Lakewood, NJ - Town Hall Style Meeting To Air Local Concerns
Lakewood, NJ - A town hall-style meeting on several hot-button issues will be held 6 p.m. Wednesday at the municipal building at 231 Third St.
Issues such as Lakewood's muster zone and landlord/tenant concerns will be discussed.
The forum will be hosted by Samuel Z. Brown's Lakewood law firm, which routinely conducts civic awareness seminars in the township.
At 12:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Not agaian....Please no ruckus lakewood is the best plave to live lets help it keep it that way
At 1:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
What the hell is the point of this?? So the powers in town can say "we are listening" and they'll go back to what they've been doing for the past 10 years- screwing the regulat guy over.
At 1:28 PM,
Shtender Bender said…
I'm ready.
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
uneducated yeshiva leit getting up to express their views and opinions in a most inarticulate manner.
what a waste of time.
rather hear what the Agodah said about blogging at the convention.
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
all the hiemeshe policians and the vaad are a bunch of worthless scumbags.untill they don't do something positive for the individual they should not be heard from.
At 12:07 AM,
Shtender Bender said…
To "rochel";
Are you an Agunah?
What did I say that you deem despicable?
At 12:26 AM,
Shtender Bender said…
To anon 1:42pm;
With all due respect, what percentage of the Heimishe yidden worldwide does the Agudah convention represent? Make no mistake about it, it's a very nice thing, but they don't represent more than a narrow margin of Klal Yisroel today. B"H the heimishe world grew by leaps and bounds and maybe not without thanks to Agudas Yisroel, but never-the-less, what representation can they possibly have? If they had 2,500 couples (5,000 people) in attendance, is that indicative of 5% of orthodox Shomrei Torah u'mitzvohs? 10%? Even if they had 20%. Does that mean if they all listen to a pep-rally of select Baalei-batim or "professionals" that we are obligated to follow blindly what they "discussed"? Of course not. Most of their talk topics are "ideas", not guaranteed solutions. Yasher Koach to all those who made it possible indeed and no, I don't know what they "discussed" at the convention about "blogging". But if they really wanted everyone to know what they talk about at the convention, they would make it public. Not selling tapes and videos. Perhaps distribute free tapes so everyone who can't come in person can also "be inspired". Maybe print a book or pamphlet with all the discussions AND have place for reader response so everyone can respond and when they analyze all the responses from the masses, then you can begin to think you have unbiased reporting. To have select responders able to ask a few questions (because time is limited) does not mean everyone agrees to all aspects of topic at hand.
At 3:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
come on now. they would never give this stuff out FREE. Ultimately, this is an orgazniaiton designed to make money meoney money, salaries for people who otherwise would have no jobs out there. Perhaps a few would,like Zwiebel and a few other professionals. Otherwise, the dozens of workers there would have no decent paying job if not for Agudah. Don't be waiting for free tapes, etc. from the convention. NOt happening.
At 4:37 PM,
Shtender Bender said…
Free tapes won't do it indeed.
Free convention tix for the entire weekend, maybe.
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