Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY - Endorsing Hall over Kelly
Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY - The leadership of the Village of Kiryas Joel is backing Hall over Kelly.
According to Isac Weinberger, of Brooklyn, the Jewish community in the town of Kiryas Joel has backed Democratic challenger John Hall over Republican Sue Kelly in the 19th Congressional District, despite the lobbying of Mayor Michael Bloomberg for Kelly.
Eliot Spitzer and Hillary Clinton, Isac says, lobbied the community for Hall.
U/D: 11/07:06 17:05
Republican Rep. Sue Kelly's is sending out the attack-bots.
In an automated call that has been going out to Westchester voters today, an anonymous male speaker connects the support of Kiryas Joel for Democratic challenger John Hall to a commitment to a "mammoth, new 13-mile pipeline" they wanted.
"There's a reason why KJ is block-voting for John Hall today, and it isn't because he said 'no,'" the caller says. He goes on to give Hall's campaign phone number, and says Hall is "trading the votes of Kiryas Joel in return for a mammoth pipeline that will damage our quality of life in Orange County."
At the end of the message, a voice says that the call was authorized by the Sue Kelly campaign.
At 3:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why? What are these people expecting they will gain from voting for Dems?
At 3:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
bloomberg what is he ever going to give for kj .
he is only giveing a hard time for the aronim .
At 3:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
bloomberg ? what is he ever going to give for kj ?
he is only giving a hard time for the aronim by closing the school.
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Some people dont see past their own noses. how oh how can you vote for the dems.
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kelly will win and Hall can go to KJ and sing Rock n'Roll songs with ......
At 3:51 PM,
ziskeit said…
isack says so. . . did the Village endorsed anyone?
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Spitzer and hillary can do more for then than bloomberg
Good move
At 4:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Of all the bad news that has recently hit the gubernatorial campaign of H. Carl McCall, none, perhaps, was more dispiriting than the fact, heretofore unreported, that Isac Weinberger, of Brooklyn, has pretty much conceded the race to George Pataki. "McCall will lose," he said quietly last week, amid a crowd of fellow McCall supporters at a fund-raiser for Congressman Charles Rangel in midtown. In the dreary land of city and state politics, Isac (as he is known) has invented a singular niche—that of extreme political buff and magpie. Among political professionals, a constant susurration of gossip and information warfare underscores every campaign season; civilians may not hear or care about any of it, but it often determines who represents them in the end. Isac, a unique hybrid of operative, broker, bureaucrat, groupie, and, above all, gossipmonger, probably spends more time than anyone in town moving this chatter along.
Isac is a fifty-five-year-old Hasidic Jew of the Satmar sect who was born in Hungary and brought up in Williamsburg. He is squat and big-bellied, outwardly gruff but often beaming. He began ringing doorbells for Brooklyn Democrats when he was fourteen. His favorite politician of all time is Abe Beame, and it angers him that no building has been named for him. Isac has worked for the city since 1990 (he was a staunch supporter of David Dinkins) and now has a job at a department that he prefers not to name, it being unclear how much official business he conducts there. "I have a desk and a phone," he has been known to say. He makes good use of this phone by passing the hours calling up reporters at every paper in town. "We call him Brooklyn borough chief," Tom Topousis, who covers politics for the Post, says. Isac usually checks in with Topousis several times a day. "So, vhat's cooking?" Isac asks, in his low growl.
"I always feel compelled to tell him something," Topousis said. "It's like I have two masters: my editor and Isac." In exchange, Isac will tell him something: who's endorsing whom, who's lunching with whose enemy, who's writing what for tomorrow. (Or he may bark, "Your story is nothing!") The information is usually good and often useful. "You sell and you buy, you buy and you sell," Isac said. In Room 9, the press headquarters at City Hall, this process repeats itself throughout the morning: one reporter will hang up with Isac, and five seconds later another reporter's phone will ring. ("Incoming!" is another way of saying, "It's Isac!") It is believed that Isac can disseminate a piece of gossip to ten reporters in fifteen minutes.
"He calls me up regularly to pick me dry," Richard Schrader, the political consultant, said. "After he hangs up, the reporters are on me within minutes. It's the verbal equivalent of a boomerang."
For such enthusiasm and efficiency, Isac has earned the admiration, canned though it may sound, of Democratic Party leaders past and present. "He's a dedicated Democratic activist who always has a smile on his face," Hillary Clinton said, through a spokeswoman. "I think he's terrific," said Dinkins.
No one ever writes about Isac, but the reporters do talk about him among themselves. At political events, when Isac buttonholes Bill Clinton or Mario Cuomo, the reporters say, "Who's the guy standing next to Isac?" When Isac is introduced at such functions, they call his cursory dignitarial wave "the Queen Mum." They marvel at his ubiquity: there have been near-simultaneous Isac sightings at events in neighborhoods as far apart as Borough Park and Forest Hills. They speculate that there must be more than one of him.
At the Rangel fund-raiser last week, Isac, in his black coat and yarmulke, stood just inside the door, restlessly awaiting the arrival of elected officials. He greeted many of them with bear hugs, unless they were women, in which case he spoke without touching them. ("They understand," he said. "It's my religion.") Between greetings, Isac stood alone and revelled in the spectacle of politicians and donors milling around to the strains of "The Girl from Ipanema." The arrival of Andrew Cuomo, who dropped out of the race for governor in September (a turn of events for which Isac does not completely disavow responsibility), had Isac practically bouncing. He embraced Cuomo and said, "You'll get them next time. Like I told you in December, in any other race I will support you, as I always supported your father, but this was not your time. It was McCall's." The look that crossed Cuomo's face was, you might say, one of professional forbearance.
Later, as Isac nudged his way toward Rangel, he found himself standing near the actor Chevy Chase, the evening's master of ceremonies. Isac seemed uncharacteristically unimpressed. Someone said, "There's Chevy Chase. Do you know him?"
Isac wasn't sure. "Vhat district?"
At 5:46 PM,
This is a big deal, and a big inidcator of the way the wind is blowing: Kiryas Joel, the Satmar-dominated Upstate village, is endorsing Democrat John Hall against Sue Kelly.
The politics of KJ are legendarily transactional, and the move means a couple of things: That they think Democrats have more to offer, and that Governor Pataki didn't intervene with the state resources he still controls to help Kelly. ("This would never have happened if the governor was paying attention," said one disgusted Republican.)
"John Hall has friends in some very high places that have called and asked for us to support him," said the town's government relations coordinator, Ari Felberman, saying he was referring in particular to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.
He said he expects about 5,000 votes out of the town -- and they usually vote as a block.
This really changes the odds in that race.
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
New York-19: Despite a late visit by former Ambassador Joe Wilson, Rep. Sue Kelly (R) should survive her tough race against musician John Hall (D). Likely Republican Retention.
At 7:36 PM,
Main KJ voting bloc backs Hall over Kelly
Mayor Abraham Wieder and his allies have dropped their support for U.S. Rep. Sue Kelly and will throw a few thousand Kiryas Joel votes tomorrow to her Democratic challenger, John Hall, in a close congressional race.
The decision marks a momentous shift for a largely Republican voting bloc that has lined up this year behind a slew of Democrats, including Hall, Eliot Spitzer, Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo and Alan Hevesi. Hall and his campaign had lobbied hard for the Wieder endorsement.
Two Republican state lawmakers — Sen. William Larkin and Assemblywoman Annie Rabbitt — retained the Wieder team's support.
The village's Democratic-leaning voting bloc, the Kiryas Joel Alliance, endorsed all Democrats in tomorrow's election, including Hall. Alliance voters who get their sample ballots tomorrow, however, will be told to vote for Larkin, who won support at the last minute.
At 10:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
As an outsider it is interesting to note the voting power that this small hamlet "KJ" has, it is only because they vote by a BLOC vote, this should be a lesson to all jewish comunities in the U.S. KO L'Chai.
At 3:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
"....After all that Sue Kelly did for KJ and the frum community....especially when she helped out with the FBOP and other sensitive problems of our community..this is how we pay her back??? supporting her left wing demorat opponent!!!!! Maybe she should not have intervened with the FBOP and other prisons so that many in KJ would still be behind bars instead of on the street voting the wrong way!!!
At 10:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Anon 3:41am you are wrong Sue Kelly turned her back on KJ on many projects she promised because it was politicly correct for her to stay away from KJ lately so now she is getting it back...
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a strong KJ Republican, I held my nose and voted for John Hall against Kelly, for the following reasons.
1) The Anti-terror/Iraq war. If one says a vote against the GOP is for the terrorists, I ask: What better wish can the terrorists have than to continue the current chaos? Sad reality, folks. I wish Bush would be able to do "something" to improve the Iraq situation, but up till now he could not. Let's try something else.
2) Kelly abandoned KJ on several issues because it was convenient for her to be favored by the fierce anti-KJ (not antisemitic at all, just anti-KJ) elements around town. Hall is a novice, with a new beginning, and I hope he learns to work for KJ regarding the few things we want from our DC reps.
3) Pataki didn't lift a finger for Kelly. If he worked her for her, maybe KJ, and people personally, would feel more obligated to her.
4) Kelly/GOP's obscene attacks against Hall that flooded our mailboxes were disgusting, bordering on pornography, in particular the recent ad against Hall with near-naked men. Fuy!!! If the GOP looses Congress only for this reason, good for 'em.
4) NYS will be governed by an all-Dem team, so it helps to go with the flow.
5) The Bush admin. has, really, been really lackluster on many fronts, int'l and domestic. They desperately need a wake-up call and some new faces.
6) KJ village indorsed Hall.
NOTE: If one or more of the previous six points were different, my vote could've been different, but when so much issues of concern combine in one election day, I decided to vote Hall over Kelly. On the statewide level I welcomed the incoming Dem team. On the local level I wholeheartedly supported the GOP officials – they earned my vote.
A U.S. Citizen
Kiryas Joel, NY
19th CD
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
To "Mark Levin",
Maybe, just maybe, you ARE the real Mark Levin, a lonely crazy self hating Jew who spews garbage on his WABC radio show that people (me inbcluded) listen to just for pure entertainment. He makes me and many other people laugh on the way home form work - that's it.
I'm a strong Republican, but your profane rethoric about the Dems is simply disgusting. I don't agree with them on most issues, but take it easy. They use some rethoric that may make people think they are soft on terror, but no normal person believes they like "terrorism, Osama, and Achmajanadingdong" any more than others. Cut the crap, please.
Bush is a good Prez, but he needs a kick in the kishkes. And better staff, a SecDef like Hank Paulson of Treasury, an AG like Rudy, some guys with power muscles. His admin. is sleeping on many fronts.
As for KJ, it comes down to all politics is local. When Kelly decided to abandon the Water Project because the anti-KJ opposition, she planted the seeds for today.
And when she sent obscene disgusting near-naked ads to Heimishe mailboxes, something never before seen in KJ, she sealed her fate. Sorry.
At 4:20 PM,
ziskeit said…
Kelly didnt deliver for KY nothing!!! Yes! again NOTHING!!! she used to promiss everything. but by the End turned around & showed her back to KY. even i'm a republican i really dont think that she deserves it...
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Robo calls, fliers attack Hall for KJ backing
November 07, 2006
Voters in the 19th Congressional District have gotten automated phone calls and fliers today attacking Democratic challenger John Hall by playing on anti-Kiryas Joel sentiment.
The robo-call, which says it was paid for by the Sue Kelly for Congress Committee, claims the Hasidic community dropped its support for the Republican incumbent because "KJ wants a mammoth, new 13-mile pipeline to siphon water out of our aqueduct and Sue Kelly said, 'No.'"
The call goes on to suggest that Hall won Kiryas Joel Mayor Abraham Wieder's endorsement today by agreeing to support a water project "that will damage our quality of life here in Orange County."
Kelly campaign spokesman Jay Townsend couldn't be reached to comment on the calls.
Fliers bearing a similar message, and accompanied by a photo of Hasidic boys lined up outside a school, were handed out in Woodbury — and perhaps other places — this morning. Both the fliers and the phone calls alluded to a Times Herald-Record article today revealing the village's political endorsements.
Kelly didn't — and couldn't — reject Kiryas Joel's request to tap New York City's Catskill Aqueduct. She did try securing a $20 million grant for it, but backed away when neighboring communities put up fierce opposition.
Both campaigns courted Wieder's endorsement, which guarantees a few thousand votes. There is no information about what Hall and Kiryas Joel's leaders have discussed.
Chris McKenna
At 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bloody anti-Semite, don't vote for her. The Republicans will pay a dear price for this.
Shame on you antisemitic and racist republicans.
They are recruiting an African American in Maryland but attacking an African American candidate in Tennessee.
They are recruiting a Jewish candidate in Minnesota but attacking Jews in New York.
At 8:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
the saying goes like this....
"ONE'S YOUR IN DEEP SHIT. IS THE SHIT OVER YOUR HAD", in other word's you behavior get's out of control,
so when this ediot KELLY get's in the deep shit then...........
At 8:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well if the Democrat Hall makes it this will be a HUGE victory for the KJ leadership it will show that you don't mess with them...DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS(KJ)...
At 8:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is interesting to note that the Kelley - Hall fight which includes more then 200,000 votes is being dominated by the KJ votes which is not more then 5,500 votes, every local newspaper,Website, Blog, etc, is busy with Kelley-Hall-KJ today,
At 9:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
How Many Counties are involved in this race?
At 9:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
4 Counties 1) Westchester
2) Rockland
3) Orange
4) Putnam
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
give as another few years and kj will be the 6) county on the list
At 9:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 9:07
u mean the "(5)"
At 1:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
John Hall just called Mayor Abe Wieder to thank him and told him " Abe without you we wouldn't have won! Abe my door is open for you anytime
At 3:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
a big thanks to the (small village) K.J. i'ts all your credit fro bringing in such a good one.
a hall friend
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