Cancer Alarm Ringing In New York City
New York, NY - About 88,230 Big Apple residents were diagnosed with cancer this year and 35,600 died - many from preventable lung and prostate cancers, a new study shows.
The American Cancer Society found that too many people still die from preventable diseases - particularly lung and colon cancers. There are too many smokers, and an alarming number of residents don't get colonoscopy screenings, according to the study. Still, the report noted that overall cancer rates have dropped in the city, mirroring a national trend, thanks to medical advances and better monitoring.
Staten Island had the highest cancer rate in the city from 1999 through 2003 - 191.7 per 100,000 people. But the mortality rate fell 20 percent from a decade ago, the study said.
In Brooklyn 196 residents are diagnosed with cancer each week, and breast cancer accounted for 9.6 percent of cancer deaths this year, the highest such mortality rate in the city. The study estimates 75 Brooklynites per week have died of cancer this year. Despite that, the cancer-death rate in Kings County is 17 percent lower than a decade ago.
In Queens, 68 residents have died each week from cancer in 2006. Nearly one in four deaths in the borough are caused by lung cancer, 12 percent from colon cancer, 9 percent from breast cancer and 5 percent from prostate cancer.
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
THis is MUST reading for all.
If for no other reason other than to post this one story, this VOS IZ NEIAS is worth it.
You all know how true this is.
Just compare the number of mi shebeirachs made in shul compared to twenty years ago.
A mageifa is running wild through the community.
Hashem yeracheim.
B"H there are or is very good organizations out there ready and willing to help those seeking medical attention.
May Hashem grant these individuals arichus yomim and shonim tovos and nachas from their kinder and family.
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
on the state halt eh dept site you can search it by zip code all Jewish neighborhoods and its rochmuno litlon go in memorial hospital and stand by the door and traren AR running from my eyes that every five minute is a chsidisher yid in and out this is only from one hospital
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Colorectal Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Orange County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip code 10950-28-37=66
Female Breast Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Orange County, 1999-2003, New York State
Source: New York State Cancer Registry
zip code-10950
Lung and Bronchus Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Orange County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip code 10950
Prostate Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Orange County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip code-10950
totel 10950
Prostate Cancer- 101
Lung and Bronchus Cancer 83
Colorectal Cancer 66
totel zip code 10950
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Colorectal Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Kings County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip code11219-11204
Female Breast Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Kings County, 1999-2003, New York State
Lung and Bronchus Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Kings County, 1999-2003, New York State
Prostate Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Kings County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip 11219-11204
Prostate Cancer-360
Lung and Bronchus Cancer 413
Colorectal Cancer -515
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
We must scream Chai Vakayam against the Bochurim that smaoke. How is it, that in this day and age where we know how bad smoking is,there are plenty of Bochurim smoking.Where are the teachers etc to tell them to stop?
At 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
On the subject of smoking: I once heard of someone who walked over to another who was smoking and gave him a sound smack. Said he "if you don't care for yoursef, should I?!"
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
if the yeshivos cannot do anything then anyone looking for a shidduch should turn down boys that smoke--that will get the message out. As far as the yeshivos, the boys see their rebbeim smoking as well! hypocrosy never works!
At 6:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
A true story.
I once saw a Rosh Yshiva smaking, I was still young and had some chuztpah in by veins.
I went over to him and asked him, does he ever give Musar to his Talmidim.
Well what would you tell him if he was Mezaneh. He looked at me, like what are you getting at.
I told him, you can not control your Taivos, why should the bochur control his.How can you give him Mussar.
He went Ballistick!!
At 6:07 PM,
Shtender Bender said…
Smoking should be stopped at the teen level. Shidduchim should be quizzed regarding its use. Common sense dictates that smoking is not cool, it's wrong - dead wrong.
Yeshivos should Asser (ban) its use and stand behind their policy and remove the smoker from their Bais Medrash.
Why is it such a difficult deal to pull off?
Make a campaign showing all the shvers and fathers (pictures) of those that died from cancer that smoked. That would scare some of them.
At 7:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cigarettes must be assered on every level. Storekeepers need to be pressured. Can't parents smell the filth? Take it up as issue number one next time there is a meeting of any kind. Grab it out of the hands of youth and crush it underfoot.
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is nonsense:
" ...overall cancer rates have dropped in the city,... thanks to medical advances and better monitoring."
1. "better monitoring" does NOT decrease rates. If anything, it increases them - if you monitor more, you find more, and the rates go up!
2. Improvement due to "medical advances" ? Again, if treatment succeeds, it does NOT negate the existence of the original case.
What is known is that people drink less tap water.
20 years ago in Newton Mass there was a huge cancer epidemic, mainly women and breast cancer.
The Jewish genes were blamed. Then the rate went down. Funny, same general gene pool, aside from those who died from cancer.
Folks had stopped drinking the tap water.
Turns out it was coming from the city water supply.
This was covered up.
They put in new pipes, etc.
The "cancer clusters" were exactly the houses a certain water main which originated and went through the back of the Newton Wellesley Hospital, and down Beacon Str.
If anyone out there wants to help publicize this, or otherwise make good use of this information, let me know - contact me via Shloma.
So what's the moral?
Don't drink tap water!!
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
fyi...2nd hand smoke also kills. it also gives infants a higher rate of ear infections and asthma...maybe u should give ur new born babies a puff
At 10:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Colorectal Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Kings County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip code
Female Breast Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Kings County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip code
Lung and Bronchus Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Kings County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip code
Prostate Cancer Incidence by ZIP Code, Kings County, 1999-2003, New York State
zip code
Colorectal Cancer -173
Female Breast Cancer-151
Lung and Bronchus Cancer-144
Prostate Cancer -122
1999-2003 totel zip code 11211
At 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
no father or mother should hand their daughter over to a boy who smokes.
There should be Kol Kories hung up on lamposts throughout warning that yeshiva boys smoking will not get shidduchim.
Why should girls end up almonos?
At 12:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
First of all I went to a "shiur" on chol hamoed where Rabbi Belsky shlita begged people to stop smoking and explained what it does to the body.
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a heavy smoker, I'd like to seek some help here, every time there's an article like this, I'll miss 2 or 3 of my regular cigarettes, & afterwards it's back to business, no matter how many articles I have read about this, I'm still devoted to Phillip Moris, only someone that was once addicted, will understand my hardship, so please only people who once smoked, give me some advice, on how you became sober!
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
State Recommends Closing 9 Hospitals
(CBS/AP) ALBANY, N.Y. Nine hospitals across New York were to be recommended for closure and dozens more were to be recommended for mergers, downsizing or conversions by a state commission Tuesday, according to a person familiar with the report.
The total number of hospital beds to be recommended for closure will be 4,000 -- far less than health care providers had originally feared, according to a person who has been briefed on the report. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the report was not to be released until Tuesday.
The hospitals targeted for closure are: Millard Fillmore Gates Circle Hospital in Buffalo; St. Joseph Hospital in Cheektowaga; Bellevue Womans Hospital in Niskayuna; Community Hospital in Dobbs Ferry; Parkway Hospital in Queens; Victory Memorial Hospital in Brooklyn; New York Westchester Square Medical Center in the Bronx; and St. Vincent's Midtown Hospital and Cabrini Medical Center, both in Manhattan.
Seven nursing homes will also be recommended for closure with another 14 recommended for downsizing, the person said. Forty-eight hospitals will be recommended for either mergers, downsizing or conversion.
A conversion might mean a hospital would transform to provide only outpatient care, which is far less costly than inpatient care.
The Commission on Healthcare Facilities in the 21st Century was created by state lawmakers to fix the state's health care system.
David Sandman, executive director of the commission, said many of the recommendations came from health care providers' own voluntary suggestions. Earlier in the year, the commission had encouraged hospitals to propose their own mergers and downsizing, rather than having such decisions forced upon them.
Sandman said he did not know how many hospitals and nursing homes would contest the recommendations. He also declined to discuss how many jobs the closures and mergers might affect.
Tarren Bragdon, a health policy analyst for the Empire Center for New York State Policy who had not seen the report, said some smaller upstate communities rely heavily on hospitals for employment.
"These are the high paying jobs in areas where there aren't high paying jobs," Bragdon said. "It's going to have a huge trickle down effect."
The report will doubtless be met with fierce opposition from health care providers and workers.
Gov. George Pataki will have until Dec. 5 to send the recommendations to the Legislature, which must then reject or accept the them in their entirety by the end of the year. The state stands to receive $300 million in federal aid if the recommendations are adopted.
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I stopped cold turkey. Its the best way to do it, because it is mostly pschycological, in your mind.
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Cellular Antenna Statistical Report from the nyc dob
make a search on jewish
At 11:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
when you start knocking or criticizing those who install these possible dangerous antennas, know that you are criticizing
they are the ones who own hundreds of these apt. buildings throughout the five boros.
At 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
What about cellphones themselves? If we know that cellphone antennas are dangerous (?), it follows that antennas of individual cellphones are dangerous. Although obviously much less powerful, it would seem that since cellphones are held in close proximity to the body, the danger could be the same. Before we criticize landlords, does anyone know anybody who gave up their cellphone due to this danger???
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Join the chevrah kadisha. Quitting will be easier after you have done a tehara on a forty year old man who had half his jaw cut away and a hole cut in his throat in efforts to save his life from cancer that was caught while already spreading.
I quit cold turkey sixteen years ago. For me it was the only way to go.
How's about we publish a list on this blog of which yeshivas allow smoking?
At 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I remember back in the 70's when the Rebbe R' Shlomo of Bobov spoke to his oilem about quitting smoking. He gave a whole shmuess about "chamira sikanto mei'isuuru".
Around that time they changed the minhag of chasanim. Instead of giving out chusen cigarettes they started giving out chusen candies.
At 1:56 PM,
Shtender Bender said…
LONDON - Smokers eager to cut the risk of dying early from tobacco-related illnesses must quit completely, researchers said on Tuesday, because cutting down — even by half — is not enough.
“Smokers should quit — you can’t give your health a better present than to quit smoking,” said Dr Kjell Bjartveit, former director of the National Health Screening Service, in Oslo.
In a 20-year study of 51,000 men and women in Norway, Bjartveit and his team studied the impact of cutting down smoking on deaths from heart disease, lung cancer and other tobacco-related cancers.
Story continues below ↓
All the people at the start of the study were between 20-34 years old. They were assessed for their risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the project and twice during the 20-year follow up period.
The aim of the research, published in the journal Tobacco Control, was to determine the health benefits if heavy smokers who got through more than 15 cigarettes a day cut their consumption by half or more.
“The long-term effects of a substantial reduction in smoking did not show any benefits in comparison with persistent heavy smoking,” Bjartveit told Reuters.
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The researchers found no significant difference in early death rates from cardiovascular disease, cancers and other causes between heavy smokers who continued their habit and people who had halved their consumption during the study.
The results were the same for both men and women.
“In health education and patient counselling, it may give people false expectations to advise that reduction in consumption is associated with reduction in harm,” Bjartveit added.
Fact File Want to kick the habit?
Nicotine withdrawal can start just a few hours after the last cigarette and most would-be quitters have two or three relapses before finally succeeding. Click the topics below to learn more about popular products, new drugs and anticipated new ways to help you quit smoking.
• Chantix
• Zyban
• Accomplia
• NicVax vaccine
• Nicotine substitutes
The newest anti-smoking drug to be approved by the Food & Drug Administration, Pfizer's twice-a-day prescription tablets (varenicline) are designed to block receptors in the brain that are the main culprits of nicotine addiction. The drug eases withdrawal symptoms and reduces the pleasurable effects of nicotine if someone smokes cigarettes while taking it. According to clinical trials, Chantix has a success rate of about 23 percent after one year. The approved course of the drug is 12 weeks, although patients can take it longer to increase the success rate. Side effects include nausea, headache, vomiting, flatulence (gas), insomnia, abnormal dreams, and dysgeusia (change in taste perception).
Source: MSNBC, American Lung Association • Print this
Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death. In addition to being a risk factor for heart attack and stroke and certain types of cancer, it is also the leading cause of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
Health experts estimate the annual global deaths associated with smoking could double to 10 million or more by 2020.
“The study proves quite clearly the only safe way out of the risk caused by smoking: people who quit smoking have achieved a risk level that is remarkably lower than those who continued to smoke,” Bjartveit said in the journal.
At 2:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
i like anon 115's post.
Here is a list.
People should respond as to yes or no whether smoking is tolerated/allowed:
Torah Vodaas
Torah Temima
Chaim Berlin
Ner Yisroel-Balt
Ner Yisroel-Toront
Chofetz Chaim
Derech Chaim
Bais Shraga
Yeshiva South Fallsburg
Yeshiva Toras Moshe
Yeshiva South Bend
Bais Hatalmud
Let us respond.
Hatzolos Nefoshos at stake.
THose of us with daughters have to marry off to products of these yeshivos. These inyonim must be publicized. The stakes are far too high.
At 2:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Probably the must successful book on stopping smoking is Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Join the Millions Who Have Become Nonsmokers Using the Easyway Method", it's available at Amazon or on Ebay (probably for less). It's helped many people!
At 2:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Heavy Smoker--
Do you smoke on Shabbos? If not, why do you need to resume Motzaei Shabbos? It is one day at a time, like any addiction.Get started this weekend.
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:15
I don't think that there is any Yeshiva that allows smoking, They just turn their head the other way
At 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
turning your head the other way is tantamount to allowing it.
would they allow pritzus in the halls of the yeshiva?
would they allow intermingling of the boys and girls in the halls of the yeshiva building. Would they just turn their head the other way?
Of course not.
Turning the head the other way is why the religious practices and observances today are in chaos and big trouble. People today in the frum communtiy are more messed up than ever before. At-risk, agunahs, treif sold as kosher, etc. etc.
Something has to change and QUICKLY.
At 3:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 223,
I am quite impressed with your knowledge of yeshivas out there today.
At 6:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 3:37 Well Said
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
meant Anon 3:47
At 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
To heavy smoker:
I was a heavy smoker for many years, but B'H I stopped. Basically cold turkey, though there were minor attempts to stop earlier.The reason I did not stop earlier was that I thought it would be too difficult.Wrong!It was easy! One thing that pushed me was the realization that I could not in good conscience allow my kids to smoke on the other hand how could I lecture them when I was a smoker?
Think about hae above, think about your health, yes be selfish and think about your health!!I COULD NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT REALIZING the danger I was putting myself in.
A very good tip is to start working out, even before you stop smoking.Working out relieves stress and is great for your mental health.Mayn tayreh brider, believe me, I stopped and smoked a couple of packs a day.It's easier than you think, and if it's hard:Remember, you have kids a wife and YOURSELF!!
I want to add that it's a terrible avlah that smoking is tolerated in yeshiva without a fight.
At 10:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with o gevald.
Pressure should and must be put on yeshivas. THey are ruining lives of bochurim.
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