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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY - No Trick or Treating in the Village

Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY - Must have seemed like an easy target for kids bent on mischief for Halloween - a community of peaceful Hasidim with tons of densely packed homes to smack with eggs.

But the five high school students - three boys from Monroe-Woodbury and two girls from Washingtonville - who drove into Kiryas Joel with cartons of eggs got a scary surprise when angry residents stopped their car and got into an altercation with two who got out.
As a crowd gathered about 9:30 p.m. at Bakertown Road and Israel Zupnick Drive, the driver hit the gas and sped away, leaving his two buddies to fend for themselves, Investigator Christopher Quick of the New York State Police said. One headed for the hills, and the other was detained until state troopers arrived.

The stranded mischief makers, bruised and sore, came to the state police barracks in Monroe and got tickets for disorderly conduct, Quick said. They are due in court tomorrow morning.


  • At 11:34 AM, Blogger ziskeit said…

    guess what KY is again on the head-lines...

  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger Camp Runamok said…

    The two who got left behind now have a pretty good picture of who is NOT their friend.

    As the saying goes; a friend will bail you out of jail but a really close friend will be sitting next to you in the cell saying "Man! we blew it, didn't we?".

  • At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Serves them right. If you go where you don't belong, you're looking for trouble.

  • At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "As the saying goes; a friend will bail you out of jail but a really close friend will be sitting next to you in the cell saying "Man! we blew it, didn't we?"."

    Who's sayiong is that?

  • At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Way to go KJ!!

  • At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, "ziskeit" - I know you are insinuating that it is a bad thing but this time the headline was fine and there was nothing wrong with "peace-loving Hassidim". Hope the punks were gived a real shake-down.

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Camp Runamok said…

    >Who's sayi[]ng is that?

    It's a joke. Older than the internet even.

  • At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "bruised and sore"???
    UMMMMMM, anyone know why?

  • At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yay ky ! go for it beat those punks make em swallow thoses eggs .poor chickens to lay eggs for this ?

  • At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Camp Runamok said...
    The two who got left behind now have a pretty good picture of who is NOT their friend.

    As the saying goes; a friend will bail you out of jail but a really close friend will be sitting next to you in the cell saying "Man! we blew it, didn't we?".

    11:44 AM


    The way I heard it is " A friend will always help you move. A GOOD friend will help you move the body"

  • At 2:02 PM, Blogger ziskeit said…

    i'm not saying that its a bad thing now. just saying that by now is KJ on the headlines. nothing wrong. i'm also agreeing that they gotta give for this youngsters a good lecture to behave.

  • At 6:31 PM, Blogger yeshivaguy said…

    If you go where you don't belong you're asking for trouble? Who decides where you don't belong? For a long time, the Jews were told that they didn't belong anywhere but in a ghetto. Are you in agreement with that?

  • At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you go somewhere to throw eggs, and that somewhere is a close knit community with its own security patrol, you better be ready for the consequences. Mischief night is not a US national holiday last time I checked, and throwing eggs is a misdemeanor for which these punks will be prosecuted regardless of whether they were roughed up in KJ.

  • At 12:57 AM, Blogger yeshivaguy said…

    Oh, I agree. They have no business throwing eggs. But should they be beaten up for that? I don't think so.

  • At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WAS THE EGGS KOSHER? I think that's why they where beaten up.... Because it wasn't kosher eggs, had it been kosher maybe it wouldn't have happened....

  • At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mir Bakooken di eyer... Those punks work for Ostreichers!


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