Monsey, NY - Inadequate Pickup of Recyclables, Why?
Monsey, NY - Shimmy Adler trashes the erratic recycling pickup, he wants to see the recyclables in his neighborhood picked up on a regular schedule. He said that filled recycling bins regularly line Meadow Lane where he lives, as well as neighboring streets, long after their scheduled pickup day has passed, some times they don't pick up for three weeks in a row.
Adler's sought assistance from the Ramapo Department of Public Works, but the calls were followed by the dispatching of a small truck, Adler said, which would pick up the recyclables at his address, while leaving his neighbors' materials behind. "This small truck would be sent just to shut me up," Adler said.
But Ramapo's deputy supervisor, Nat Oberman, said the most common problem with recyclable collections involves cardboard, and that's supposed to be tied and flat, Oberman said, carters don't have time to pick up individual boxes.
"They're not following the rules," said Joseph Miele, owner of Miele Sanitation. "Everything is strewn out in any old way. I can't clean it up if they don't cooperate."
Miele said cardboard boxes, which were the main problem, had to be broken down, tied up or placed in the recyclable containers. We spends hundreds of dollars in overtime on workers, who must break down cardboard boxes and then continue on their routes. "I've talked to the people, and it works for a while," Miele said. It's a nice neighborhood, but it looks like a dump some mornings.
At 9:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice story from your side.
but it reminded me that we're unfortunately still in "Gules" and we can't have everything what we want. sometimes we gotta look on the good side what we have and not on the bad side what we don't have.
in other words: don't make harder your own life, and be happy that this is your only problem thus far! Lol. - A.B.K
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
A.B.K we know why you are happy, today is your birthday!
At 10:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't see why Miele needs to spend hundreds of dollars on overtime workers, flattening out boxes. That's baloney. The machine flattens them out in one second. Maybe they want them tied up with a bow and wrapped in paper, so they should look more attractive?
The bottom line: The guys picking up the trash don't come around when they are supposed to, and when they do, leave trash there and want to be begged to pick it up. They are trying to get a little tip for picking up your garbage; Simple as that. I think we pay enough taxes already so,
I for one, ignore them. If Ramapo wants the place to look like a dump it will. When my trash is properly picked up, I immediately remove my bins, and put them back where they belong. When my trash is not properly picked up, I just let it stay there. Too bad.
At 11:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Only 16 percent of NYC's residential waste gets recycled
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is no reason for the boxes not to get collected weekly or twice weekly!
No! We don't have to fold them!
We pay the highest taxes in the country and the town uses the cheapest/corrupt garbage collection company to do the job!
Supervisor St. Lawrence made this year "Rockland Clean Up Year!
Well it won't happen if Miele will skip picking up boxes every week!
We should all cry out loud and stop this!
They don't collect the garbage and then say that we are makeing a mess of Ramapo!
Who is making a mess?!
My mother is an exremely clean neat lady who always had her boxes put out properly and is the lady who keeps her street clean for over 25 years - Now she just gave up!! She can not handle the mess when Miele is fooling around with us! When Miele does whatever they want, whenever they want!
At 3:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't live in Rockland, but, in my town boxes are supposed to be flattened and tied together also. However, most people don't bother, and yet the trash always gets picked up. I would imagine that the boxes are going to get crushed anyway, so why can't they just throw them into a regular garbage truck with a compactor inside?
At 4:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Know why your trash doesn't get picked up?? Because the guys picking up your trash: zey senen alayn TRASH! SIMPLE! Vehamayvin yovin.
At 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting photo - it shows that the homeowner was out of compliance since the boxes are not broken down and bundled.
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Most people in Monsey try to keep their place VERY CLEAN!!!! (Obviously with some 'very few' exceptions)
Most Monsey residence pay the highest taxes and love their property. They try to keep it clean!
Miele Sanitation is: x?!#X@&X
Sorry but whoever knows who we are dealing with knows why everyone is afraid to say anything outright against them!
It is very unfortunate!
Lets hope that things change soon!!
At 9:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Excuse me!
Monsey people do not live like 'tziganers"!!
Stop blaming your own Jewish brothers when the ?????Miele is at fault!!
At 10:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did you ever look at one of those Miele drivers? Es chapt a pachad! Don't tell me that Monsey people live like tzeganers. 95% of the people have nice lawns and care plenty. Of course there will always be some shlumps around, but for the most part, the lawns are nice. Maybe not 100% manicured, but nice enough. Tell me which frum family has gelt arain tzu varfen in der erd arain all the time?
At 12:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Um, Rockland does not pay the highest taxes in the country. The highest in the country is Passaic County, New Jersey.
At 9:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
The house garbage (bags) were supposed to be picked up this morning a 6:00am (like in the past) - but it was not picked up yet ??
Is Miele playing tricks? Or do they know already that their contract will not be renewed - so they want to punish the town???
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
The whole recycling thing is just a politically correct shenanigan. Most recycling programs costs more money than they save...
At 10:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
i live in a "fancier" part of monsey--and even tho we have beautiful lawns--we ALSO have problems with recycling pick-up. if one goes down my block all too often you will see it look like everyone loves the color blue--that is the paper recycling container--and yes it can be out there for 2 weeks at a time. but when i complain to st. lawerence's (town supervisor)office directly it helps plenty. especially when i tell them that my next call is to the journal news--they would love to put such a beautiful picture of stuffed up boxes and paper garbage all over our "pretty" lawns on the front cover. and i always make sure to ask the sec'y who picks up at st. lawerence's office where my tax dollars are going. that always gets results. so try it. it works!
At 9:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. 12:58am , passaic county does not pay the highest taxes in the country. According to all reports, Beverley Hills is the highest paying, and # 2 is Kings Point L.I.
At 9:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Guys, Paper is worth money! There is a law on the books in NYC fining anyone caught picking up cardboard boxes. Someone who collects these boxes can make as much as 400 dollars a run (using a mini van). The city started to realize that they were losing some paper - revenue (cause they sell the paper to a dealer). why doesn't some one start collecting the paper in monsey and sell it to a paper dealer? (Plastic is not a big revenue, but paper can realy be a money maker) If some one were to fill up a van twice a night they could theoreticaly get 600-800 dollars a night. Not bad for a good nights work and you could stick it to the city. Unless, Monsey also has this law...
At 11:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
"EVERYONE" in Monsey is employed!
Nobody looking to collect boxes cause its still out there! Now the garbage bags are also piling up!
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Complaints pile up over trash, recycling pickup in Ramapo
(Original publication: November 25, 2006)
RAMAPO - Shimmy Adler of Monsey apparently isn't alone in his dissatisfaction with sanitation services in the town.
A report of Adler's concerns last week brought several telephone calls as well as e-mails to The Watcher from residents with similar complaints.
It also launched a series of postings on Voz Iz Neias (, a Web site directed at the Jewish community.
Not all of the ensuing complaints heard by The Watcher, though, came from the Monsey area of Ramapo.
Chris Ann Sarrubbo of the Pomona section of the town, for example, said she found it easy to relate to Adler's complaints about irregular recyclable pickups.
"I felt like I was reading something that I wrote," Sarrubbo said in an e-mail about last week's column.
"There have been weeks that they don't come for the recycling, then it sits at the curb and in bad weather can be really a mess."
Contacted by telephone this week, Sarrubbo said she had the same problem when living in unincorporated Ramapo near Suffern, before moving to her present home 2 1/2 years ago.
"Last week," Sarrubbo said of the week of Nov. 13, "they came Thursday and Saturday," when the scheduled garbage pickup days were Tuesday and Friday.
It seemed to the callers and e-mailers that timely pickups were the exception rather than the rule.
"It gets frustrating when you put it out early in the morning, and then it sits there for three days," Sarrubbo said.
Another e-mailer to The Watcher said it shouldn't be the residents' problem; it should be the town's and the carter's job to make sure the pickups are done when scheduled.
Meanwhile, one of the concerns of bloggers on Vos Iz Neias was an objection to the rule that cardboard boxes had to be flattened and tied, while another said it didn't seem to matter if they were or not: The recycling crews still missed them.
Another blogger said that delayed pickups made the neighborhood unsightly.
One blogger said pickups were made after calls to the office of Ramapo Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence, especially when the caller asks where all the tax dollars are going.
Ramapo Deputy Supervisor Nat Oberman, who is also the receiver of taxes, has told The Watcher that the town would be instituting a new procedure for processing complaints about sanitation services.
When people call Town Hall, or the Department of Public Works, which oversees the collection of garbage and recyclables from 6,200 households, the complaints are referred to the carter, Miele Sanitation.
The new twist will be that the town will later call the resident to see if the pickup was made.
In an interview last week, Oberman said that while people "got emotional" about their sanitation services, the number of complaints was only about 3 percent.
That's about 186 complaints on any collection date.
He said the call-back system would eliminate "90 percent of the problem."
Joseph Miele of Miele Sanitation couldn't be reached at his Closter, N.J., office yesterday.
He said last week that his crews were slowed by recyclables "strewn out in any old way," and by residents who leave their cardboard boxes intact so that the workers have to take the time t break them down.
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