Monsey, NY - Preschool Allowed to Stay Through School Year's End, But Only After Agreeing To Pay Alot
Monsey, NY - A preschool for developmentally disabled children that faced eviction will be allowed to remain at its location until the end of the school year.
The decision came following negotiations between HASC, and Congregation Birchos Yosef, said Marcy Glicksman, HASC's program director. Congregation Birchos Yosef is buying the property on which the school is located from its owner, the Monsey Jewish Center. "The buyer did settle with us," Glicksman said. "We're sending a note to parents now. It's very comforting to know that we have a home, at least for a little longer."
After the center finalized the sale of its property, it moved in state Supreme Court to evict the school. HASC wanted to remain in its Route 306 location until the end of the school year.
An acting state Supreme Court justice ruled that the owners of the Monsey Jewish Center could evict HASC. The school filed an appeal but was also negotiating with the buyers to let students remain until June 2007.
Officials at HASC gave no details of the agreement but said an offer of substantially higher rent to the new owners clinched the deal. The academy paid $95,000 annually in rent to the Monsey Jewish Center. "It was about a number they were happy with. It was for a lot more money than we would have liked to spend," Jeanne Alter, chief school administrator, said.
At 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
this shows true love for a fellow jew !
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
HASC gets more than $25,000 a year from NY State for each child. They can afford to pay rent or buy the building themselves.
Please don't forget the concert. Tickets on sale now for January 14, 2007.
At 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who is the private builder that is using the Congregation as a front for his personal gain?
At 6:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
well someone please tell the Kahn's this is finailly money well spent on behalf of the children of HASC and not their own (Kahn)family expenses
At 9:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
2:46 I love people like you who are always dan l'kaf choiv your fellow jew.
I happen to know personally that this is a real, true totally legitimate congregation in Monsey. they actually DO have a big shul (with NOBODY living in it - it's exclusively a shul). In fact, I've been to their shul many, many, many times. So there you go.
At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please dont wait until you need to use the services of Hasc Lo Aleinu before you begin to appreciate the Chessed they do every single second of the day....Its very easy to talk not so easy to find out if anything you are saying is true! Spend one day at any one of thousands of programs they offer and you may feel the need to do some sincere Teshuva!
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