Monsey, NY - Wal-Mart Proposal Subject of Hearing
Monsey, NY - Wherever you stand on the issue of a proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter at the site of the former Rockland Drive-In Theater, you'll get a chance to hear from both proponents and critics in the coming weeks.
A public information session regarding the impact on the proposed store on Route 59 will have on traffic, safety, crime, the environment and the local economy will be held Thursday, Oct. 26 at Spring Valley Village Hall.
The developer of the 215,000-square-foot store on the 22-acre site, National Realty & Development Corp. of Purchase, plans to hold it's own information session at the start of November, they claim that extra weekend traffic would not affect the notoriously congested corridor because many in the orthodox Jewish community do not drive on Saturdays.
A date and place for the session have not been set.
A public information session regarding the impact on the proposed store on Route 59 will have on traffic, safety, crime, the environment and the local economy will be held Thursday, Oct. 26 at Spring Valley Village Hall.
The developer of the 215,000-square-foot store on the 22-acre site, National Realty & Development Corp. of Purchase, plans to hold it's own information session at the start of November, they claim that extra weekend traffic would not affect the notoriously congested corridor because many in the orthodox Jewish community do not drive on Saturdays.
A date and place for the session have not been set.
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is a call to all Monsey residents to come out & protest NOW
if they will be building this store we could all give up our cars and start walking
to drive thru that area
(Robert Pit on to Rt 59 & Rt 59 b4 the patmark light )
in almost any given time is a mess
( what a stupid comment that only Saturdays when we don't drive ..)
who ever wants to shop WallMart could drive the extra mile and if this is not for Monsey residents then they should take it to the town that needs them
Where are the Rabbonim on this ??
At 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Bring on the WalMart.
If my summer in MOnticello is any indication, you will see good rough competition from WalMart on the price of kosher foods, etc. which will be beneficial to all in MOnsey. Prices of kosher food in WalMart very low.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
the rabonim or busy with repackaging candies
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yes. The Rabbonim.
They don't act when it is something of importance to the community. Kashrus. Gittin. Chosen Misphat.
But if Wal-Mart is coming to town, then they'll line up to fight. Oh yes.
I happen to been in favor of Wal-Mart, as the other commentor mentioned, watch prices fall in Kosher stores and general supermarkets alike.
It's good for all...well maybe except the Rabbonim.
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Will they sell Finkel's Monsey chickens?
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why must rabbonim be involved with this. Are they the all answer to everything. Even in inyonim beyond their scholarly knowledge.
RIght, I know what you are asking for. Rabbonim to get involved and then bash them when things don't go your way or their way.
THis is not a mattter of psak that rabbonim should be involved.
WalMart will undobtedly bring down the price of kosher poultry, meat, etc. Good thing for a community complaining about lack of reliable kosher food and its high prices.
It adds years to your wallet!
At 10:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes prices may fall, but it will come at a price. People will lose jobs, and yeshivas will be forced to raise tuition. Not to mention the traffic, increased crime, and the social burden of the employees who won't be able to afford living in the area.
For the few dollars you might save, there will be far greater reprecussions.
Also, according to halacha, you must still shop at a kosher store, if he is up to 20% more expensive than the goy. (That is of course if you want to follow the halacha, which based on the comments on this blog, many of its readers could care less).
At 11:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
kudos to 10:41.
I was reading all of the comments and was waiting to read something about the economical impact on the shopkeepers in monsey.
I guess there IS hope on this blog after all if at least one of these comments wasn't so anti heimishe yidden.
The sad part is that most people, when it comes to their wallets are blinded to what halocha has to say.
That's the problem with walmart coming to monsey. the heimishe stores will definitely suffer and along with them all the workers...
(i don't know about the raising tuition part)
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Even if the prices will be lower from start, they will rise once they have you hooked to their store, wake up!
At 1:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Most shopkeepers who sell KOSHER products are just as oblivious to what the KOSHER CONSUMER needs. They want them to buy what they have no matter the price. That is where the Rabbonim should come in.
At 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let us make this blog Torahdik and a source for learning real Halacha L"maaseh.
Serioulsy, can the earlier anon please cite for me the SIman and Seif about the 20% premium one is required to pay.
I would like for you to be mzakeh me and the rabim by providing this source in Shulchan Oruch. Thank you.
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe you should learn to start negotiating WIN-WIN solutions, and stop saying NO to EVERYTHING.
You still don't realize you are in the end LOSING EVERYTHING.
If you keep up your bitter attitude, you will keep on LOSING.
At 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
does anybody know what this guy is talking about? No?
At 8:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
it is outrageous that people say things on this which they cannot support.
For instance, where is the source that one should pay up to 20 percent more at a jewish store rather than by a goy.
Where in Shulchan Oruch is this 20% mentioned.
At 9:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
come on tell me were in monsey you pay for soda (coke) $1.13 well only at wal-mart.....
At 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 8:19pm
Are you a "yes" guy or a "no" guy? You sound bitter. So you are either having a bad day, or you are a "no" guy.
If you are a "no" guy you will never understand.
If you are a "yes guy it is referring to people who always say "no". These are people who want to keep the world stationary. But the world is very heavy, and they get pushed out of the way.
"Yes" people understand if you can't fight em, you join em. "Yes" people don't like to be losers.
At 9:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have given some seirous thought to drastically reducing the time I spend reading and commenting on this blog.
It is nothing but a forum for loshon hora, am haratzus and evertything contrary to what we say 3 times a day, "Elokai netzor leshoni meira.....
Nobody can even say where in Shulachan Oruch is the din about paying 20% more by a yid than a goy.
Life is too short and complicated to waste its time reading this garbage.
At 11:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you think the traffic is bad now, just wait and see.
At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey 9:35 Don't go! Please wait. Thank you.
We need you to educate the public. You didn't get an answer because you are right.
Look at it this way: Don't you enjoy setting the record straight? Lots of people appreciate reading your comments. Sorry Lots & Lots... of people.
Good. Thank you for staying. Tiske Lemitzvas.
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