door open for 3 ladies..... I FEEL I HAVE AN ACHRAYIS TO SHOW THE PEOPLE THAT ALL FRUM YIDDIN ARENT WILD AND BAD.
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Chaim Strauss - Meet me at "the minyan".
We will kick your you know what.
Knocker-pocker / URI BEAN
At 10:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
knocker pocker,
get off this blog. get off of here.
no need for your hatred.
enough hatred against yidden in this world already.
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
The investors have now complained that "how come the town is only enforcing overcrowding at our slums? Why arent they cracking down on all the illgal basemnts?" These investors are the biggest scum in the earth. They're actually pushing the town to come after the residents who have tennants in their basements. MOISER!!!!!!
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey uri cool it
rubin riv
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is not a fight between the minyan and the investors. Let the minyan continue to do the wonderful job they do.
You know where to find bash- if you feel you can help explain how he is ruining things for you and work on fixing the problems then go in and speak to him.
Just to say you want a fight is not like you!
I know you very well- dont be a hater!
At 10:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Its amazing if Lakewood would have a non jew as a mayor The mayor would help us out.But being that the Mayor is a yid he cant do anything because every ones watching him so there for what do we need any jews in office for.The second thing is if not for these people where would BMG get there donations from its definately not from kollol people Mayor Lichtenstein I love u dearly but when some one needs help u must help .You cant run from problems. Btw Passaic NJ currently has the same problems with 3 out of 7 frum counsilmen will never help a yid because what for people will say its discrimination so they have to bend there backs for the goyim its time to get unfortunately the frum chevra out of office and put goyim in their places .The goyim want our votes so they will do what we want. Have A Great Shabbos
At 10:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think everyone here is forgetting that this is the WORLD WIDE WEB (www) - everyone has access to this blog, not just frum yidden. What's happening in Lakewood is a big enough chillul hashem. Let's not make the chillul hashem bigger with all these comments!
At 11:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Anon 11:03,
A charitable action with money that was acquired through unclean methods and manners is not a virtuous deed. A greater charity would be communal wide, ala cleaning up his tenement houses from the unruly vagrants that currently occupy them.
It is no secret that Lakewood has become a town where one must look over their shoulder before entering particular areas after dark; this should not have to be the case. Charity at the expense of a community is ignoble at best, criminal at worst.
At 11:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Moshe Finkel of Shevach Meats also donated money, food, and othwer things in order to make sure no one blows the whistle or sees through his charade. Can't we all grow up and realize that just because a lowlife wears a black hat, gives tzeddakah from traif profit, learns daf yomi and does all the right things not neccesarily are they frum and erlich.
I think we still haven't learnt the lesson of looking past the black hat.
Al Tistakel B'kankan Ela B'ma Sheyesh Bo.
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do you know any frum person who would want to rent an apt. above a store on second street. I don't
At 12:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
As one who lives in Brooklyn AND DOES NOT INVEST IN LAKEWOOD, you guys in lakewood are making a terrible chilul hashem.
STOP IT. It is imperative that the roshei yeshiva in Lakewood, if they care aobut the relgious atmosphere in lakewood, be advised of this situation and take real action.
I, for one, am so sick of reading this filth and hatred and anti-Torah discussion that I am not coming back to this post.
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
TO all the lakewood haters.. You guys are justs jeolous of us..Lakewood is the best place to live in the world.. I would not move out even if you give me a billon $ All I say is ..leave us ALONE be busy with youn crap. eat you own garabage. JUST LEAVE US ALONE BABY
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Moshe Finkel of Shevach Meats also donated money, food, and othwer things in order to make sure no one blows the whistle or sees through his charade. Can't we all grow up and realize that just because a lowlife wears a black hat, gives tzeddakah from traif profit, learns daf yomi and does all the right things not neccesarily are they frum and erlich.
I think we still haven't learnt the lesson of looking past the black hat.
Just what do you expect people to look for past the black hat, tzedoka, learning? What does make a person ehrlich?
At 12:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree give me Lakewood and an ole chevy.. And im a happy camper man. I am a happy Lakewooder with a banged up station wagon with tri colors
At 12:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
why the roshei yeshiva they dont represent most people around lakewood to me they represent the most corrupt institution in lakewood even though they may be for themselvwes good people
they just happen to be employed by a yeshiva that happens to be in lakewood they dont own the town they never did nor will they ever
let them clean up their own stink before they can focus on everyone else"s
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
We;ll take up a collection seee if we can't get just a million, and I will take bets that you will be running out of lakewood.
At 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm having a hard time understanding how children and grandchildren of immigrants who came here destitute, often without legal papers and who lived and continue to live off public assistance harshly judge those who are now coming to this country for a better life, possibly without papers. i wish we would stop scapegoating mexican immigrants who do our undesirable work; it is mean and not very smart.
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
the difference between the mexican population and our grandparents who came to this country is that they had to apply to get in and come here legally and prove that they were self sufficient in supporting themselves .they never were caught stealing and they had to learn english no government paper was handed to them in their native language you came here to america you spoke english and thats all
At 12:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
to those who criticise the crowded oonditions among mexicans living in lakewood: have you had a look at williamsburg or monroe? my sister has 14 kids in a tiny three bedroom flat. at any given time, when i try to phone her, i can barely hear my own voice over the din.
as to illegal, i'm willing to bet 90% of those folks have papers. many were born here. why assume they are undocumented?
disgusting yards? how about the landlords pay for landscaping?
afraid to have your wives and daughters walk down the street? how about unlearning some prejudice that fuels fear? how about friendly relations (take over some challah when they move in) so you have less to fear?
At 1:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
if your sister lives with 14 kids in three rooms she should be treated like the mexicans overcrowding
At 1:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
TO " i wish we would stop scapegoating mexican immigrants who do our undesirable work; it is mean and not very smart". 12:44 PM
You are entirely right- the Slumlords should be living right among these people, they can best $afford$ to help them out in their hour of need, not cast them off to someone else's block. After all, they are profiting the most from these rentals- they ought to befriend them and give back with kindness to the impoverished they earn their living from, not distance themselves from the impoverished. They ought to live side by side with them and be there for them 24/7.
At 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
to 12:52
my grandmother came here in 1948 from a DP camp with a false passport. (btw, there were often 12 people per room in that DP camp.)
self sufficient? you gotta be kidding. most of my siblings are in federally subsidised housing, get food stamps. i grew up on medicaid, WIC, etc.
learn english? tell that to my brothers. my youngest brother wouldn't pass 3d grade. my grandmother never learned english and got by on shrewdness and charm.
in condemning mexians and making all sorts of assumptions about their immigration status, we are being just plain racist and xenophobic.
At 1:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lakewood and an ole chevy.. And im a happy camper man. I am driving a banged up painetd over a different color on almost every door station wagon with twine holding the doors shut and im happy. guys stop to complain about lakewood . there is no better place .
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
My car is a staion wagon that rusting already...but when im driving down the roads with my 15 kids inside im the happiest women in town
At 1:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
the real discrimination is not so much the housing..its the KOLELL SHOW ME ONE MEXICAN IN KOLLELl? You cant find not ONE MEXICAN IN THE BIG BAIS HAMIDRASH LEARNING..that the real discimination
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
i think that if the maxican will start driving banged up cars everything will be mosre pick ups it has to be BANGED UP ON THE ALL FOUR CORNERS with no HEADLIGHTS
At 1:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree.. If the mexicans will start learning the whole issue becomes mute
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
plenty of mexicans learning in bmg as well as a large sprinkling of south americans
bmg even accepts ( signed for by bmg in order to be an accredited college to be eligable for fed grant $$)
At 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
My Car is a 1965 Rambler that my father in law gave me way back. untill it still has one square inch of metal that is still straight i will be packing in my family and drive that car
At 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
To my fellow Lakewooders its time now already to eat Kugell lets all cease all the kvetching here agut Shaboss
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with anon 210
ENough. YOu are looking stupid.
Probably the same 6-8 people placing these comments.
Gut SHabbos. And may we soon witness the coming of Moshiach bba.
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
To:i think the government should put a cap of a certain amount of years and then you lose your kids if you cant take care of them 1:54 PM
The day they put a serious "cap on it" - is the day that Kollelim will be limited to the VERY wealthy.
At 11:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon 9:05am.
The landlords don't seem to understand the responsibilities of property owners. They say they're being held responsible for the wrongdoing of their tenants, who violate leases and don't follow codes. The landlords have it all wrong. They, as landlords, are the responsible parties. They must see to it that tenants understand and follow regulations regarding the number of people residing in a house — "and boot them out if they don't." DID YOU EVER TRY TO EVICT A TENANT? IF YES HOW MANY MONTHS DID IT TAKE?.
At 1:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 11:45 PM -
Please, may I politely correct you, only if youre a Brisker with a rich Shver, in BMG, YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU WANT.
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
To: chaim said...
"i thiught there was no computers allowed in lakewood. go back to your learning. or i forgot your wife went to work in manhattan so you can sleep"
I'm a Brisker with a rich Shver. Does that answer your questions- my wife and I can BOTH sleep.
At 10:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
You guys are doing a great job destroying the jewish community. I am proud of you. keep up the great work.
Adolf Hitler
At 9:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Let him sit in jail, does the crime, he does the time.....
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