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At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
shame on that guy for comparing ,allthough he has a point but mixng up 2 diffrent views in politic, smells like antis...
At 3:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
anti-semites. I hope nobody from KJ shops there!
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Contact this Sonei Yisrael and tell him what a disgusting bigot he is. His contact info is:
Seth Arluck
New Hampton Lumber Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 422
New Hampton, NY 10958
Tel: 845.374.8012
Fax: 845.374.8014
E-mail: newham@frontier.net
At 3:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great sales technique.
At 3:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Also, please call the Orange County Human Rights Commision to complain:
30 Matthews Street
Suite 202A
Goshen, NY 10924
Phone: (845) 291-2191 Fax: (845) 291-2135
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
the lumber who put out this sing is just a
hitler man it can not be anythig als
At 3:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
If kelly is looking for a job might be the best place would be in this lumber yard she will do a better job at the lumber then Congress
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
The following is the text of the email message i sent to him:
Dear Seth,
You do not know who i am, nor do i wish to know who you are. I have seen reported on a local community blog that on Nov. 14, 2006 you had a large placard sign in the front of your lumber business in New Hampton, NY congratulating the infamous terrorist group Al-Queda and KJ on the election results.
Your heinous statement and reflection of Anti-Semitism and your hateful biased mind is obvious and needless to point out. You might consider apologizing to the KJ community and to the Jewish community in general before your brave and courageous act goes out to all the media outlets.
Also, i am forwarding this email message along with a picture of that placard sign, as evidence to the District Attorney's office of New Hampton, NY to alert them of your hateful and bias crime and to hopefully try to get them to criminally prosecute you for this despicable act.
A concerned American citizen of Brooklyn, NY
At 4:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't think you can prove anti-semitism here. All he could be saying is that in his opinion these 2 groups will benefit from this election albeit for very different reasons.
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
This sign is evidence of how many Americans who hear this story will feel. A few thousand votes could have made the difference. House was lost only by a few seats.
Besides the Iraq issue, there is immigration, Israel and Hall is also pro homosexual rights while his oppponent had voted for the Constitutional ammendment to make marraige man-woman only. I read she voted that way in part to please KJ.
So someone enlighten me why they voted the way they did. I am not so jaded to assume that it was merely selfish reasons or that they just don't care about the country as I expect some will suggest. I don't want to start that type of conversation with this question. Perhaps the KJ community really feels (as is thier right) that the Dems are better? Maybe there was something they knew about the Republican that I did not hear about?
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
why dont you guys chill a bit.
we are in galus and seth is an merican whio has a right to express how he feels. I dont see him comparing KJ to Al Quida. It says KJ AND AlQuida since both those "interests won
At 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
you guys screaming a/s are unbelievable. Do you know the owner of the lumber company? do you know what this democrat politician stands for? Do you know what KJ got or WILL get for voting for that LIBERAL, abortion loving - gay marriage proposing - IRAQ war ending- loving democrat
learn the facts... KJ IS GETTING SOMETHING FOR VOTING - THE sign is perfectly harmless but more important TRUE -
At 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 3:53 that is constructive criticism instead of just whining on this blog! fantastic letter. I hope he get punished.
Proves anti-semitism is alive and well in the USA. Problem is we don't have the activists to hem and haw in front of the press.
At 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sure business has just boomed since he got this bright idea.
At 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey 3:53 there was no crime. And to all you people shouting A/S - even if this is A/S - screaming A/S makes anti Semites even more mad. Telling bigots they are bigots makes them more bigoted. Back off. If you don't like it don't shop there but don't bombard the guy and make a war. It'll get into the papers and backfire. Or maybe worse Chas VeShalom. And again, there is a good chance the guy isn't an A/S. He might just be mad.
At 4:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good work 4:23 I had a feeling he was Jewish. Seth Arluck. Not your typical Neo-Nazi name.
Sure there are Jewish anti semites but this guy is most likely an angry voter who - right or wrong - feels betrayed by the KJ community.
You guys who hassled him should be a lot more careful. Hope this doesn't make the news.
At 4:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I just called him and spoke with him. I told him that I understand his hurt feelings. In some respect I even agree with him because I am a Republican. I'm against Gay marriage. But his sign offends people since it includes KJ in the same basket with a terrorist group that killed 3,000 americans. He told me that his phone is ringing off the hook, and he might consider changing the wording on the sign.
At 4:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
i just spoke to him! he's just a mad/sad/freak'n REPUBLICAN as all! he's angry on k.j. for selling there block vote for the dem's yeah he's crying like a baby!
At 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey 3.53 and all of you bloggers out there who are obviously such shomer torah umitzvos (and willing to take everyone else to task) are willing to ask him mechillah for the 100% lashon hara that you have spoken. I do not know this person at all, (and neither do you for that matter) but by reading his sign... it may not have been the most tasteful but it did not scream anti semitim as you imply. As I am sure SURE, that you know the Malicious ruining of someone business not even Yom Kippur can be me! Something to think about
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
KJ might be the reason the Dems won there, but "Al Qaeda" maybe?
At 5:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
dems were going to win the house so it makes sense to switch represetatives pork wise and influence.
At 6:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I thought KJ and Al Qaeda were affiliated?
At 6:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
The email address that you posted does not work. I got a Mail Failure reply.
At 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
many people in kiryas yoel think of israel the same way that al queda does. it is not so far fetched. Now that KJ voted in this dem, Al Queda is stronger and Israel is in more danger. Go free speach!!
At 6:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reading all the posts on this blog, I see some people here as the Neturei Karta, they always understand the Goyim better then the Yiden!!! (and they will alway have an explanation why the Goyim are not antisemits, and why the Yiden are the antisemits...)
At 6:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with the poster anon 6:41. KJ aupports a vicious anti=israel position. And they have never publicly condemmed the nut jobs who are affiliated with Satmar and who appear with and support terrorist like Arafat.
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, How many KJ Boys are fighting in Iraq?
When did KJ do anything good for America if it wasn't self-serving?
Is veterans day celebrated in KJ? Hakoros Hatov for the hundreds of thousands soldiers who died so you can have yeshivos and shules and a KJ?
Yeah, so you don't fly planes into buildings. Horray?
What good have you done for the USA???
The lumber man is not so wrong.
At 7:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I find it ironic that Kiryas Joel can benefit from the relaxed freedom of expression that they lavishly enjoy in this country, but when someone who feels upset and wants to speak their mind does so, they are attacked. Why is this one-sided, in addition the calling of a Jewish man anti-semitic is absolutely incredible and expresses a betrayal of the Torah's wonderful teachings specifically telling the lie "that he is an anti-semite."
At 8:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey KJ if you lie with the enemy you may fall asleep with the enemy.
dont forget to say moydeh ani when you wake up.
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
This guy is just jealous that he is not in a "BLOC" voting district, since I have a empty basement in my house in KJ I invite him to come live by us so he can be part of our "BLOC" vote...
At 9:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 9:06pm I hope that you are not my neighbour because I don't want to have such an A/S living next to me, If you really want to be nice I can offer him something better I have a chicken coop next to KJ but part of KJ that he can go there if he wants if he eventually suffocates from the stench which wouldn't be bad for someone who has the gall to CONGRAT al queda who suffocated 3,000 people at ground zero.
At 9:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 9:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey I am a KJ man who is in the middle of building a house and can't pay the lumber bills maybe this guy sends me his lumber for free and I'll let him put a sign for whatever message he wants (who cares?) Can someone hook me up with this guy?
At 9:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
You idiot who wants to know what we have done to this country? Big man what have you done? I'll bet a thousend dollars that you are a tax dodger, fake, phony, big man let's see your braveness I'll meet you at KJ mikveh in the morning let's see who you are!!!!!
At 9:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry that I have to give a civics lesson- The sign congrats al qaeda for getting the election results that they asked the American public for - but you probably missed all that news because you don't read American newspapers or watch TV. Then there is the matter of the pipeline- I was told election night that Mrs Pelosi called Abe and told him that if you went into the booth with your instruction to vote for Hall you would have your pipeline that the evil Mrs Kelly helped deny you. The local paper covered that a day later. So congrats to KJ they got their water! Mrs Kelly was the only Mid-Hudson rep who looked out for small business. I spent 12 yrs working with her on these issues and the mindless drone vote of KJ helped throw all that away. But then I'm so ignorant and a bigot- I'll have to confess to my rabbi- he probably voted for Hall too. I realize that maybe I could add some other election day winners to the sign, so stay tuned- I don't think you'll be offended, you're probably not in any unions. That sign went up a week ago- at least I could express my outrage and anger in a peaceful way- you want to disrupt my business- I guess I might as well do a cartoon of Weider and you can burn some kind of flags or such. I want thank those who really understand what this was about- I did not compare KJ to terrorists but am saying that you both got an outcome that pissed me off.
Seth Arluck
At 9:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think this guy has an excellent knack for PR he should be teaming up with the KJ leadership together they will be a great team....
At 9:50 PM,
At 10:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Seth, we are not that stupid we don't need your civic lesson even though we don't watch TV which in your twisted mind means that we "missed" what the public asked for, seth, do you think the american public forgets what AL Queida did to us? You think that we "Missed" what they did to us all? How dare you compare us to AL Quida? And regarding the pipeline we would have gotten the water regardless of who wins!! You can't stop people in the US from getting what they are entitled to get in this case "water" isn't this what Al Queida wanted? Stop the air and "Water" from the human race? They didn't and will not prevail!! And so will the people who try to block "water" from KJ also not prevail!!!
At 10:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does anyone remember the slogan "If you can't fight 'em then Join 'em" well our beloved Mayor decided to fight 'em by Joining 'em. Btw, folks don't get thirsty the water is coming very soon.
At 10:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I Spoke to the Lumber guy and he admitted that the reason he did this was because as part of the $30,000,000 (million) dollar water project that KJ is going to start soon there is a nice amount of Lumber as part of the material being used so he was trying to get the attention with the KJ people....so he can get a chance of getting some business...
At 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey seth wake up to reality "Its all about Money" when Sue Kelly promised KJ 6 million for sidewalks and only delivered 500,000 and when she promised to deliver the 30 Million for the pipeline and then she backed out and etc, etc, (other promises,not delivered) these KJ guys got pissed off and booted her out, this has nothing with anything else, this was clearly a business decision on KJ's part.
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
The post at 10:27 you are starting a bogus conspiracy theory. Now how much lumber could possibly be involved in the construction of a pipeline. Also, does it make any sense that a small lumber yard could supply lumber yard could support such a vast project. Good job on the logical statement. Oh and doesn't the Torah say something about spreading rumors. According to you everyone must want some kind of financial gain and not want to do the right thing
At 10:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 10:38pm the "Rumors" are bothering you? And what with the underlying issue here which a Idiot is comparing the most evil people on earth to the most nicest people on earth!!(No crime, No Drugs, etc, etc,) this doesn't bother you?????
At 10:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Knowing Seth personnly I have to say that he is a big attention seeker and nothing more to that, case closed.
At 11:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Look, I can see someone not boting Republican right now, because Bush is rapidly selling Israel and us down the road.
But to affirmatively vote for the Demofascists?
Are they all mad in KJ?
If they really did all vote for a democrat as written above, the sign was completely valid and true - and with the worst light and interpretation!
At 12:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
The following is the text of the email message i sent to him:
Hi Seth
Thanks for Congratulationing us.
And there is a lot what to Congrat Kiryas Joel for.
YES John Hall won.
YES Kiryas Joel won.
YES we have a bloc vote.
YES we are going to have a pipeline.
YES we are going to annex.
And YES Sue Weisenbarger Kelly lost.
So let’s join me and let's say together “Congratulation Kiryas Joel”.
With Best Regards from: A thirsty kj bloc voter.
And by the way it’s raining out there and all you lumber seen in thein the picture is getting wet.
At 1:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Elisheva, since when is anything wrong with democrats? Remember names like Cuomo, Koch, Clinton, silver, half the country are democrats, you go with the tide.
At 6:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
The 10:49 post mustn't have read Mr. Arluck's posting. He comes out and states that he wasn't copmaring Al Qaeda with KJ, He was just saying they both fot the results the wanted from the election.
At 8:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 10:38 PM anyone in the lumber business could supply any type of construction material. Ask them.
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
omyg! how many times do peopla have to say it, the sign doesnt say al quada and kj together as one, its just tsaying they voted for the same thing , stop being so dramatic about it.
At 12:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can you figure out what would've happened if he would've compared (to that level) the black community to Al Qaeda (or some other group)...?...?...?...
I guess it would've gotten a national news story with some resignations and apologies!!!
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
After reading your post, I find you more of a silly simpleton and less of a AntiSemite. First of all, a quick question. Why reserve all of your venomous verbiage for us in KJ? What about the tens of thousands of your friends and neighbors who joined us in voting for Mr. Hall? (Or did he get only 2,900 votes in all?) What about your Rabbi to whom you confess? (BTW. you are as ignorant about Judaisim too. Confessions are for Catholics). Secondly, what entitles you to choose Sue Kelley for her "small business dollars" that she threw your way for the past 12 years, yet you villify KJ for choosing a candidate for their 30m dollar project?
At 1:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
im willing to bet that seth drives a beat up pick-up truck. almost all anti-semites are in the same category. ugly, poor, missing teeth, ugly wife, beat up cars houses etc... and thats y they hate us. they are jealous.
if they really think were crazy than they would feel bad. like when you see a nut case on the street.
the fact is that they see us doing well, while their house has over 200,000 miles on it. of course the're pissed off.
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I see you dont have any other DAGOS B"H, So you are all busy with a stupid idiuts act thats fine.never have biger probblems then that...
At 2:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Post-election sign sparks free speech debate
Times Herald-Record
November 15, 2006
New Hampton — They meant what they said and they're not taking it back.
Despite dozens of phone calls of denunciation — and a few of support — the pair of brothers who own New Hampton Lumber say they have no plans to remove the sign in front of the business that congratulates Al Qaeda and the Hasidic Village of Kiryas Joel for the results of last week's congressional elections.
The message, which has been on display since the day after Election Day, drew dozens of phone calls to Seth and Dennis Arluck after photos of it were posted on several blogs.
The sign was the product of Seth Arluck, a local Republican activist who volunteered for Rep. Sue Kelly's unsuccessful re-election campaign. Like many local politicos, he believes a last-minute endorsement by the bloc-voting Kiryas Joel carried Kelly's Democratic opponent John Hall to victory.
But the in-your-face response, along with the reference to Al Qaeda, infuriated many Hasidics who called to demand that the sign come down. Dennis Arluck, who said he didn't initially agree with his brother's method of rebuttal, now says he wants him to keep the sign up.
"I'm backing him on it, especially when people say I can't put out a sign expressing my views," Dennis Arluck said. "It's a free speech issue now."
Read the full story in tomorrow's editions of the Times Herald-Record and recordonline.com.
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
to 1:55 the man is jewish, oh and to 10:49, I repeat, how the hell would someone who owns a miniscule lumber yard be able to supply a 30 million dollar project.
At 3:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
3:27 well said!
At 4:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anan 12:13 PM
That type of stories happen constantly, and big people resign even if what they said is right, just because its racial!
At 4:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
3:13 PM I'm 10:49 I’ll repeat my words even a small lumber yard could supply any construction material needed and no difference how big the project is.
At 4:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
As an outsider looking at this situation I can't understand why anyone would think that al qaeda and KJ are being compared. They are 2 entire unrelated groups that both gained from the outcomes of the election. Mr. Arluck seems to have posted this sign in response to this, yet you call him a bigot. You may claim he is an anti-semite, but I think thats sort of ironic because he has shown to be of Jewish heritage. Of course KJ doesn't recognize non-hasidim as Jewish anyway. I feel they are the real bigots and racists in this situation. They have fed off of people's impulse emotions and bashed a person who exercised his freedom of expression which KJ benefits from at an even greater extent as they censor outside information and have created their own authoritarian state inside of Monroe yet who denies them their right to do so? Yet when a man vents his anger through freedom of expression he is a racist, bigot and "redneck" of all things. I think that defenders of KJ should look in the mirror and examine the reality of their situation. This is not an attack on KJ, just an attempt to look at this situation logically and intellectually.
At 4:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's good to know that there are experts on Mr. Arluck everywhere we go. The tabloids don't even have to come. Mr. Arluck is now considered "a redneck" a bigot and a racist. interesting
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:31 you really must know everything about the lumber industry.
At 4:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange County
Board of Directors
John J. Ruszkiewicz, President
John Crowley, President Elect
Seth Arluck, Treasurer
Marie Pulvirent, Secretary
George Constable
Deborah deJong
Antonio Figueroa
Vincent Odock
Deborah L. Palen
Vincent Poloniak
Dana Putnam
Norman Shapiro
Michael Pillmeier - OC Legislature Liaison
John McCarey - OC Exec. Liaison
Kathy Scholl, State Specialist
Association Nominating Committee
Annamarie Kelly
Richard Lay
Patricia Reineke
Graham Skea
At 5:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why would Mr. Arluck put up such a controversial sign in front of his business? Whatever it is or is not meant to do, say, imply, etc....WHY???? There are a trillion of other ways to express your freedoms of expression and speech. WHY??? Just WHY????????
I must conclude that Mr. Arluck has a lot of animosity toward Kiryas Joel and its residents. If not, then WHY????????????
At 6:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Arluck Seth N.
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you send a letter please use spell check and keep it literate
At 6:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Arluck, why are you not posting thanks to the Pipeline which you opposed!!!! (isn't it the reason why KJ didn't indorse Kelly?!).
You can't have both worlds (No Pipeline AND Kelly), but can have none of them!...
At 7:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Despite many requests for removal and calls denouncing the signage, Upstate Republican activist lumber man Seth Arluck, who seems to blame the Orthodox Jewish Community of Kiryas Joel and Al Qaeda for the defeat of Republican Sue Kelly in her bid for relelection to congress (by Democrat John Hall) , says he will not remove the contetious sign he put up, asserting his right to freedom of speech.
The sign was the product of Seth Arluck, a local Republican activist who volunteered for Rep. Sue Kelly's unsuccessful re-election campaign. Like many local politicos, he believes a last-minute endorsement by the bloc-voting Kiryas Joel carried Kelly's Democratic opponent John Hall to victory.
But the in-your-face response, along with the reference to Al Qaeda, infuriated many Hasidics who called to demand that the sign come down. Dennis Arluck, who said he didn't initially agree with his brother's method of rebuttal, now says he wants him to keep the sign up.
"I'm backing him on it, especially when people say I can't put out a sign expressing my views," Dennis Arluck said. "It's a free speech issue now."
At 9:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Arluck
Your vote for Kelley = Democracy,
While my vote for Hall = Sellout ?!?
Your vote for Small Business Funding = Democracy
While my vote for pipeline funding = Sellout ?!?
Your choice of nastily labeling an entire community = Freedom of Speech,
While my choice to decry it = Oppression ?!?
Your choice to live a suburban lifestyle = Civilization,
While my choice for a City type living = Dark Ages ?!?
Your choice to back a losing candidate = Selfless Politics,
While my choice turning out to be the winner = A Sinister Cabal ?!?
My choosing YOUR CANDIDATE OF CHOICE for the past 12 years = Something unworthy of mention,
While my current backing of her opponent = An event to be publicly posted in ridicule ?!?
C'mon Seth, you had a pretty decent hand, you bet the HOUSE, and lost (barely). Don't be a sore loser.
LK. - (An openminded KJ citizen, who's old enough to know that you "win some and you LOSE some"
At 8:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Al-Qaida, KJ sign on 17M catches flak
By Brendan Scott
November 16, 2006
Times Herald-Record
New Hampton — Seth Arluck isn't the type to hold his tongue.
After all, he's a one-time Bill Clinton campaign volunteer who publicly announced his defection to the Republicans after deciding the Democrats were bad for small businesses.
So, when he returned to the lumberyard he co-owns with his brother last week after a somber night at Republican Rep. Sue Kelly's postelection party, the former Middletown alderman promptly found a venue to express his frustration.
He arranged big, black letters on his sign on Route 17M to read: "CONGRATS AL-QAEDA AND KJ."
"I thought, 'I've got a sign. I'm going to put it in people's faces,'" Arluck said. "Maybe I turned up the heat too high this time."
By "KJ," of course, Arluck was referring to the bloc-voting Hasidic Village of Kiryas Joel, which had thrown crucial support to John Hall, Kelly's Democratic challenger, in the last days of the campaign.
Final vote tallies may yet show that Hall would have won without the village's support. Regardless, Arluck and others see the election result as an example of the disproportionate influence the village of 18,300 can have on local, and even regional, politics.
But linking the goals of a Jewish community to those of Al-Qaida — the Islamic global terrorism network — was too "in-your-face" for many Hasidics.
Within days, photos of the sign began to bounce around the blogosphere. So did Arluck's name and the New Hampton Lumber Co.'s telephone number and e-mail address. Both became conduits of denunciation.
Saved message, Tuesday 5:25 p.m.: "You're anti-Semites. What's about this sign 'al Qaeda?' This is unbelievable. Take down that sign."
Saved message, Wednesday, 1:17 a.m. "Hey, take off that anti-Semitic sign, you (expletive)."
One man called and ordered a load of plywood to Garfield Road "in Monroe," cash-on-delivery. Arluck's assistant looked at a map. Garfield Road is one of Kiryas Joel's main thoroughfares. He didn't send the truck.
There were also a few calls of support: "I read about your situation on the Web, and I just want to let you know that we're behind you. I do not think this is anything sinister or evil. Hang in there and take it easy."
Arluck, who's Jewish, says the debate has only encouraged him to keep the sign in place, if only for a few more days. He likened the criticism to the Islamic world's recent outcries over remarks by the pope or Danish cartoons of Muhammad.
Arluck says his only regret is that he didn't clarify what he meant by including al-Qaida, whom he thinks the Democrats will appease instead of attack.
"The appeasers won," he said. "KJ helped make it happen."
At 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, it finally hit the airwaves WCBS was talking about it at length on the morning news at about 6:35 am and also the Record (newspaper)has a article and pictures about it
News - Al-Qaida, KJ sign on 17M catches flak
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