Jerusalem, Israel +Parade Gets Go-Ahead
Jerusalem, Israel Israel’s attorney-general turned down a request by Jerusalem police to call off this week’s parade.
Attorney-General Menachem Mazuz ruled that the parade, which has drawn threats of violence from fervently Orthodox protestors, could go ahead Friday, but he ordered organizers to confer with police on changing the route so as to reduce friction with Jerusalem’s religious communities.
Dozens of fervently Orthodox Jews in Mea She’arim rioted at the news that the parade was to proceed, blocking off the city’s Shabbas Square with burning trash cans.
The Eda Hcaredis leadership said that although it opposed violent demonstrations, it could do nothing to stop them. Rabbi Moshe Sternbach, head of the Eda Hcaredis Rabbinic Court, said he had specifically ordered his followers not to use violence. "I said 'don't give blows,' but the public is really angry and cannot control itself."
Shmuel Poppenheim, editor of Ha'eda, the mouthpiece of the Eda Hcaredis, said that the rabbis called on their followers to everything in their ability to disrupt citizens' lives. "But everyone knows not to do anything prohibited by the Shulhan Aruch," said Poppenheim.
"Most of the public listen to the call to wear sackcloth and smear ashes on themselves, pray that the abominable march will be canceled and scream gevalt. There is nothing we can do about a few people who lose control."
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oiy Vaiy....
Cheit Chotu Yrishlayim, Al kein l'nidu hoisu, kol m'chabdehu hizilihu, ky rui ervusoh, gam he nen'chu, v'tushoiv uchoir....
This is as sad as it's gets, these uncivilized hoodlums, are c'v gaining ground at home, I think it will be appropriate to be goizer taanes.....
At 8:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
umipnai chataeinu galinu mei'arzeinu
At 11:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
why was no one complaining and rioting about the churches that are up in israel, or about the abortions, or about the prostitution, or about every other aspect that goes on there against the torah but this one they all wake up for???
At 11:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
listen up STAM YID, you are as clueless as it gets. you have absolutely no idea about what you are talking about. maybe you did not demonstrate, but that does not mean there were no protests on the things you mentioned ....and many more things too.
At 12:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Stam Yid: (11:07)
The answer is plain simple. We understand that we cannot change the world, & even some of our own brethren, though we DO TRY. However when such an issue is at hand, we have to show ourselves & the world (even if we won't succeed) that we are Hashem's MORAL nation. The nation chosen to have HaShem's name called upon him CANNOT ALLOW such depravity in its midst (or anywhere).
Secondly, here the issue is to have a *** PRIDE march!?! (murderers pride, rapists pride, robbers pride - how's that?) Their ultimate goal is to get it to seem lawful! Think about it! We do not have to search too hard - this week's Parsha - Sodom & Ammorah - how appropriate!
At 2:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
to stam yid:
There are issues that you riot about when it's in your backyard and the parade is in our backyard and the other issues B"H are not in the our backyard, and the askanim are doing about them too.
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
These reshaim taking the concept of Zionism, for which we daven each and every day, and destroying it by taking one of the more severe abominations described in the Torah and publicly advertising it. WOe onto Klal Yisroel that we are living close to the times of Sodom.
It is finally starting to sink into my head why so much anti-Zionistic sentiment exists. These Zionists are reshaim.
At 11:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
o comeon, i dont see where the protests were for the things i mentioned. this is a parade and granted if its anything like the one they hold in NY, its gonna look like Pirim all over again but that is not the question. I want to know where the shtarke demonstrations were for those things i mentioned. you dont hear a peep about them and you have to admit to that!
At 11:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
EY has all that?! Ich hub nisht g'vist! Mir darf shreyin GEVALD!
farvus shrayt min takeh nisht of dem? chalila a fro gayt aran in mayuh shurim halb nakit. uder m'gayt mishiga iber a eged bus vis iz nisht "kusher" g'nig.
At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
wats the difference if those other thinsg were being protested for or not, right now we have the opportunity to take care of this situation and deal with it. you take care of one thing at a time adn right now this is in our hands
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