Towson, MD - Students Protest In Support Of Jewish Officer
Towson, MD - A Towson University police officer gained support in his fight to save his job.
Officer David Brown, an orthodox Jew, had requested time off for Rosh Hashanah, Shabbas and the other Holidays, but he'd been told no, so Towson University students and members of the Jewish community who support Brown protested over the suspension and pending termination of Brown, a 10-year veteran of the university police force, claiming religious intolerance and demanding he remain on the job.
"Let David work. Let David work," several protesters chanted throughout the day.
At 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
If he was learning in Kollel, this wouldn't happen. As all my rebbeim taught me, "If we would all just stay in the Bais Medrash, there would be no problems with goyim."
At 6:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:20 If everyone learned in kollel - who would pay the bills?
At 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:20...... u ok?? Thats a pretty dumb thing to say from a "person like u who's sittin in kollel all day learning and not being online trashing people who arent, cuz u probably never learned what it means to be Don Es Chavercha L'kof Zechus... AND who are you to tell him to sit all day??!! i agree with 6:02..who would then go and support 'those who learn all day"??????????
At 9:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ok, 4:20, 6:02, 9:21, relax, I'll try to explain what 4:20 "probably" meant to say...
He probably wasn't insisting on kollel Mamesh, the point was that he's creating his own problems, by taking on these kind of jobs, & afterwards he's claiming Anti-Semitism...
We shouldn't forget that we're in Gules, & this is what G-D wanted us to go through, & by claiming our legal rights, we're basically trying to avoid our Gules, Especially by protesting, yes we should do everything to make it easier, but to claim rights, is not right, because we have no rights, because we sinned, & instead of fighting for our rights we should be M'spalel, that Moshiach should come quickly....
We want Moshiach now, We want Moshiach now, We want Moshiach now, we don't wanna wait, We......
At 5:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
All of u just take it easy. If you can decipher what 4:20 really meant you wouldn't have made any comments. 4:20's comment had absolutely no fiber of sincerety whatsoever. It reeks of humor and sarcasm, albeit pretty lousy humor. Bottom line in simple English, "He was joking!!" People, you gotta lighten up if you wanna make it in this world. A gutten Moed to all.
At 9:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Where are the jewish politicians in MD, such as Ben Cardin, on this matter?Slimeball politiicanss are there for you only when they need you. Why is community quiet about this?????/
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