New York, NY - City Council Vote Raises Its Own Pay
New York, NY - In a 41-5 vote the 51-member City Council gave itself a pay raise, increasing yearly compensation for its members to $112,500 from $90,000.
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At 7:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
I geuss Simcha needs the $$ for sechar limud and to make a chasuna or two
At 8:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Not a bad salary for a guy like Charles Barron. Where else could he even get a job?
When they lose their seats due to term limits, some are going to see real changes in their lifestyle.
At 9:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't mind giving myself a pay raise. My children are growing up and I need to make a few weddings, I would like my own home, and I would love to pay up some outstanding debt. In ten years my husband got exactly one raise. Maybe thats because he cannot give himself a raise!
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is downright disgusting.
That kind of money for what is officailly considered a part time job, including free parking in Downtown Manhattan. They are accountable to no one and they vote as they please. Not hard working at all. Despicalble. The biggest anti semites in NYC, including Charles Barron yemach shemo v'zichro, receiving this pay for spewing forth anti-jewish, anti-semitic hatred. He should drop dead on the streets of NY.
Where is the concept of voting for one's own pay raise. I don't know of any other govt. workers who can vote their own pay raise.
ANother reason why to hate politicians.
The more I think of this, the more outrageous it sounds. SO I will stop now.
THink of those on the city council who you never hear of as proposing anything of significance.
The community is getting blitzed by the sanitation cops for very stupid insignificant violations. Where are the lazy good for nothing councilman to assist you.
One takes absolutely no stand for he is afraid of losing his free plane ride on Bloomy's learjet. He voted to raise our property taxes to be on Bloomy's good side. Everty time Bloomy flew to Israel, this do-nothing went along for the ride.
FIgured out yet who I am referring to??????????????
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder how many more parking tickets they will give to cover the pay raise. Thanks a lot Simcha.
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Attention FLACH-KEPPIG people out there:
Are we so naive to think that the salary is the only income/favors the elected officials receive. SURE, that's why they're killing themselves to get elected. Riboino shel Oilem.
And that's why all the influential people are killing themselves to fund campaigns. WHY?
Only those who know, know.
At 1:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
To:"Anonymous said...
I geuss Simcha needs the $$ for sechar limud and to make a chasuna or two 7:52 PM "
I wouldn't worry for Simcha- bec. of his notoriety, he gets MUCH better discounts than the regular guy.
At 8:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Can someone please list the 5 who voted against?
At 9:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon 1007,
Thank you for agreeing with me that SImcah is nothing but a gross disappointment looking to enrich himself by doing nothing and senidng out flunkies (meter maids, sanit cops, etc.) to do his dirty work and ensure that the city can well afford to pay his salary for doing absolutely nothing.
Can someone please list 5 actions he passed in the City Council. And please, please, don't list the stupid Purim suspension of alternate. That is so ridiculous, it warrants no discussion here.
At 9:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I voice my opinion along with anon 826.
I would like to know the names of those 5 voting against.
I will email them my congratulations on their courageous act.
I emailed several years back those very very few councilmen who voted against Bloomy's property tax increase of 19%. I tahnked them for taking such a strong and courageous stand.
At 8:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can Simcha pull enough strings to close up this blog? He'd prob. love to.
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I do remaber about a year ago when Simcha tried to get the name from the owner of this blog, but I don't know what realy happened at the end.
At 9:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
He sure isn't B'SIMCHA about it (the blog).
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